Chapter 30

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I ran up the stairs. I had to get away, I wiped my tears and tripped. I gasped and closed my eyes to hold back the tears. "Don't cry, no more," I said to myself, I got up and walked the rest of the way, I took a deep breath and let it all out before I stepped out into his room. It was dark, it was night. I slowly started walking, careful where I stepped. "I HATE YOU!" I turned to the trapdoor, expecting him to come running after me any moment now. I backed and tripped over something, I fell to the floor, hitting my head. I sat up disoriented and dizzy. I slowly got up on one knee and got up. I swayed and took me to the head. I probably had a concussion. I stumbled over to his door, and opened it, and tripped forward. I scrapped my knee, and fell down the stairs, "For fuck sake, stupid stairs..." I mumbled to myself, I got up and held a hand on the wall for support. I opened the front door, expecting it to be locked, I narrowed my eyes as the street lights blinded me. I stumbled out on the patio and started walking down the path to the road. I tripped several times, but I had to keep going. I had to get away, I stumbled out on the road and started walking in the direction I thought the hospital was. I stumbled forward, suddenly dizzy. Everything was spinning, the edges of my vision started turning blurry. I stumbled forward yet again, but managed to stay on my feet, I took a few unsecured steps and tripped. I landed hard on the ground, and I gasped. I could feel myself slipping away, I blinked clearing my vision a little before the darkness came back... It was actually pretty comfortable right here, I sighed surrendering to the darkness, I smiled. I had escaped...

I opened my eyes but regretting as I closed them again. The light blinding me, I heard a steady beeping, and I opened my eyes once again. This time more careful, I looked around or tried. I was in a white room, filled with machines hooked to me. 2 dark figures, standing in the corner, whispering. I shook my head, trying to clear my vision. I opened my mouth to say something, but only a hoarse sound came over my lips. My head fell back and I slipped into unconsciousness again. 

I moved my head, something was beeping beside me. It felt like it was right beside my ear, it was annoying. I sighed and slowly opened my eyes. A bright light blinded me and I closed them again. I turned my head to the side, opening my eyes yet again. There was a woman in a white robe talking to 2 people, I narrowed my eyes trying to focus. I gasped as it sent needles through my brain. I blinked and I had a glimpse of the 2 people, "mom... dad..." I whispered, my voice couldn't muster more. They walked closer to me, the woman laying a hand on my face. "Yes, sweety?" She leaned down giving me a tight hug, I hugged back. My dad helped me up until I was sitting in the bed, they pulled two chairs closer. My dad holding my hand, slowly stroking it with his thumb. My mom had a hand on my leg, I started crying. I couldn't stop it, I had missed them so much. "I... I miss... missed you so... so much!" I cried, barely understandable. My parents getting to their feet, hugging me tightly. "Shh... Were together now, it's going to be okay..." We stood like this for a long time, minutes maybe hours. There was a knock on the door disrupting our moment, they backed away, but never letting me go completely, they kept a hand on my back making me feel safe. "Miss..?" She asked, trying to get my name. I looked up at my parents, I couldn't remember "Uhm... Sara... no, Uhm Sophia? Argh! I can't remember" I snarled frustrated, how could I not remember my own name. "...Sira" My mom said it, filled with so much love. I looked up at her smiling thankfully, the name Sira had made some bells ring. I nodded "Yes, Sira. Is there a problem?" I asked suddenly worried. "No no, there's someone who wants to see you-" she laughed nervously- "alone." She added looking at my parents. I looked at them and nodded, "It's okay, it will only take a few minutes." They gave me a quick hug and left with the nurse, they looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back suddenly nervous, who was it?

 A few minutes passed, but no one came to see me. I opened my mouth ready to call for my parents when the door opened. I heard someone sigh, and then he stepped in. He smiled cruelly at me, "Hello, my love." He gritted, looking at me with an evil grin. I sat there, I couldn't speak, he... he was here?! I took a deep breath, ready to start screaming. He smacked a hand for my mouth, and pulled me closer, "Shhh... It's just us... Shh..." Not once did he take his hand from my mouth, I looked at him, scared of what he would do. I started resisting, trying to get free. He forced me down on the floor, sitting on top of me. He removed his hand from my mouth, just to strangle me. I gasped, I couldn't breathe. I wiggled trying to make him release me. I grabbed a hold of his wrist and tried to rip his hand away, "ah... No," He said sternly, tightening his grip. I could feel my vision become blurry and black spots started dancing around on my vision. He loosened the grip, letting me get some air, and blocked my airways again so I didn't have a chance to scream. He leaned closer to me, His lips pecked my cheek. "Now I want you to listen very closely..." He paused for a brief moment, making sure I understood, "if you tell them who I am, I will come for you. No. Every single person you love." He turned my head, kissing me on the mouth. "Remember I'm watching." He whispered into my ear, his grip tightening around my neck. I opened my mouth, hoping to get some air. I blinked, I had to stay awake. My eyes rolled back as I fell into unconsciousness.

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