Chapter 24

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My head shot up, he had thrown another cold bucket of water at me. My back was hurting and I could feel a mix of water and blood streaming down. I had lost count long ago, now hoping it would soon be over. It had felt like ages, the pain just kept going. He just kept hitting, adding a new wound to the collection every time. I screamed as the whip hit my back, the pain becoming intense for a moment to thereafter die out and become a constant pain never leaving. My eyes were burning, but I wasn't able to rub them. My legs slowly cramping, but not able to stretch them. My body was weak, exhausted from the pain seeing through my body. I arched my back as he hit once more, the pain flaring up just to die out, the same pattern over and over again. I didn't know how much time had passed. My head was dizzy, spinning always on the edge to passing out, but whenever I got relieved from the pain he would wake me up with a bucket of water. Midways he had started using salt water, since the cold water alone hadn't wakened me up, now searing pain from the salt in the wounds would help. I clenched my teeth, trying not to scream. He laughed behind me, and I shivered. His laughter sounded so cold. "Well my darling, let's play a game-" He interrupted himself as he let the whip fall, I screamed, not prepared- "Every time you scream-" He hit me once again, and I screamed even louder- "You'll get one more lash-" once again he hammered the whip down, to emphasize every sentence, I screamed I tried to hold it back, but couldn't- "do you understand?" He let the whip fall, a little harder this time. I clenched my teeth, managing not to scream. I nodded, and tears started rolling again, I couldn't keep going. He hit me three times more, I had so far managed not to scream. He snarled in frustration, and shouted as he led the whip down, I arched my back screaming louder than ever before. I collapsed, my arms giving up, I couldnøt carry my own weight. He laughed in triumph, as everything slowly went black, "That scream gained you two lashes..." I wired my head confused, nothing made sense... 

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