Chapter 6

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Quinn's POV    

Its Monday morning I texted Rachel telling her I was going to pick her up to drive her to school. She refused and said Puck was going to driving her. Great, we made up and said we weren't going to be distant but there she goes being distant again. If we truly love each other, which we do, this whole thing should work out just fine. I love her too much to lose her to someone like Jesse, a washed out dreamer that will be a nobody his whole life. I turn on Metallica on the way to school, they remind me of Rachel also Puck and I have been jamming out to them a lot lately. He has recommended a few songs and I love them all. I never thought I would like a band like them, there music is so... intense.  

I walk down the halls before class starts and spot my girl at her locker all by herself. I walk up behind her and lace my arms around her waist pulling her back into me. I rest my head on her shoulder and breath in her intoxicating scent. 

"Mmm hey Rachy baby." I kiss her cheek.  

"Oh hey Love." She closes her locker and spins in my arms so she is facing me. Rachel seems a little wary but all my suspicions are gone when she smacks her large lips against mine. I close my eyes and just for a moment its only Rachel and I. We aren't in crowded halls, we aren't at school, its just us in our own little world. She puts her small hands on my face and leans off of my lips, I'm left flushed and ready to get in her pants. 

"Quinn no matter what happens... in life." She adds quickly. "I will always love you." Rachel rubs her thumbs on my cheeks.  I lick my lips and stare intently into her chocolate orbs.

"I don't think I am physically able to stop loving you." I admit and nip at the side of her jaw. Her skin crawls while I trail kisses along her round jaw. BUZZ. The bell rings making us both jump. Its time to make our way to first period but I don't want Rachel out of my arms just yet.  

"Quinn." Rachel practically moans as I hug her closely against my chest. "We have to go to class." I feel her breath against my collar bone. 

"Okay." I ever so slowly release the hold on my girl. We walk hand in hand across the school, we stop at the door to my class. "Tell Papa I said hi." I reach down and give Rachel a peck on the cheek. 

"Papa?" I watch her walk away. 

"You know who I mean." I roll my eyes, it doesn't have an effect since her back is facing me. 

"His name is Noah." Rachel screeches and I watch from afar as she reaches her class, she walks in without looking back at me. I shake my head at my audacious girlfriend and walk into class. I sit next to Brittany again hopefully not getting caught, but I do and am forced to sit at the front of the class.   

In second period Puck gives me the same wary look Rachel gave me, they are up to something. 

"Why the hell are you both acting like this?" I ask and glare into his hazel eyes. I leave my eyebrow down so I can force it on him later. 

"Nothing." He dismisses me quickly. "Nothing nothing nothing nothing. I am just sitting here" This is so weird, he is being so weird. He didn't even answer my question correctly. 

"You are coming to my house after school." I demand. 

"You need to hang out with your girlfriend." Puck huffs. 

"I will after I have a chat with you because you obviously know something I don't." 

"You need to calm down. You somehow always coax answers out of me. Ya know what, not this time Momma." Puck gives me a quick charming smile. 

"So you do know something." I cock my head to the side and give him a sly smile.

"Shit." He smacks his forehead and turns away from me. 

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