♥Chapter 21♥

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I shook my head, I had to concentrate just a little longer. I looked up at the clock, 25 minutes, then I could go home. I couldn't stop thinking of her, tied up in my basement. I sighed, I could do this. It was Friday, my parents wouldn't be home the entire weekend. Then I could spend time with her. I shook my head again. I had to make her stop screaming. When I had left the day before, she had been quiet for the first few minutes. I think she had tested the ropes, as she figured out that she couldn't move, she had started screaming. She had been screaming most of the night, but as the clock strikes midnight, her screams had slowly turned into stifled cries. I had ended up sitting on the stairs down to her room, wondering if I should go in and make her shut up. When she had finally stopped crying, I had peeked in to look at her. She had been trying to turn in her sleep, a scared look imprinted on her face. I had closed the door thinking she would be quiet, the rest of the night. She had then started screaming, it had probably been a nightmare because she had stopped the screaming, relatively quick. She had then cried the most of the night. When I finally fell asleep, I woke up already late, so I hadn't had time to give her breakfast either.

My teacher snapped in front of me, "You look tired..." I looked up at him and realized, that I had been free to go the last 10 minutes. I flew up grabbed my things and was ready to leave within a minute. "I'm going to be late for the bus! Sorry sir, have a nice weekend!" I had shouted as I stormed out the door. I ran all the way to the bus stop and just exactly made it. I nodded friendly to the bus driver and went down in the back to get a seating furthest away from people.

I turned up into the driveway, and smiled, my parents had already gone away. I walked inside and shouted "Hello! Mom, Dad?" no answer I was home alone. I ran up into my room and threw my bag in the corner, I stumbled down the stairs to her room and hammered the door open, in excitement. She mumbled, she sounded worried. I looked at her, the blanket was just exactly covering her body, it had slid down through the night, and now it was midway up her thighs. The same with her breast, it just covered. I felt the heat from yesterday, rise in my body again. She looked stunning. She broke the stream of thoughts, when she started screaming and tried to sit up, but couldn't since she was tied down. She started screaming even more. I ran over and got down on my knees, and started stroking her hair gently, comforting her. She looked up at me, with a mix of anger, hatred, and fear flashing over her face, so quickly I doubted that it had even been there. She looked at me with a cold look in her eyes, it felt like she demanded me to look in her eyes, a mix of green, grey, blue and brown. They were beautiful.

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