♥Chapter 7♥

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I grabbed my phone from the locker and I was out the door before anyone else. I walked outside and sat down, on the grass giving me view to her classroom door. I waited, but she didn't go out. I waited until I was sure that my classmates had left, I sneaked back in and looked at her schedule for the year. she was done late on Tuesdays. she had History now, it sounded boring and I felt with her.

I went outside again when it started to rain. I ran inside and settled behind a locker, knowing she would walk past me to get home. "Hey mom, I'm gonna come home a little later. I'm at Jacobs." I quickly texted so she wouldn't become suspicious.

I heard the bell, and then the door opened. her classmates walked past me, but she didn't come out. I started to become worried, she had been free to go for almost 30 minutes, her teacher hadn't come out either. I heard them talking before I saw it, her eyes were shining with joy as she walked beside the teacher. I could tell that she enjoyed History. Just like me, weird that we already had so much in common.

I followed her home, fantasizing about all the scenarios that could happen if I accidentally bumped into her. I noticed that she was close to her house, I started to build up the courage to go talk with her. when she turned up her driveway, I had missed it. I stopped a little down the road, maybe I should go back. I stood there a while when it started raining again. I quickly walked the rest of the way home, not once her leaving my mind.

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