Chapter 21- the end

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Rachel's POV

The rest of the summer was absolutely perfect. Quinn and I spent every waking minute together, I wouldn't have it any other way. We went on dates, hung out with Noah. Quinn used the thing Noah got us on me, she wouldn't let me use it on her. The summer was perfect.

About a week before school started we both took two days to ourselves to get ready for school. Longest two days of my life but also the busiest because my dads and I went shopping and shopping for things. I was so ready to see Quinn but when I saw her I was a little bit horrified. Her hair was chopped short and dyed bright pink, it was actually kind of hot.

It was the night before school started and I was just about to leave Quinn's house.

"I'm gonna miss you." I pout and look deep into hazel eyes. Quinn's pink hair flows around her illuminating her face. Her hands grip my waist a little tighter.

"I'll miss you so much but it's less than 12 hours. You went on a vacation with your dads for a whole week last month." Quinn frowns at the memory because that was longest week of her and my life. I shake my head and smack my head against her chest with a thud.

"Ugh don't remind me." I place my hands flat on Quinn's back as she smiles against my head.

"We will be fine. If you need you can call me at 3 am and I will wake up to talk to you."

"Really?" My face lights up as I look up into her hazel eyes. She nods and releases me out of her grasp.

"Now go before I make you stay." Quinn shoos me out.

"Okay bye Love." I say as she literally pushes me out of the door.

"Bye see you tomorrow when I pick you up." I stand on my toes to give her one last kiss before she closes the door. I walk to my dad's car who was sitting in the driveway waiting to pick me up.

As Quinn and I walk hand in hand through the halls at school the next day people stop and stare at Quinn's pink hair, she looks punk with the black shirt and long skirt she wore today. I still think she looks really hot. She got glares everywhere she went because she was Quinn fucking Fabray the blonde that always wears light colored dresses not this. She didn't seem to care so neither did I.

"Wow you actually look good Momma." Puck hadn't seen her yet so this was the very first time he had seen the pink. He leans against the locker watching Quinn hold me in her arms as she also leans against the locker. "What made you decide to do that?" Puck twirls a bit of her hair in the tips of fingers.

"I just wanted to change it up." Quinn smiles widely at him.

The next couple of months Quinn had a sort of downfall. My mom came back with Beth, she came back to start a glee club for that tone def girl Sugar Motta. Noah, Quinn and I would go visit Shelby's house. Quinn and Noah would go to see there child I was there for moral support and I guess to see my mom. It was weird because my girlfriend's baby was my mom's adopted daughter. Even though Shelby isn't exactly my mom she is though, I don't think I will ever have more of a relationship with her than when I come with Noah and Quinn to visit Beth.

Shelby didn't like Quinn's pink hair which made her absolutely enraged more than she already was. Quinn couldn't handle Shelby not letting her see Beth until she changed her hair. I think she was already having these thoughts but when she expressed to me that she wanted to get Beth back I was completely confused. Quinn became depressed over Beth I tried my best to help her cope and to not steal her baby back but who really helped her was Noah. Quinn finally dyed her hair back to blonde, I miss the pink honestly, and she got to see Beth again.

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