Chapter 9

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Rachel's POV 

I wake up from a dream about Quinn Fabray. A dream where she was gone from my life, we never got back together. I lived a life of misery in New York all by myself getting absolutely nowhere in life. I worked at a coffee shop and lived in a shoe-box apartment never getting anywhere with my Broadway career. I dropped out of college after I realized my life was going nowhere. I watched from my tiny window as my life washed away right before my eyes. I was no one. And Quinn... she was halfway across the country in California. I don't remember if she was truly happy or not but I did attend her and Noah's wedding.  

She would never marry him, she is gay. One hundred percent pure gay and I am starting to accept that I am too. I thought I might be bisexual but I have never felt for Finn or Jesse or any boy for that matter what I feel for Quinn.  

After the dream I had last night I formed a new dream. Since I can remember I have wanted to be on Broadway. Nothing can stop me except one thing, Lucy Quinn Fabray. If I don't have her I am nothing. My new dream is to live in New York with Quinn. Live together, be each other's one and only. I am going win a Tony at 25 and when I go up to give my acceptance speech I am going to owe it all to my girlfriend, fiance, wife... whatever we are at that point. We will raise a family together. Move back to Lima so our kids can go to glee club with Mr. Schuester. We will have the perfect life together. I need her and I know that now more than ever. I will convince her to trust me again to be mine again. If it's the last thing I do Quinn will be mine.   

I turn over in bed and look at the mechanical clock sitting on my bed side table. The light from the numbers burns my eyes a little bit but I fight through and read the bright green numbers. The clock reads 5:52, I'm late. I usually wake up at 5:30 because I have an extreme morning routine, Noah is picking me up at 7:15. I am going to be late. I jump out of bed and start the rigorous procedure.   

About an hour an a half later I stumble out of the front door and into Noah's car. 

"What the hell Rachel? What took you so long? I have been calling you for over 10 minutes." Noah gives me a what-the-fuck look and speeds away. 

"I woke up late. Well actually I think I woke up on time I just had a lot on my mind. I had a really bad dream." I look over and Noah nods his head along to what I am saying. I don't even know if he is actually listening or not, he is usually a good listener but recently he has stopped. "In this dream I never got Quinn back. My life was miserable." I shake my head and try not to cry at the thought of never having her back. "She married you " I choke out and Noah quickly spins to me with a horrified expression splayed across his face. After a few seconds a smile plays at the edges of his mouth. 

"Rachel she's gay. I've accepted it you should too. I would never marry her no matter how much I love her." Noah claps his hand over his mouth and stares wide-eyed at the road. 

"Did you just say you love her?" He doesn't move. "Your in love with Quinn?" I belt out.  

"Your my best friend and I won't lie to you. I am so in love with her it hurts me." I turn away in shock and cross my arms across my chest. "But I know it will never happen because she is so in love with you it hurts her. She doesn't even know the extent of her love for you. I want you both to be together. You make each other better, you calm each other down, you both can't not stare at the other, you whipped each other. You guys are perfect, a love I wish I could have one day." 

"Do you really believe that?" I turn back and face his now softened face. He places a light hand on my thigh, I wish it was Quinn's. But that's besides the point. 

"I said I wouldn't lie to you. When I realized she was truly gay and in love with you was when..." He abruptly stops and slips his hand off my thigh, it was Quinn's place anyway. 

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