Chapter 4

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Quinn's POV 

I slam the door on Rachel. I peer through the glass of the door and see her crying. Before I run out there and comfort her I march back upstairs to where Puck is lying on my bed. I stand in front of my bed. 

"Do you think I am ridiculous?" I ask and peer into his hazel eyes. When hazel met hazel I knew he would never lie to me. 

"Not entirely." Puck admits and I turn away from him shaking my head. "Oh come on you know she can be friends with whoever she wants. If Rach doesn't learn from past mistakes than that's her problem. You have tried to tell her but she just wont listen." Puck grabs my arm and sits me down on the bed. "She is stubborn and gets what she wants. You should know that better than anyone." He leans back onto the pillows as I sit next to him. "You had a right to be angry but not to act like you did." Puck admits and I turn to him.  

"I should text her, I feel bad." I pull my phone out of my pocket. "No I don't feel bad she needs to learn... I'm going to text her anyway." I ramble and Puck pulls my phone out of my hand. I climb on top of him to get it back but he moves so I can't grab it. 

"Wait until tomorrow, at least." He hands me my phone and I nod. 

"Yeah I should wait, let her cool down." Puck relaxes back into the pillows. Jeez this is a mess. "Hold me." I demand more than ask, Puck quickly turns to his side and opens his arms. I cuddle up to his chest leaving my arms smashed in between us. His arms lace around my back threatening to stay in place so he doesn't touch me somewhere on accident. It feels really good to be held, I am usually the one holding Rachel. I miss her small thin frame in my arms but I really really like being the small one in someone's big arms. I rest my head on his chest and sniff in stray boogers. 

"Are you crying." Puck asks softly and I chuckle. 

"No maybe I should be." I press deeper into his chest. 

"You know you can. I have seen you in your most vulnerable states. Giving birth, when you lost your virginity, when you..." 

"What's your angle?" I snap.   

"I can tell you anything right." Puck drags an arm up my back and rubs lightly. 

"Yeah." I chuckle. "That's something you do when you are bonded like we are." He takes a deep breath. This is not going to be good. 

"You asked me at the hospital after you gave birth if I was in love with you and I said yes. That feeling never went away. I am still in love with you." Puck admits in a light soothing voice while bringing his leg forward and latching it on mine. Oh shit. I place my hands on his chest and push back a little. He releases his grip a little but I am still locked in his arms, I look up into his eyes. Puck looks at me the way Rachel did that night in the park. 

"Noah... you can't tell me that with everything that is going on right now."  

"What did you call me?"  


"You called me Noah. Only Rachel calls me that." 

"Oh I didn't even realize I said you first name." I press my head back into his muscular chest and he re-tightens his hold on me. 

"It's cool. I only told you I was in love with you because... I am... and maybe that's how Jesse feels about Rachel." 

"Well no shit." I roll my eyes. 

"You didn't let me finish. I was going to say I know you aren't in love with me because you are gay and I think Rachel is exactly the same way." 

"She is definitely bi. There is no doubt in my mind that she was in love with Finn." I think back to all the times I would catch them kissing in the halls. Or when we fought over him Sophomore year. I scoff because all we wanted was each other. 

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