Chapter 16

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Rachel's POV 

"It was all true every single word of it." I gaze up into Quinn's eyes and I feel even more attracted to her than before. Seeing her stand up for me and punch, beat up, Santana made me even more turned on. Every time I look at her I get tingly. With that busted lip she makes feel like the bottom I am. She actually taught me what bottom and top meant the night of prom when she showed me how much of a top she is. I want her right here in the bathroom I don't care who hears but I know she wants to talk or something before anything can... 

I am cut off by Quinn's lips pressed against mine. My body almost collapses into her's. I haven't tasted this pink flavor in almost a week. I don't ever want to go that long without this taste again. Quinn moves her mouth on mine quickly, pulling my hips into her and pushing me into the door with a light thud. I feel like I am kissing her for the first time but there is a new flavor, blood. I grunt loudly and run my hands up and thread them through her blonds locks. Quinn opens my mouth and dips her tongue in it drawing a moan from me which draws a moan from her. She grips my waist tightly as she pushes her hips up into mine while her tongue grazes against mine. She bucks her hips into mine slamming me into the door with a grunt. I bite at her top lip so I don't draw more blood from her bottom lip. Blood is already all up in my mouth and it is turning me on further. I bring my hands down and right under her perfect breasts. As I hover just below them Quinn pushes her hips into mine and her breathing becomes jagged. 

"Do it." Rushed out of Quinn's mouth and it sounds like she is just as turned on as me. I push my hands up and take two fist fulls of her breasts. Another moan falls from her lips and she presses her hips into mine lifting me up off the floor a little bit. Her persistently doing that is not helping the throbbing, the burning coming from my core. Quinn's hands tuck down my back side and she tightly grips my ass pulling me as close to her as possible while I am pushed up against the bathroom door. 

"Touch me. I want you so bad." I plead in a whisper after Quinn moved to my neck. I turn my head so she gets a good angle. She nips at the sensitive skin for a moment before opening her mouth and sucking in a sized amount of my skin. She sucks hard making sure to leave a big mark. She does this a couple times over my skin as she trails her hands away from my ass. One of them lands at the other side of my neck while the other hovers between my legs. She uses one of her feet to kick my legs apart so she can get in better with her hand. She places her hand on my stomach and starts to slowly drag them down her end goal being between my legs. Her fingers lightly start to trail down the side of my leg, she goes under my skirt and drags up my thigh right below my core driving me crazy. She moves her lips back to mine and I can taste the blood more prominently now. I moan as I think about the blood trails she left on my neck. Her hand quivers on my thigh as it threatens to move higher.  

Knock knock. Quinn pushes off the door with all of her strength and falls back onto the toilet. Her reaction to the knock scares me more than the knock did and the knock scared me a lot. Must have scared her more though. I also jerk forward away from the door but not as crazily as she did. 

"Is Quinn in there? I need to talk to her." Mr. Schuester's voice comes from behind the door. I look at Quinn who is flopped over the toilet. I reach my hand out, she reluctantly takes it and I help pull her up. When she is up I realize that there is blood smudged all over her face. 

"One second Mr. Schue  I am cleaning up my lip." Quinn calls as she looks in the mirror in horror. Her whole bottom part of her face is covered in trace amounts of blood. She turns on the sink and grabs a white wash cloth from the corner of the counter. 

"Hurry up, I'll be waiting in the hallway for you." I hear his footsteps then the slamming of a door. Quinn shakes her head and puts the cloth under the cool water. When she goes to wipe her face off she sees me standing next to her in the mirror. 

"Oh shit." She calls out and freezes. 

"What?" I finally look at myself in the mirror for the first time and I see that I am covered in blood, all over my face, all over my neck. And my neck is full of hickies. "Quinn!" I cry out and grab a wash cloth from the pile. While I rinse it under the water Quinn takes me in her hold and starts to wash me off with the wash cloth in her hand. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to get blood every where." She first rubs lightly at my neck. "Ugh and fucking hickies all over. Probably wasn't the best idea. You're our star player." She turns and rinses the bloodied cloth in the sink as she does I bring the cloth in my hand up to her face and start to wash away the stains on her face. Mine are a lot worse than her's and I have no idea why. As soon as I touch the cloth to her face she spins her head and gazes down at me with the eyes I love, the eyes I have missed. Whenever I saw them over the past couple of weeks they were full of anger, now they are full of love. As I wipe her off she takes her own cloth and starts to wipe me down. It takes everything I have not to jump up and start kissing her again. 

"I got it all." I whisper as I pull the cloth away. 

"Your not. You're covered in it." She plops the now pink cloth on the sink and takes me by the hips. She lifts me up and sits me at the edge of the counter. Quinn picks up the cloth and stands in between my legs to wipe me better. "Can I kiss you?" She asks as her eyes gleam. 

"Yes." As soon as I say that her lips are pressed against mine in a soft short kiss. She pulls away but comes back for a quick peck. Then another peck. She looks in the mirror behind me to see if there is blood everywhere which there isn't. She turns back to me and finishes wiping me down not before she thrusts her hips into me a couple times to drive me crazy. 

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