Chapter 2

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Quinn's POV 

My alarm beeps through my room, immediately waking me up. I groan and twist to face my phone turning off the alarm as I smack it. After I used the bathroom I look at my phone which taunts me from the pillow I left it on. I walk over and sit on my bed with a huff. I open my phone and look at my home screen, a photo of Rachel laying on my bed with her arms tangle around me while I lay my head on her chest, I smile at the photo and go to call my girlfriend. She picks up after the first ring. 

"Good morning Rachy baby. " 

"Good morning baby." I know how wide Rachel is smiling right now and it makes me smile just as wide. I love her voice being one of the first things I hear in the morning. "Why are you calling so early? Are you picking me up early? Are you outside my house? I'm not dressed." Rachel rambles quickly. 

"No I am at home sitting on my bed about to get ready." 

"Okay and.." I shake my head, she is so impatient. 

"Last night you freaked out about a spider even though I knew you were lying and there was no spider." I pause and Rachel stays silent. "What happened Rachel?" I ask in a stern voice. 

"It was nothing." Rachel says ominously. I smack my forehead, why is she so stubborn. "I'll tell you about it some other time." There it is. 

"Are you serious." 

"Quinn, do you trust me?" 

"Oh my gosh yes. More than I trust my own mother." I rush out the words as quickly as my mouth can. 

"Than you have nothing to worry about."  That's quite ambiguous I think there is something I need to worry about. God damn this girl is going to be the death of me.   

"What is that supposed to mean?" 

"It means I love you more than anything in the whole wide world." I bite my lip to hide a smile. 

"I love you and I do trust. But this is weird and I will need answers at some point." 

"And you will get them." I need to see her face and kiss that shit-eating grin off her face. 

"Fine, I will be there at the same time as usual."  

"Bye Quinnie." 

"Come up with a better nickname you know how I feel about that name." Its what my mom calls me, it feels weird coming out of my lovers mouth. 

"Goodbye, Love." 

"That is better goodbye Rachy baby." I hang up and smile. Love, not a bad nickname a little bland but its better than Quinnie. I shake my head and get up to finish getting ready for school.  

On the way to Rachel's house her words replay in my head. 'Goodbye, love.' I stop in her driveway and walk up to her front door. I knock once and when I go to knock again the door flies open. 

"Hey, love." Rachel flings her arms around my neck and I curl my hands around her waist. 

"It sounds better the second time." I smile and pull from the hug. Rachel looks at her feet and smiles shyly. "Come on lets go to school." I grab her hand and drag her to my car. I open the door and watch her sit down before closing the door for her. As I walk to the drivers side I see her through the windshield texting someone. When I get in the car her phone is put away. We stay quiet as I drive off. 

"Quinn." Rachel breaks the silence and I give her a quick glance. "Noah and I are going to hang out Friday. You and I hang out a lot and I like it. But I need time for my best friend." 

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