Chapter 15

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Quinn's POV 

I ignore her eyes staring at the back of my head for the moment as I read the words I wrote down in the notebook. After a couple minutes she breaks the silence. 

"Hi." Her voice is as smooth and beautiful as ever. I snap my head up and look at the wall for a moment before spinning around in the chair and meeting her gaze. It's the first time I have truly looked into the chocolate eyes in weeks and I missed them so much. 

"Hi." I utter under my breath and look at the position she is sitting on the bed. She is leaning with her head and back against the head board with her legs crossed.

"Do you um... want to get dinner or something?" She asks awkwardly.  

"I'm confused." I shake my head and turn the chair back around. 

"Why? I just want to go get dinner I am hungry." I hear her get up off the bed and walk over to where I am sitting. I slam the notebook shut once she reaches me. "What do you say?" I am a little surprised she is doing this I thought she wasn't going to talk to me until next school year. I take my chances and decide to go. 

"Um uh... sure." I stand up and pull my orange jacket on. We walk awkwardly down to the lobby and through times square. We walk silently down a less touristy street. "Do you know where we are going?" I finally look over and I see her with a small paper map in her hands. 

"Yeah its just a couple blocks up." She responds and dips her head back into the map. We both stay silent not really knowing what to say. I have apologized to her a million times so I don't really know if I should again. So I just stay silent as we walk. "I would ask you how you are but I think I already know." She puts the map in her purse and looks down at her shoes. 

"I would say the exact same thing. Except do you really know how I have been?" I ask trying to start a conversation. Maybe this isn't the best thing to talk about but at least its talk. 

"No but I know about the puking." She admits and looks at me for a split second before turning away. 

"Yup I have been vomiting multiple times a day since Saturday. When I ate I barfed it up besides today that's why I agreed to come with you." I look down the darkening street and see a sign for a pizza place. Rachel stays silent again. "Is that where we are going?" I ask and point out the sign. 

"Yeah. The guy that swiped my credit card through his butt-crack told me it was good." I chuckle.

"And you believed him, really?" I give her the eyebrow and she looks away as soon as she sees it. 

"I trust the locals." She admits and shrugs her shoulder.

"Okay maybe he is a local but he is also a homeless man that put your card in his ass crack." We both start laughing and for a second I forget. I forget what I did to her, I forget what she did to me, I forget all the pain but then I remember and I can't bear to look at her. I look away and the awkwardness comes back as we enter the small pizza place. The waiter brings us each a menu then takes our drink order before leaving. This time I break the growing silence. 

"So." Her chocolate eyes snap up at me and it feels like I am looking into them for the first time. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I take a second to catch my breath before continuing on. "How... do you like New York so far? I know its only been a few hours but... you know." 

"I love it so much." I see her big bright smile after weeks of being deprived of it. "I am 100% going to go to college here." I smile because I know I am going to be coming with her. "Maybe Julliard or Colombia but I know I want to major in some kind of music program." She looks deep in thought for a moment then pulls back and looks me right in the eyes. "What are you going to do after college?" I look away and smirk because I don't want her knowing I am going to go where ever she goes as long as we get back together. For a while I never thought that was going to happen now, now I have hope. The waiter comes back and sets our drinks down. We order a large vegan pizza to share and the waiter walks off. 

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