Chapter 14

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Quinn's POV

I wake up on Wednesday morning feeling almost relived but also stressed.

"Today's the day." I say to myself as I get out of bed. "Time to head off to New York with glee club." I get ready fairly quickly. I dress up in a blue dress with a cute pattern on it and I put on an orange jacket just in case it gets cold on the plane. I packed a suitcase a couple days ago but I honestly don't know which day it was, I have been pretty hazy lately. I walk downstairs with a medium sized purse for my carry on and the small luggage. I set my things down at the front door and walk into the kitchen to meet my mom. She is drinking coffee but I wouldn't be surprised if there are other dark liquids in it.

"Good morning Quinnie." My mom turns to me with a bright smile.

"Good morning. Are you ready to go?" I ask her. She has to drive me to school so I don't leave my car in the school parking lot for 4 days.

"Yup, are you?" I nod. "Okay then lets go." We get into her maroon SUV and have a chat on the way to school. "So what are you going to do on the plane. Phones don't work on them."

"Oh um I brought a notebook and paper. I have wanted to write down all these feelings I have down on paper just to get them out of my head." I admit and cross my fingers in my lap.

"That sounds fun. So what are you going to do once you get to New York?" She asks as she rubs her hands down the steering wheel. I look at the side of her face and she gives me a quick glance.

"I have no idea. Probably practice our number and go sight seeing." I shrug at my response because I truly have no idea what we are going to do when we are finally in New York. When we get to the school parking lot almost everyone is there waiting by the yellow school bus that is going to bring us to the airport. I give mom a hug goodbye.

"Oh I love you so much sweetie. I will miss you so much." She wraps me in a hug in front of everyone making me embarrassed.

"Okay bye mom." I push out of the hug and get my things from the trunk. I meet up with Santana and Brittany. I search for Rachel but I don't spot her at first. I find her mohawked best friend first and I know she can't be far. I only see his back so I am guessing she is standing on the other side of him just out of view. Once everyone is here Mr. Schue calls for us to get on the bus. As we go on the bus Mr. Schue assigns who we will be sitting with on the plane but we can sit with whoever on the bus. As I walk on the bus he hands me a ticket.

"You will be sitting next to Puck." I stand on the steps of the bus for a second as I stand in shock.

"He will want to sit with Rachel." I utter as I try to wrap my brain around sitting with him for 2 hours on a plane.

"I decide not you now please sit down." Mr. Schue has no patience with me since I made a scene on Monday about Jesse. I sit down at the very back of the bus. I sit on the side that is meant for single riders so no one can sit next to me. Santana and Brittany sit on the bench next to me, Mike and Tina sit in front of me and kitty corner to me sits Kurt and Mercedes. Everyone starts talking as the bus goes on its way to the airport. The people around me talk very loudly making me regret sitting back here. I take a peak over the chairs to find a mohawk because I know next to that mohawk will be my girl. I don't think she is my girl anymore because I don't think she wants to be mine anymore. I see the mohawk and a tiny piece of brown hair coming from next to him. I know she is safe with him. She will always be safe if Puck is by her side. They are at the very front of the bus and it looks like they are talking to Finn and maybe Sam. I look away from the scene and stare out of my window at all the passing trees. It only takes about a half hour before we get to the airport.

TSA goes by like a breeze and the wait time to get on the plane is very short. So before I know it I am sitting in an airplane seat next to Puckerman. Its only a two seater and I am seated next to the window so I am truly trapped next to him. I look across the aisle and see Sam and Mercedes sitting next to each other. I scoot up to try and look for her but I can't seem to find her.

"She is behind and to the left of us." Puck whispers breaking the awkward silence that has been brewing between us.

"Oh." I didn't realize that he knew what I was doing. Am I really that obvious? The plane starts to move slowly down the runway.

"So how have you been the last couple of days?" Puck asks to break the silence again.

"Vomiting a lot. How have you and Rachel been cracking on?" I look into his hazel eyes as the plane starts to fly into the air. I feel my stomach fall as the plane gets higher in the air.

"Here." Puck hands me a small bag, its a barf bag. I hold it open in my hands ready to up-chuck at any moment. "We have been doing great actually. We picked up exactly where we left off. Sorry I haven't been calling lately I have been busy. I miss you."

"You shouldn't miss me you should miss Rachel." I close my eyes as we start to level out in the plane.

"I miss her every minute of everyday that we are apart..." I cut him off.

"You guys are together every second of everyday." I choke out as I feel my stomach churn again. I haven't vomited today so I wouldn't be surprised if it came up while I am on the plane.

"That's true. I drive her to school, we have a couple classes together and when we don't have classes together we text the whole time. Then after school we go hang out at her house or get food or something." I nod along as he explains his time with Rachel. Oh there it is. I feel my stomach convulse I try to choke it down but a small amount of bile comes out of my mouth and into the bag. I have barfing up bile since Monday because I haven't eaten since then. Puck takes action quickly and pulls me up out of my seat and dragging me to the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Mr. Schue asks as we pass by his chair to the bathroom. I try talking but I just vomit into the bag okay. "Nevermind." He quickly responds before Puck pulls me the rest of the way to the bathroom. I feel chocolate eyes gazing at me all the way to bathroom. I know she is sitting next to Finn so he should keep her busy and distracted as I vomit out whatever is in my stomach.

Puck closes the small door to the small bathroom and I immediately fall to my knees vomiting into the small toilet. Why does everything have to be so small on a damn plane. Puck kneels down next to me as best as he can in the tight space and rubs a hand over my back.

"It's okay. You are going to be okay Momma." Puck soothes me but I am caught off guard when he calls me Momma. I shoot back away from his touch. I climb up and wash my hands and mouth at the tiny sink. "What's wrong?"

"Why did you call me Momma?" I ask and turn to him while water drips off of my chin.

"Because I've been calling you that for weeks." He gives a puzzled look while flushing the toilet. Puck takes a step towards me and hands me a paper towel.

"Thanks." I wipe my face and hands off. "Remember when you said you didn't call." He nods as he inspects my dress so I don't have barf on it. "I didn't even want you to call."

"What? Why?"

"Because I fucked up and every time I look at you I am reminded of that mistake. And besides Rachel needs you more than I do." I look away from his gaze and turn to exit the bathroom. Before I can leave his hand grabs the side of my face and pulls me closer to him. I know that look, he is going in for a kiss. I think as quickly as I can as I see his eyes close and his lips purse. I push at his chest as hard as I can and he pulls away. "Really."

"Your not a mistake to me Quinn. You are everything to me." He admits and walks out of the bathroom. I follow close behind him as we make our way back to our seats. I feel the chocolate eyes on me again. I scoot into the window seat once I do Puck slides in next to me. "If your wondering Rachel isn't doing well either but she pushes it all down. She talks about you almost all day even though I know she doesn't want to. I know she loves you. And I protect her from all those bad feelings as best as I can." Puck plays with hands as he talks.

"I know she is safe with you. She is safer with you than anyone else." I admit and open the window to my right. I close it immediately because the light burns my eyes and I don't need to barf again.

"She truly is but she is also just as safe in your arms. If you asked me for a favor I would kill for you." I shake my head at him. "I would do anything for you Momma." I give him a forced smile. I look up from his hazel eyes and see the drink cart pulling up.

"What would you like?" The stewardess asks us.

"Sprite." I respond and she hands me a can and a cup full of ice. I take them quickly and pull down my tray to set them down on. "Thank you." I nod at her.

"A Dr. Pepper." Puck says and the lady starts to get his drink ready. "Do you have snacks?" He asks as he is getting handed his can and a cup of ice.

"We have cookies, nuts or pretzels." The lady opens a draw and looks at the contents. I start to pour the clear soda into my cup of ice. I take a large gulp to try and settle my stomach.

"One of each please. I bet my friend will want some." Puck gives her his smile he uses when he talks to the cheerleaders at school. I roll my eyes and almost spit out my Sprite. The lady nods and puts the 3 packets of snacks on his tray. He smiles his smile again as the lady walks off. "Here." He shoves all three packets onto my tray.

"I'm not hungry and I only got this drink so I don't barf." I take another sip from my drink and go to push the food away.

"You must be hungry." He eyes me for a second before breaking away and pouring his soda into the ice. I truly am not hungry, I don't know what is wrong with me. My mom thought I was anorexic or something but that isn't true I just don't have an appetite. I shake my head at him as he drinks everything in the small clear cup. He pours the rest of the can onto the melting ice. "Eat it Quinn. If not for yourself then for Rachel."

"Why her? She doesn't give a fuck about me." I whisper so I don't have Mr. Schue yelling at me the whole flight.

"Because sh... just do it." He says ominously. I grab the package of cookies first.

"Fine but only these I don't want those." I open the wrapper and he nods his head. I take out one of the thin brown cookies and take a bite of it. I am completely surprised when I actually taste it. I haven't tasted food in weeks so it feels really good to finally enjoy something. And this cookie tastes so good its almost like cinnamon brown sugar. I take another bite before gobbling down the whole cookie then the next one in the wrapper. I reach my hand over to the pile of food on Puck's tray and grab a random one. I open the pack and realize its the nuts so I bring it to my mouth and start dumping them in.

"Yeah, you aren't hungry." Puck rolls his eyes at me and hands over the other package of food which I think is pretzels.

"I wasn't." I munch down on the nuts in my mouth. "I really haven't been hungry. When Judy forced me to eat it always tasted like dirt and then I would vomit it up a couple minutes later. But right now this food tastes so good." I eye the bag for a second before I dump the rest of the nuts in my mouth then chugging the rest of the Sprite in the cup. I pour the rest of the can into the clear cup and take another quick sip.

"I'm glad you are finally eating." He gives me the smile that seems to only be reserved for me since he has never given it to any other girl. It's not a hungry smile just a happy smile. I smile back and it's the first real smile I have smiled in a long time. I guess Puck is good for me but not in the way Rachel is.

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