Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV  

Noah and I sit in his car in the parking lot of the Lima bean.  

"Tell me what I told you to do one more time." I instruct Noah as I rub my hands together nervously. 

"To go and drive to Quinn's house, she might call me on the way there. If she does don't tell her anything about what you are doing and tell her I am going to be there in a couple of minutes. Once I get to her house I have to make sure she does not leave the house until at least 6:30. Also I can tell her what you are doing once I get there." Noah goes through the plan I conducted so I can see Jesse. 

"Yes Noah perfect except I will call you on Jesse's phone when we are done." Noah nods, I pull my phone out of my sweatshirt pocket and hand it to him. "Its so if she does try to call me she won't be able to reach me." I take a deep breath and Noah grasps my small pink phone in his big hands. "I turned the ringer off so it will stay silent." Noah nods again. 

"Rachel just please be safe around this guy. He is toxic." Noah pleads and gives me a sympathetic look. 

"I know he can be toxic. If you did something bad I would let you apologize, its the same thing." I reply and open the car door. Noah quickly grabs my arm. 

"Please remember who you are in love with." 

"Tell Quinn I love her." I step out of the car and lightly close the door. I take a big breath and walk to the front door. I turn around before I enter and watch as Noah drives off, this better work. I don't want Quinn to be hurt but I need to talk to Jesse just this once. I love Quinn, I am madly in love with Quinn. Nobody can take her away from me, not Jesse, not Finn, nobody can take her from me. She is the love of my life, I am going to marry that woman one day. But right now I have to go and listen to Jesse. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves and walk into the familiar coffee shop. I scan the room and I don't see Jesse, maybe I should have kept my phone I could have asked where he was. I hear a voice from behind me and I spin around quickly. 

"Hey Rachel glad you could make it." Jesse's face lights up at the sight of me and he sticks his hand out. 

"Hey Jesse." I grip his hand and shake it, he holds my hand a little to long so I break away from the awkward touch.   

"You want to sit down or get coffee first, either is fine." Jesse quickly asks. 

"Oh um lets just go sit down." I reply and Jesse walks us over to a small table and chairs. He pulls out a chair for me and I smile at the sentiment. "So Jesse." 

"Let me start first." He interrupts me and I nod. "I was way out of line prom night. I shouldn't have even tried what I did you are with Quinn. And you seem to be happy so I promise to stay away from your relationship." I nod silently as he goes on. "I want to be friends again. And I almost ruined that by kissing you." He gives me that signature charming smile. I look into his blue grey and smile at him. I never could resist him. 

"Okay." Is all I can utter. 

"Okay what?" Jesse leans over the table with his ear faced towards me.  

"I'll be your friend again."  

"I thought you would say so." Jesse gives me another quick smile, one that Quinn gives me whenever she calls me something relating to my height. "You remember at Breadstix when I was talking about starting a business." 

"Yeah that was the smartest idea you have ever had and you have so many good ideas." I completely enthralled by Jesse I can't take my eyes off of him. His dark clothes, perfect hair and his bright smile. His hazel eyes wait he doesn't have hazel eyes, Quinn does. Where is Quinn? 

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