Chapter 17

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Quinn's POV

After I put two of my fingers into Rachel I hear the most beautiful sound in the world. 

"Lucy Quinn Fabray." Rachel moans out in a scream. A smile appears across my face as soon as I hear it. I get on my knees and hover over her as I plunge deeper. Finally getting to feel her has been a dream of mine since the last time I touched her. I missed her so much. I missed seeing her like this, I miss touching her, I miss hearing her scream for me and most importantly I missed her. She makes me burn. She makes me want to be touched. As soon as I touch that magic spot I found on prom night Rachel's hands go up the bottom of my dress. I stop for a moment a little surprised at her gesture but she gives me that smile. That damn smile that I know if she gives me it I will give her anything. I take a second to pull down my underwear before I venture back into Rachel. 

Her hands find my throbbing core as soon as my hands find her. Her fingers circle my entrance for a moment which makes me pump her harder. She leans her head back for a moment and then plunges her finger into me which makes me almost fall of off the bed. I have never felt anything like this before. She is the best feeling in the world. Rachel scoots a little bit closer to me so she can get deeper inside of me. It takes a few strokes but we find a rhythm, using our whole body to please the other and ourselves. 

The next 3 or so hours are filled with the best most extreme feelings I have ever felt. After every time one of says again and we go again. Over and over and over again. I don't know how I could ever stop doing this with her. She is the most over whelming feeling I have ever felt. We did it on the bed. On the floor. At the desk. On the couch. In the bathroom. Pressed against the window, I am almost positive I made her come the hardest there. Over the mini fridge. Over every single end table. In the bathtub. Bent over every bed. We did it so many times I feel like my clit might drop off. And I'm the top so I wonder how she feels. 

I lay completely naked on the floor in front of a bed, I can't really tell which one because my breathing is heavy and my mind is chalked full of dirty thought. I hear Rachel call me from some where in the room, maybe a bed or the couch. 

"I want to try something." Rachel's face appears above me. She is leaning over the bed and I can finally tell that it is the bed we slept on. 

"Rachy baby we have been going for hours. I'm taking a much need break." I huff out barely alive enough to say it. I am so out of breath I feel like I need 14 gallons of water and to be submerged in an ice cube. 

"One more time. It's something we haven't done yet." Rachel gives me that smile and I can barely resist her. 

"Doesn't your kitty feel like a flat tire?" I ask and look up at my sweaty girl. Her hair is basically drenched, her bangs waving in all directions. She has never looked so beautiful. I lick my lips and I taste my favorite taste, Rachel. 

"Yes but that's the thing about lesbians we can go and go for hours. Now get your sweet ass up here. I promise it will be the last time." She smiles again and I hastily jump on the bed next to my naked girl. The bed is wet from a multitude of things that come from both Rachel and I. 

"What do you want to try?" I ask and Rachel springs into action. She lies me down on my right side then spreads my legs open. I know exactly what she is doing and I don't know how I didn't think about this over the past few hours. She sets her core directly onto mine and am lost in Rachel again. This is the best one so far, I don't care how tired I am. I put all my energy into her. I love the view of Rachel moving her hips into me, seeing as her eyes change when she hits a good spot. I take control like I do and put my hands on her waist keeping her in place. I move my hips up and forward then down and back. Creating a friction that drive me insane. Rachel places her legs and one of her hands on the bed to steady herself as I please her. Her other small hand comes down and grips my boob driving me more insane. I let one of my hand leave her hips but I keep my assault going. 

I don't know what possesses me to do this but I bring my hand up and wrap it around her throat. She moans at my touch, she loves everything I do. I love everything she does. I don't have a tight hold on her just enough so that she knows that I am in control here. I push her off of me so that I can get the spot on top of her. I start to grind down on her and I feel the heat start to rise in my stomach. Our cores glide over each other perfectly creating an amazing sensation. After only a couple more thrusts I loose my self in Rachel all over again. I flop down next her and I realize that my legs are shaking and I can't move. 

Tina texted me about an hour ago saying all the girls would be back around 12:30, well its 12:07 now. And if I don't gain control of my body soon they are going to walk in on a disaster of pleasure. The room is a mess and covered in things, things. Rachel leans over and places an arm over my stomach. 

"That was the best one yet wasn't it?" Rachel is out of breath but I am even more out of breath and more tired than she is. 

"I would say so. Can you get me water?" I plead and look into her milk chocolate eyes. 

"Can you not move Love?" I shake my head as I try to move my shaking legs. "I'll get you anything." She hops out of the bed and into the small hallway to the right. I know there is a tiny kitchen there with a sink. She comes back moments later with 2 cups of water. I slurp mine down as fast as I can. It helps me to regain movement of my body. I take a couple of seconds to let my body calm down. Rachel sits next to me and eyeballs my body the whole time. I did this to her too many times to count today. So I bet she is loving having me on this side of things. 

"We need to take all the bed sheets off the bed and find a lady to clean the room from top to bottom." I huff out as I turn and sit up. My legs hang over the bed and I am a little scared to stand up because my legs feel like jelly. 

"I'll do it. Relax and take your time to recover. It only takes a couple of minutes but I truly haven't stopped having the rubber band feeling in my legs." Rachel admits as she gets off of the bed and makes her way over to another. Oh shit we have to practice at 1. How am I going to be able to dance? I grown and try to stand up. My legs immediately give out and I flop to the floor. 

"I'm fine." I call out before Rachel can come and help me up. The carpet feels like sandpaper against my skin. "Keep cleaning up." I huff out as I grab onto the bed next to ours. I am finally able to stand up. When I do I take a step, I am able to walk it just feels numb and I really have to concentrate. I help Rachel get the rest of the sheets and pillow cases from all of the beds. We throw them in a pile near the door. I was going to get dressed then I look down at my body and see spots of dried up something or other. I go into the bathroom and take the quickest shower I have ever taken in my life. Rachel joins me in the shower and we make sure to scrub every inch of our bodies. Luckily their were two clean towels left after our invasion in the bathroom. I can't keep my eyes off of Rachel as we get dressed. The girls should be back any moment so after I get dressed I go into the hallway of the hotel. At this point I have all feeling and control back in my legs and body. 

"Miss?" I call as I spot a short Hispanic looking women at a cart.  

"Yes dear?" She gives a warm smile as she folds a towel. Her accent is as thick as Santana's abuela's. I smile at the older women.  

"Um..." I don't know how to start because what I have to ask is a little embarrassing. "I need..." I stop again because she will know what I have done. 

"You need the whole room cleaned?" She asks answering my thoughts. 

"Yes ma'am." I nod my head and give her another quick smile. 

"You teenagers always need the whole room cleaned." I blush and turn away from the woman. She starts to wheel the cart down the hall. "I remember when I was your age. I had just as much fun as you did." I smack my head as she reminisces. A deep shade of red appears across my face as I point the woman to the hotel room. I see all of the other girls down the hall as soon as we get back to the room. I panic a little so I wave to them quickly before shoving the lady in the room. 

"I'll let you in in a minute." I yell to the girls as I slam the door shut and use the metal lock that crosses over the door so none of them can get it. I turn and see the lady standing in shock. 

"You must of had a lot of fun." She seems horrifies as she walks deeper into the room. 

"Hi." Rachel says in a very light tone. She is just as ashamed as I am. 

"Oh." The short Hispanic lady freezes again as she looks at Rachel and the realization of what just happened hits her. Rachel's face is turning as red as mine. "I am going to call some people to help me." She turns to me and I give her an awkward smile. "This might take a few hours. I saw the rest of your party. Are you sure you want me to clean now?" She whispers and I nod. 

"The girls outside just need to drop stuff off and change. Then you can clean it." I look at Rachel and she is visibly cringing. The older women nods a few times. 

"I will be back with more people and supplies in 15 minutes." She kind of hovers not wanting to touch anything. I hear a pounding at the door as the lady makes her way over to it. 

"Quinn." Santana's voice booms from the other side of the door. "Hurry up I needz to re-pencil my eyebrows on." I roll my eyes and open the door. Brittany and Tina are sitting against the wall while the rest are just leaning against it waiting for me. The lady gives me one last nod then exits the room with her cart. Santana eye balls the old women then takes a step into the room. 

"Sorry." Comes out if my mouth ever so softly. 

"Don't touch anything." Santana announces to everyone as she scours the room. She looks absolutely disgusted but it hasn't caught up to everyone else yet. They all walk in and scan the room for a moment. As soon as the events of what happened hits them I grab Rachel and pull her out of the room. 

"Oh hell to the naw. There is an ass print on the window." Mercedes yells as Rachel and I escape the filthy room. That was Rachel's butt print and I am very proud of it. I pressed her against it and put my fingers right on my core pointing out so when I moves my hips my hand whet with it and into Rachel. Sometimes I wish I had a penis so I could properly fuck her brains out. Rachel and I knock on the next door down which is the boys room. Puck answers it and gets a cheeky smile on his face. 

"I have been here ever since we got back at 9:30 am." We both look up at him like a deer in headlights. 

"You..." He cuts me off. 

"Yeah I heard the whole thing." Rachel kind of melts into my side so I tightly wrap my arm around her. "Go sit on the couch or something. All the boys are here." Puck walks away and we follow him into the room. We sit on the couch in the corner completely wrapped up in one another. All the guys give us weird looks. 

"When did this happen?" Finn points between us. Puck smacks him in the arm. 

"Leave it alone." Puck threatens Finn and he backs off. "That goes for all of you." Puck puts on his mean face and looks at every boy in the room individually. Mike and Sam are on one bed Finn, Kurt and Puck on the other. Artie is the closest to us, seated in his wheel chair by the desk. It is awkward for a few minutes before Sam gets up and goes over to the mini fridge. 

"Any body want a drink?" He calls and looks over all of us. I honestly can't believe I dated him, he is kind of a paper cut out of a jock. I am happy I am friends with the blonde though. Sam crouches just behind the small fridge door. He looks directly at me before I can answer his question. "We also have some snacks."  

"Yeah I need a water and a snack." I look down at Rachel to ask her but she shakes her head before I can ask. We are already in sync and we haven't even been together 24 hours. Wait I don't think we are actually back together yet. "What do you have for snacks." 

"There is only soda in here we stocked up last night." Sam admits and shrugs his shoulders. "And we have a lot of snacks. Are you good with a coke and a bag of lays?" He asks while shifting his weight to his other foot. 

"That's fine, thanks." I smile as Sam walks over and brings me my drink and snack. Rachel and I share all of it while all the guys have guy talk. I have no other way to explain it but guy talk. They are cautious when they talk so they don't slip up and say something about their penises or something. I don't really know what guys talk about, this is the first time I have truly ever listened in on guy talk. My arm stays securely around Rachel's shoulder as she leans into me. 

A couple minutes later all the girls walk in wearing there work out clothes and I avoid eye contact at all costs. I can feel every single one of them staring at me. Rachel looks up at me and she looks just as embarrassed as I do. She reaches up and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. The spot where she kissed me is tingly and makes me want to do those naughty things to her all over again.  

The ladies settle in and we all start a normal conversation that doesn't involve talk about Rachel and mine's sex life. After about a half hour Mr. Schue walks in with a big grin on his face. 

"So what is going on in here?" The curly haired teacher asks unknowingly. His hair is kind of evil, maybe that's why he is creepy sometimes. I love him too much as a teacher though to think of him like that. Every one responds to his question by looking directly at Rachel and I. "What?" 

"We all know." Brittany says from behind Santana in the bed and I get a horrified expression on my face. Great now everyone knows I fucked Rachel's brains out, rearranged her guts, fucked her til she couldn't see straight. I am going to stop now because all its doing is making my tired core throb. 

"Know what?" Mr. Schue asks Rachel and I expectantly.  

"That they got back together." Puck lies for us and I silently thank him. We haven't officially gotten back together but that works. Mr. Schue instantly believes him. 

"That's great. I'm happy you sorted every thing out." I give him a tight smile and Rachel seems to do the same exact thing. "So for the next 5 hours we are going to practice our number for Nationals." He claps his hands together with a big smile. 

"Okay hold up." Santana holds her hand up to the teacher. "We all know the number forwards and backwards at this point. Do we really need to practice it for 5 hours? Its only like 4 minutes long. We would be running through it like..." She stops trying to calculate the how many times we would run through it.  

"75 times." Brittany says out of the middle of nowhere. Everyone in the hotel room looks at her.

"Thanks for the help." Santana whispers and runs her hand down Brittany's arm. 

"Actually," We all turn to Tina. "She was right it is 75. But it would only be 75 times if we did the number none stop." I look at Brittany in amazement. Never in a million years would I have thought Brittany of all people could calculate that. I know Brittany is smart, I just didn't know she was smart with numbers. Rachel and I exchange a look and she is just as surprised as I am. 

"Okay fine. We won't work on it for 5 hours." Mr. Schue huffs and a sigh of relief erupts from everyone. "I want to do a few warm up exercises then we can run through the number twice." He holds up two of his fingers and we all nod our heads. He brings us down to an empty conference room on the bottom floor of the hotel and we all get to work. 

All through the warm ups its hard for me to really get my whole body moving. So I have to work extra harder than I already do. I had a crazy work out today I really don't need another. Mr. Schue side eyes me most of warm ups because he thinks I am slaking when in reality I am exhausted and my joints are tight. 

When we finally get to running though the number I have settled and I am able to move well. Watching Rachel do the duet with Finn makes me a bit jealous. I wish I could be singing with her. But I am not. We go through the group number twice. Mr. Schue is satisfied with us so after only 2 hours of practice he sends us on our way for the rest of the night. 

I am the first one back into the room. Rachel got held back by Mr. Schue for some reason. When I walk into the room it looks like the first time I walked into it on Wednesday. It is spotless. The bed are made neatly and everything seems to sparkle. I walk over to the bed I have been using and flop down onto it. I put my hands under the pillow and rest my face on it. I feel something crinkly under the pillow. I grab the small paper like thing and pull out until I can visibly see it. It's a note from that older Hispanic women. She said that she was proud of us for being confidant in our sexuality but she doesn't want to have to clean up a mess like that again. I giggle and stuff the note back under the pillow. I close my eyes and hear everyone changing clothes so they can go out into the town. I don't know why but I really don't want to go out. I am so tired and New York isn't that amazing to me. Rachel loves it so I will say I love it because I am going to be living here one day. I smile as I think about my foreseeable future with my future wife. 

After a couple minutes of must needed shut eye I feel the bed dip next to me. Rachel gives me a kiss on the forehead and starts to cuddle up to me. I stay still for a moment because she thinks I am asleep. I remember what happened last night so I open my arms and pull the small girl into me. 

"You're awake." I feel Rachel smile on my chest. 

"What did Schuester want?" I ask bluntly. Rachel pulls back for a moment and looks into my eyes. I love the feeling of those big chocolate orbs piercing mine. 

"He asked me why 8 cleaning ladies were coming out of our room." I choke back a chuckle. Rachel gives me a glare before continuing on. Before she does though I give her a quick kiss on the lips to stop her from glaring at me like that anymore. "As I was saying he also asked about the ring on my finger." 

"What did you say?" I lower my eyebrows to form a slight scowl. 

"That you gave it to me this morning." The way she is looking up at me makes me want to melt into her. "I said I had no idea why the 8 cleaning ladies where in there." 

"Now he is going to ask all the other girls." I huff and roll my eyes. Rachel places a reassuring hand on the left side of my face. 

"They won't tell. Santana isn't that much of a bitch." 

"I beat the shit out of her this morning." I raise my eyebrow at the girl. 

"Go to sleep Quinn. I'm tired and I know you are too." After she says that she removes her hand from my face and tucks it around my back. My right arm is laced under her head and the other is holding her just above her waist. I swirl my hand around the soft skin I have been feeling all day. And I will never get sick of it. I am not sure if I fall asleep or not but sometime later Rachel breaks the silence. 

"What did you do when you hung out with Noah?" She asks and I perk up. 

"Probably what you do with him." I open my eyes for a second to take in all that is Rachel before closing them back up. 

"Oh." I know what she is asking and I really don't want to tell her. 

"We spend a lot of time talking. Sometimes we would go to a movie or get something to eat. We would get something to eat a lot because that man can eat a crap ton of food." I giggle at the thought of Puck. 

"Yeah I know how much he can eat." Rachel goes silent. I know she wants to ask me about it. 

"Ask me." She pulls back to finally look me in the eyes. I crack my eyes open and see her staring at me with sad eyes. I close my eyes back up to get away from that look. "Ask me." I repeat. 

"Fine. What was it like sleeping with him and would you do it again?" She sounds a little bit angry so I run my hand through her hair to clam her down. 

"I will never have sex with him ever again. The only person I will ever have sex with in my life is you. If we are to ever go separate ways in life I will never have sex with anybody else. My body is reserved of you and you only." I make my words hit her directly in the heart.

"So we are back together officially?" Rachel asks in a calm tone and I nod my head a couple times. She squeezes me a little tighter and I can feel her smile. "You didn't answer the other question." I tried avoiding it but I don't think I will be able to. 

"It's irrelevant." 

"It's not." Rachel snaps and I am caught off guard. "I want to know how it was." Her voice softens. I groan and start to think of that night with him. I try blocking it out with everything I have. 

"Honestly it felt good." I say as quietly as possible but audible enough for my girl to hear. I smile because she is finally my girl again. 

"Did you..." She goes silent. 

"Yes but you make me feel so much better than Puck ever could." I try reassuring her but I don't know how good its working because I feel her sniffle. "I am committing to you forever. That means something to me. What happened between Puck and I means nothing to me." She looks up at me with glazed eyes. She smiles then tucks back into my chest. This time I know I fall asleep. 

We woke up a couple hours later and went to dinner somewhere. After dinner we went to the pool and made out in the hot tub. I had to keep my hands off of her because I knew if I touched her we would have sex. And I am way to tired to have sex. We got back to the hotel room around 11 o'clock. Everyone was sleeping so we took a shower together as quietly as possible. I threw on my Nike pros and a tank top where as Rachel put on full length polka dot pajamas. She looks like James Sullivan also known as Sully from Monster Inc. Her pajamas are a light blue and the polka dots are a pink almost purple color. I try not to laugh at her as we hop into bed. Her back tucks into my front to form a perfect spoon. This is where we belong. 

"We are going to kill it tomorrow." I whisper into Rachel's ear before giving it a quick kiss. My arm in snaked around her torso.

"I know Love." She squeezes my hand which is places over her chest. After a couple minutes of listening to her heart beat I fall into a blissful sleep. A sleep I wish I could stay in for a long time. 

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