♥Chapter 3♥

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I sighed heavily and turned again, I hadn't been able to sleep. she had kept me up all night, tomorrow was gonna be a tough day.

I walked to her house, the clock was 7:40 am a little later than I wanted, but it would have to do. I waited at the corner down the hill from where she lived, hoping I would catch a glimpse of her when she left. I stood there for 11 minutes when I saw her coming out from their driveway. she was easy to recognize, the girl beside her wore lighter clothing and her hair was lighter. she looked even prettier today.

I followed them to school, pretending I walked the same way. "See ya," she said to the other girl and turned onto the school property. I walked after her, hoping I would get to see where her classroom was.

I put down my things, and went out into the hallways once again, hoping to catch one more glimpse of her before class started. She wasn't out in the hallway, so I walked by her class and looked inside. I could see her sitting bend over a book with her hair falling, covering her face. She pulled it behind her ear, and not once looking up.

I saw my teacher coming towards me, he smiled "good morning professor" I greeted him. he nodded "good morning" we walked to class and I found my desk. I pulled out my book and started reading it. I couldn't concentrate, I found it boring for some reason and she filled my mind. I should try and find out which books she likes to read, I thought to myself.

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