♥Chapter 29♥

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I carefully lifted her, trying not to wake her up. I laid her down on her bed. She looked peaceful. She didn't have that wrinkle between her eyes like she was constantly worried. I wanted her to look like this for eternity. I sighed, I had to get back to my chores before my mom became worried and started looking for me. I walked up the stairs, thinking of what had happened in the past couple of days. She had changed a lot, she didn't look at me with fear and hatred in her eyes anymore. Now they were filled with worry and she always looked thoughtful in some way or another. She always resisted whatever I did, but she always became willing very quickly, I never did anything, and I could see it wasn't because of fear. It was more of, she was planning something. I hammered my fist into the wall, why couldn't I figure her out! I trusted her and yet I had this gut feeling that I shouldn't, "Honey! What  happened?" It was my mom, "nothing I tripped over something!" I yelled back hoping she wouldn't come to check on me. "Mmm, okay. Can you stay in your room tonight?" I paused for a moment, why did she want me to stay in my room. Oh well, more time with her, I shrugged my shoulders and opened my mouth "Thank you, I'm going out tonight as well. See ya!" I heard the front door slam, she was probably going out to find another man. "Bye, mom..." I sighed a lump starting to form in my throat, she didn't care about me. My own mom didn't care, not like she did. I went over and walked down the stairs, I had to get some comfort and she was the only one who could give it to me.

I opened the door and peeked in, she was awake and sat on the bed fidgeting with the end of one of the ropes. She looked up and smiled shyly to me. I smiled back and closed the door behind me. I walked over to her and leaned in over her. She looked at me, slightly shocked as I lifted her chin, forcing her to look at me. I leaned further down and took a deep breath, her fragrance making me aroused. I started kissing her neck, slowly going upwards. I slowly started forcing her down, I laid on top of her, resting on my arms. I started kissing her neck again, this time I went down. I heard her gasp and she started resisting. "Shh... It will be easier if you relax... shh..." I tried to calm her down, but it didn't seem to work. She started crying, I could hear the sobs and it broke my heart a little, but I couldn't resist it. Her body, her fragrance, it only made me more aroused. I gasped and fell on top of her, the pain. She had kicked me, just right. My eyes widened in shock. She rolled me over so she was on top. "I'm sorry, I truly am..." Tears streaming down her face, I lifted my hand to wipe the tear away, but I never got so far. She threw the end of the rope around my wrist. She had made a loop earlier, when I had been unfocused, she tied my hand down and quickly gained control of the other. I pulled in the ropes, they didn't budge. She backed away from her bed, slowly. I yelled at her, and pulled even harder,  I had to get rid of the ropes. I had to make her stay, tears welled up in my eyes. "Wait, please... please stay!" I called out frantically, as her hands searched for the door handle. She kept her eyes locked at mine, "I can't, I have to get away. I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore." She opened the door and backed out. She slammed it and it locked as my heart broke... I screamed in frustration, she had been right here. So close and yet she had left me. I  hated her, I hated her. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled, pulling even harder in the ropes, they ruined my skin, making me bleed. The pain distracted me for a moment, from the pain inside. I fell back, feeling hopeless. The tears started falling uncontrollably now. I missed her already.

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