Chapter 20

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This is dedicated to Naya Rivera  

"I'm about to go all Lima heights." 

"Please I've had mono so many times it turned into stereo." 

"You are a horrible person who never had a nice word to say about Finn Hudson. So don't you dare think for a second that he didn't hate you too." -

"Quinn! Quit hogging the bathroom I need to re-pencil my eyebrows on." 

"You did this to me you told coach Sylvester about my summer surgery." 

"Maybe Blaine grew weary of dating a breathier more feminine Quinn Fabray."  

Tell me your favorite Santana quote/moment  

Quinn's POV

Rachel has her knees on either side of me and is holding herself up by my shoulders. I want to try the silicone that Puck got for us, even though it is really weird that he got it. I am going to thank him if this goes well. Rachel looks worriedly down at me as she sits just above the silicone. 

"I said it's going to be okay Rach." I put my hand on the side of her face and rub it with my thumb, I put my other hand down in between us and rest it on the underside of her thigh. I laugh as I remember what I did in the mirror earlier. I didn't know my hips could move like that, I'm Shakira to say the least. 

"Stop laughing at me. I'm scared." Rachel sticks her lip out and pouts at me. I rub her thigh for a second then move both of my hands to her waist so I can lower her when she is ready. 

"I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at myself because I was thrusting in the mirror." I giggle and so does she. Then it gets quiet for a moment as I look deep into her chocolate eyes that I love. Her body moves the slightest and the cold silicone touches her thigh. 

"Keep talking." Rachel instructs and I raise my eyebrow at her. 

"What about, are you actually going to do it? I don't think I am even ready for what is about to happen" I tap my fingers on her waist. 

"No I am not going to go now. I'm scared it is going to hurt. Didn't it hurt the first time you did it?" She asks and I can't help but smile at her helplessness. 

"Yes it hurt quite a bit." Rachel's expression immediately changes and she looks even more worried than before. She shifts a little and it looks like she is about to climb off so I tighten my grip on her waist and keep her in place. "But you are in a totally different situation." 

"What do you mean?" Rachel's hands move to the side of my face because she doesn't have to hold her weight up anymore, she knows I am holding her up. There isn't much weight to hold anyway. 

"I mean I already took your virginity and I can fit 2 fingers inside of you. This," I look down at the pink silicone attached to my hips. "is only 2 and a half fingers wide. You are going to be fine I promise." I give her my most genuine smile and I buck my hips up and to the side so it hits her thigh again. The more I touch her with it the more she is getting used to it. 

"Tell me about your first time. I already heard your other time." She rolls her big chocolate eyes at me and I feel like kissing that expression off of her face so I do. I lean forward and let my lips do some of the talking to convince her she will be fine. I kiss her letting my tongue drag across her lip as soon as her tongue goes to tuck into my mouth I pull back from her. 

"The first time I had sex was kind of a bad experience." I look away from my beautiful girlfriend and at the wall to try and remember that night. I have been blocking it out as best as I can ever since I kissed Rachel during spin the bottle all those months ago. "Puck got me drunk. Not totally drunk but drunk enough for me to loose my judgement. He undressed me, flipped me onto my stomach and so very slowly penetrated me." Rachel looks at me with sorry eyes. "It hurt like hell but I let him do it anyway. In someways it made me feel like a woman and in other ways in made me feel like a silly child." I look up into Rachel's eyes and give her a big smile. "Like I have said before you have had a lot of experience I had none. You were trained by the best so you should be fine." I feel her sit down on my lap as the silicone is on the other side of her thigh pushing her closer to me. She hugs me tightly so I reach my hands up and wrap them around her back securing her to me. 

"I love you Quinn. I don't know if you realized this or not but Noah rapped you." I push out of her embrace and look up into her dark eyes. "You were drunk so he raped you." I get a look of horror on my face. 

"We should do this now before I go call him." I place my hands back on her waist and she lets me lift her up. 

"I don't know if I can." Rachel admits and turns her head to the side to avoid my gaze. 

"You can do anything Rachel. You have proved that to me a million times before." She snaps her head back to me and smiles as she places her hands on my shoulders. "What is 7 inches going to do to you? Split you in half? No it's not. If it hurts we can stop. This all you, okay?" I soften my expression and she nods a couple of times so I nod in return. 

"I think I am ready." Rachel admits and looks down between her legs, I don't know if she can see it but it is there, waiting for her almost.  

"Are you sure?" I ask and put my hand down in between her legs. 

"Yes." I give her a quick kiss on the lips, I place my fingers right on the entrance to lop up some of her wetness. I then proceed to put the wet on my finger on the tip of the silicone so it will go in easy. "Go slow and tell me when you are about to go in." I tear my eyes away from the red thing and look at at Rachel for a moment to nod at her. 

"Okay." I leave one of my hands on her waist and put the other at the base of the sizable silicone. "I am going to push you down onto it now." 

"Okay." She responds, closes her eyes and I suspect braces herself for the worst. I mentally prepare myself for the coming events. I am going to be thrusting into my woman like how a guy thrusts into a girl. I make myself more excited to be inside of her, I won't be able to feel her but I will be able to give her extreme please. I slowly start pushing her down and guiding my hips up into her. The tip touches her entrance and she gasps. 

"Slower." Her teeth are gritted which makes me turned on and want to thrust into her as hard as I can but I don't. I will do anything she says even if that's jumping off of a bridge. I start my movement again slower this time letting her body weight drop onto the thing so I don't force it in. A moan falls from her lips as it goes deeper. 

"See it doesn't hurt." I laugh as I lift her up then lower her back down in what seems like slow motion. 

"Holy shit." Her fingers dig into my shoulders driving me more insane. "This is what I have been missing." Rachel's head tilts back and her mouth falls open. 

"Apparently. I didn't think you would like this much." I am kind of feeling jealous of the strap on right now because I thought I was doing a good job on her. I guess I need to step up my game when I am not using this. I lift her by the waist and hold her in place as I move my hips up and down into her. I keep my thrusts slow so I don't push her to far, I don't see that happening by her orgasmic reaction to the thing.  

"Go faster." Rachel moans out and looks into my eyes for the first time I have started. 

"Oh yeah?" I say through barred teeth and look deep into the eyes I love. I thrust my hips up faster and curl them a little bit to try and hit the spot I've found that makes her even noisier. A loud deep moan fills the living room. There it is. I get an evil grin on my face as I continue my assault on the girl. We look deep into each other's eyes as I pummel her. I can feel the love pouring out of her, I see the love pouring out of her. I move one of my hands down and into her folds to rub the nub there. She jolts under my touch and I get another wicked grin on my face. Seeing her like this is making my insides burn. I roll the small nub in my fingers getting a brilliant reaction from her. The moan and cries coming from her make me want to bust but I'm not about to bust she is. I can tell by that look, she squints her eyes and bites her bottom lip. 

"Stop thrusting I want to." I do as she tells me and I sit down on the couch and remove my hand from her folds. I put my hands on her waist for stability as she starts to quickly bounce up and down on the silicone. I can feel her pounding on it but I can't truly feel it. I can't feel it like a man can feel it but I can see it and that's all I need. All I need is Rachel. I move my thumb back to the nub and rub it a couple times. I feel her body tighter as she quickens her movements. 

"Come for me." Rachel keeps bouncing its almost like she didn't hear me. I place my hand on either side of her face and force her to look down at me as she is feeling this extreme pleasure. "Come for me." I snarl a couple times. My words send her over the edge and she completely unfolds while staring deeply into my eyes. Her eyes change color for a moment as she does, they turn almost to light brown as her body shakes for a couple seconds. I get another wicked grin on my face as she removes herself from the silicone and flops down next to me. 

"You could have told me it was going to feel like that." I unbuckle the straps and take it off of me so I can cuddle my sweaty girlfriend. 

"It's not my fault." I throw the black belt on the floor then take Rachel into my arms. "If I can I will make you feel like that everyday of your life." I nip at her ears and tuck my face into her neck. 

"Fine by me." She kisses the side of my head before I push her down so my arms are wrapped around her torso and I am laying completely on top of her. Her back is pressed against the couch and her head finally falls back, she is fully relaxed just like I am. "I love you so much Quinn." She pets my hair. 

"I love you too Rachel."   

A couple hours go by of us sitting on the couch watching movies when Puck calls me out of the middle of nowhere. 

"I'll be right back Rach." I kiss her on the cheek and walk out of the living room to answer the beeping phone in my hand. I press the phone to my cheek as I walk out of the front door to get some privacy. 

"Hey Momma." I roll my eyes knowing Puck has a wide grin on his face. 

"Hey Papa. I want to thank you for what you gave us." I turn around making sure Rachel didn't follow me, she didn't thank God. 

"So you used it." 

"Maybe. Maybe Rachel was screaming my name at the top of her lungs making me want to drill her harder." I smile at the memory of seeing her bouncing above me. "I never thought I would need something like that. It works miracles Puckerman, miracles." Puck laughs in return. 

"All lesbians need one I was just giving you a head start. I'm glad you like it." Puck deadpans for a moment and I also stay silent not knowing how to respond. "I'm having a party tonight at 8. Everyone in our class is going to be there. It's a party saying hello to senior year." Puck's voice is cheery and it makes a smile play across my face. "You and Rach are coming , right?" 

"Who is your best friends?" I ask already knowing the answer. 

"My Momma and Rachel Berry." Puck responds and I hear a thud, I come to conclusion that he is stocking a cooler. I sit down on the porch steps while watching the cars drive down the road. 

"Your best friends are coming to the party." I smile. "Do you want us to come over early to help out? Anything to repay for what you got us." I whisper the last part. 

"Um no. I got all the alcohol and everything. I just have to put it coolers." I called it. I knew that's what he was doing. I hear a grunt probably from him lifting something. "Make sure Rachel doesn't wear anything stupid please." I laugh because she only wears stupid clothes but I love her skirts. "Why are you laughing?" 

"Because she only wears stupid clothes. Remember that pale green hideous dress she wore that party she had in February." That party she had was one of the best nights of my life because it was the first time I ever kissed Rachel. 

"What do you mean it was hideous?" Rachel opens the glass door and sits down next to me. Oh shit I am a dead woman.  

"Busted." I call out into the phone and click it onto speaker so Rachel can hear and talk. "Your on speaker." I inform Puck and look at Rachel who has her arms crossed over her chest. 

"It was fugly Rachel and you know it." Puck says with a laugh. "Does she know?" Puck asks. 

"No I'll tell her." 

"Tell me what?" Rachel looks at me with her big chocolate eyes and I get lost for a moment. 

"Party at Puck's at 8." I inform my girl with a smile. 

"Don't wear that green dress or something stupid." Puck snaps his letters. 

"Fine I'll wear something else. I'm leaving this conversation." Rachel uses her palms and gets off of the concrete. 

"So am I. Bye Puck." I also stand up following Rachel into her house. 

"See you see Momma and Rachel." I hang up the phone and slide it into the pajama shorts pockets. 

"So what are you going to wear then." I add emphasis on are because I truly don't know what she is going to wear. I grab Rachel's arm and pull her into my body. Her arms press on my chest making sure her lips don't connect with mine. 

"A dress that's pretty and not stupid." Her voice is almost sad and it makes me feel bad for only a moment. Because she picks out her own damn clothes if they are ugly it's her fault. 

"Okay." I kiss her on the forehead making sure to linger. "I'm going to go home, get dressed, take a shower and make sure I don't wear something stupid." I laugh and Rachel tries pushing out of my arms obviously not amused. 

"I don't want you to go." Rachel sticks her bottom lip pouting at me. It makes me want to stay here with Rachel all day and go to the party looking like the rag-a muffin I do right now. 

"Me neither." I bite my lip as I get an idea. "When I come back," I plant a quick kiss on her plump lips. "we can go to dinner." I kiss her again slower and longer this time. "Maybe see a movie." I miss her lips the next kiss and attach to her neck. "Just for security at this party." Rachel turns her head to the side and moans lightly as I leave a couple large red marks on her neck. Claiming her as mine even though I basically proposed to the girl and she has a ring on her finger. 

"Okay. I'll be waiting my Love." Rachel takes a hold of my face and plants a long kiss on my lips to say goodbye for the hour or two that we are going to be apart. 

"Bye baby I'll see you in like 2 hours or something." I give her one last kiss before getting my cars keys and walking out of her house. I wave to Rachel on the front door step as I drive away.   

I keep it safe and wear a plain gray t-shirt and jeans just in case something happens with Rachel because I am not drinking. I have had my problems with drinking but I'm almost positive that Rachel will be drinking. So far she hasn't had any bad experiences with alcohol so she isn't turned off of it like I am. I take my time getting ready as to tease Rachel. 

When I get back to Rachel's she is waiting on the porch in her pink striped dress. It's casual but she looks absolutely beautiful. I smile as I get out of the car because I missed her in the couple hours we were apart. 

"I missed you." I say as she runs up to me and clashes into my body. I wrap my arms around her thin frame placing a kiss on top of her hair. 

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