Chapter 19

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This is dedicated to Naya Rivera.

Rachel's POV   

Quinn and I have been spending every moment of everyday together since Junior year ended a couple weeks ago. Noah hangs out with us a couple times a week. Quinn and I don't have jobs because we don't want to be apart from each other, we are young so we let it fly but when we are older we are definitely going to have jobs. Noah has his pool cleaning business so that's why he doesn't hang out with us that much. It's always the three of us. Quinn doesn't see her other friends that much anymore and I don't have friends besides Quinn and Noah. Which is fine because they are all I need. 

Noah brings us along to the pools he is cleaning sometimes if we haven't seen him in a few days which is fun but I always feel like he is trying to hook up with the woman that own the pools. I am not surprised at all if he sleeps with them. Quinn and I usually sit on the edge of the pool while Noah gets to work cleaning the pool without a shirt on. Then we laugh at him when he flirts with the middle aged pool owners. 

When Quinn and I aren't with Noah we are completely wrapped up in each other. Either at one of our houses cuddling and enjoying time together or out somewhere. I don't ever want to stop being looked at by those hazel eyes. 

"What day is it?" Quinn flips in my arms so that she is facing me. Both of us woke up a while ago we just don't want to leave each others arms. We have stayed in bed cuddling only getting up to use the bathroom. We are at my house right now because my dads are out of town so me and Quinn can do whatever we want. Like what she did to me last night. I giggle at my beautiful girl and wipe some blonde hair out of her perfect face. 

"If you let go of me I could check." I look up into her glowing hazel eyes. Every single one of our summer days and nights blend together so I truly don't know what day or time it is. All I know is Quinn. A low groan falls from Quinn's mouth and she plops her head on my chest holding me a little tighter as she does. 

"No." I feel her breath on my neck and I immediately start thinking about touching her. I run my left hand down her naked body gliding over her small breasts. I don't know why but I like her butt better than her breasts. I don't understand the appeal of them but I love me some handfuls of her big butt. I run my hand lower to grab a sized piece of it. When I do Quinn jumps a little. "Whoa." She lifts her head off of my chest and looks into my eyes. That sultry smile plays on her face so I grab her behind a little tighter. "Someone is awake." She bites her lip then goes to kiss me. As her face moves closer to mine I trail my hand up to the middle of her back. When my hand is planted I push her body to mine so our lips collide faster. Just as our lips are about to meet the door bell rings making both of us jump. 

"Who-" I am cut off by a quick peck on the lips by Quinn. 

"Are your dads home?" Quinn asks as she shifts and sits at the edge of the bed. I admire her bare skin as she turns to me and some of her muscles flex. 

"You are so beautiful." I sit up having my back lean against the headboard. Quinn rolls her eyes at me playfully and picks a shirt up off the floor. "You are." She pulls the grey tank top up her arms and to her shoulders stopping to talk to me. 

"Not as beautiful as you." Quinn smiles at me as she yanks the tank top over her head and pushes it down her body. Covering it up so I can't see her skin. That is a total lie. People stop to stare when they see her walk across the street. I know I am biased but Quinn is the most beautiful woman in the world. Nobody can compare to her beauty. "I asked a question Rachy baby." Quinn gets off of my bed and steps into her black Nike pros that drive me insane. "And stop looking at me like that. You aren't getting none until we find out who the-" Quinn had walked over to the big window in my room to see if there were cars in the driveway and I'm guessing someone is here. A sound comes out of my nose as I get up as quickly as possible and open the drawers to my dresser pulling out a random t-shirt and shorts. 

"Who is it?" I call out to my girlfriend as she stares out of the window at who's ever car it it. As I am pulling my clothes on we hear another ring at the door. "Who Quinn?" I ask again as I start to walk over to the window but she turns around and stops. Okay now I am getting suspicious. 

"Just Puck." 

"Oh." All my worries of it being one of our parents drains away and I am brought to the realization my best friend is here. "Wait we weren't supposed to see him for a couple days." Quinn and I walk hand in hand down stairs. 

"That's what I thought. Maybe a couple days is today. I still don't know what day it is." Quinn admits as we reach the door. I peer through the glass and it is in fact Noah. I let go of Quinn's hand just for a moment to open the door. I am almost positive it's Monday after thinking about it.

"Hey big man." I go to hug Noah but his hand is sticking straight out stopping me from embracing him. I step back and take Quinn's hand back in mine. On second glance I see Noah's hand is behind his back and I can see the edges of a box. 

"Hey guys." Noah smiles widely at us. I can't really focus on anything besides the box right now. 

"Hey Papa." Quinn leans to her right to try and see what he is holding. She snaps back up and gives me a look of confusion. I shrug and we turn back to him. 

"I got something for you both." Noah slowly takes the box from behind his back and holds it in both of his hands in front of him. 

"I can see that." Quinn says sarcastically looking down at the box. I also look down at the box and see the shoddy tape job he did on the plain cardboard box. 

"What is it?" I ask and finally look up into Noah's dark hazel eyes. He is looking between Quinn and I quickly. 

"We should go sit down for this." Noah takes a step into the house so Quinn and I simultaneously take a couple steps backwards.  

"Okay." I say cautiously and we walk over to my kitchen table.  

"Sit." Noah lightly instructs. I do just that sitting in my normal seat on the right side of the rectangular table. 

"What the hell is going on?" Quinn asks and slowly slinks into the chair next to me. 

"I got you a present." He places the box on the table and slides it near us. I grab Quinn's thigh under the table to calm her down and just so I can feel her touch. "That's what. Open it." He pushes the box a little closer to us. Noah stands at the head of the table with his lips pressed in a line. He is kind of weirding me out. I have never seen him so... embarrassed. Not exactly embarrassed but this is the closest I have seen to it. 

"Thanks I guess." I grab the box and pull it right in front of Quinn and I. I shift to stand up to go get scissors but Quinn starts peeling the tape away effortlessly. She takes all the tape off but leaves the box closed. Noah looks down at the box avoiding our eyes again. Quinn shoves the box closer to me and leans into my ear. 

"Open it he's your best friend." Quinn whispers then leans away sitting uncomfortably in the chair. She doesn't trust him but I do a decent amount. 

"Fine." I roll my eyes shaking all my suspicions away. I put my hands on either side of the cardboard flaps. I take a quick deep breath then open it up. I see a book then something under it. I pick up the book inspecting it and not looking at what is under it. When I look closer I see that the book is Wuthering heights by Emily Bronte. The book the quote Quinn told me about was in. I inspect the book closer as Quinn looks inside the box at whatever else is in there. She only looks for a second before slamming the flaps shut over the box. 

"Are you serious Puck?" Quinn snaps and Noah hides a smile. "This has to be a joke. I can't believe you would give us something like this. How- where did you even get this? Do not answer that question." Quinn points her finger at him and takes a second to breath before yelling at him again. I take her quick break to interrupt. 

"What is it?" I ask and look between Noah and Quinn for a moment before placing my hands over the closed box. 

"Don't." Quinn knocks my hands off of the box then shoves it over to Noah. "You don't want to know." Quinn glares at the man. He is trying to choke back a laugh but is having a hard time doing it. 

"Let her see it. I bet she would like it." Noah pushes the box back towards me and I take it in my hands. Quinn doesn't protest this time. I open the box and look at the brightly covered box at the bottom of the bigger box. Then I see something I don't really want to see at all. 

"I have that job covered she doesn't need a st..." Quinn stops not wanting to actually utter the words. 

"Strap on." I say as I glare at the big red phallic object connected to what looks like some sort of belt on the picture on the front of the box. I reach down and pull the box out of the big box. "What in the world possessed you to get this for us?" I ask as I show him the box. Quinn lowers my arms shaking her head at me. 

"I just did." He claps his hands together and gives us an awkward grin. "So I am going to leave now. Um yeah." He turns on his heel and leaves before Quinn and I are able to snap away from looking at the pictures on the box. As Quinn is about to get up but the door slams shut signifying that Noah has left. 

"I had no idea he was going to get that." Quinn admits and peers right into my eyes. I turn to her and take in her somber expression. 

"I know I just have never seen anything like this." I shake my head at the thing in the box then I throw it back into the bigger plain cardboard box. I also pick up Wuthering heights from the table and toss it in the box. "I don't want my dads seeing this." I stand up and take the box with me as I go upstairs. 

"Whoa your keeping the thing?" Quinn asks as she follows me upstairs. I think we are both in shock, I know I am not thinking entirely clearly. 

"I am going to put it in my closet until I decide what to do with it." I walk down the hall with the big box barely being able to see over the top of it. I don't really want it. I don't want it in me, around me, on me, in Quinn, around Quinn. The thing grosses me out. 

"Well he gave it to both of us so I am deciding to throw it away." I plop the box down in front of my closet and spin to face Quinn. "Like I said before I get the job done. And I am the best at what I do. Get rid of it. Burn it in a damn fire." Quinn goes to pick up the box but I tuck it into my closet before she can. 

"What if-" 

"No what ifs. I am not wearing that thing and neither are you." Quinn snaps at me then out of nowhere sits on my bed taking a few breaths to calm herself down. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I don't care what you do with it. I'm shocked that Puck gave that to us and I don't know how to react." I smile at her change of heart and sit next to Quinn on my bed. 

"Let's forget about it, right." She grins and I place my hand on her bare thigh. "Whatever happens happens. If we don't want it we don't want it but who are we to judge right now. We both really have no idea what to do with it." I take her face and my hands and kiss her slowly. 

"You want to watch some videos about it?" Quinn asks and looks deep into my eyes. 

"Like porn?" I lower my brow and deepen my gaze at her. 

"Yup." She hops off the bed. "We can use my laptop." Quinn crouches next to her bag that she has been bringing lately. 

"I don't... um Quinn?" I don't know how to respond to her without embarrassing myself. 

"Oh don't lie to me everyone watches porn." Quinn scoots to the headboard and lies the laptop right on her thighs. 

"I did once and I turned it off as soon as the lady put her mouth around his... thing." I point in between my legs and Quinn just laughs at me. I sit next to her with our backs pressed against the headboard. "I think about it sometimes so I go on the website scrolling through the videos without actually clicking on anything. Penis's don't gross me out I just don't understand why they have to be so gross about thrusting it at girls." I avoid Quinn's eyes as she laughs at me. "Stop laughing at me." I nudge her with my elbow but her laughs don't die down. It's the kind of laugh that hurts your stomach. Quinn takes a second to reign in her laughter before talking. I sit there with my arms crossed and staring straight ahead at my dresser which makes her laugh more. 

"We aren't going to be watching men Rachel." Quinn pries open the laptop and types in her password before opening a web browser. "What we are going to be watching on the hub is lesbian porn." Quinn starts typing into the search bar the website that I have been on a couple times. It must be the most popular one. "Not just lesbian porn, strap on porn." She gets to the black and orange screen then starts typing again. 

"You can search up videos?" I point to the search bar on the website. Quinn lifts her hands off of the laptop and looks at me like I am crazy. She balls her hands into fists then shakes them a couple times. 

"You are so naive and innocent. That's one of the reasons I love you." Quinn bites her bottom lip then places a hand on my chin drawing me closer to her. She gives me a long slow kiss before turning back to the laptop. 

"I don't think it's a very good idea to watch porn." Whenever I have tried to in the past I always got this funny feeling. Which I now know is horniness and I only get it because of Quinn these days. Quinn clicks on a video and then skips is about half way to get to the girls having sex. Once the video finally stops loading I see that the girls are going at it like crazy. I smack my hand over my eyes before I can see what else is going on. Quinn puts an arm around my shoulder and pulls me into her body. 

"It's not that bad we have done worse stuff than these ugly bitches." I hear a couple clicks and then I start to hear moans, she turned up the volume. I cringe a little and then open my eyes to see the girls going at it.  

We watch a couple more videos like the first one Quinn pulled up. I crossed my legs after a couple minutes into the first video feeling a tingle because I do want Quinn to do that to me. I kind of what to do it to her but I know she wants to do it to me. At some point her hand has made its way to my thigh and was slowly inching up my crossed legs. 

"Open your legs for me." Quinn breaks the silence as we watch the fourth video she has pulled. 

"No." Her hand almost moves off of my leg but it stays in place. "Please turn those videos off. I get the idea." I nod and she slams the laptop shut. "I'm hungry. I'll go make something." I get off of the bed and look down at Quinn as she looks up at me with those hazel eyes of her's. "What do you want to eat Love?" I ask and reach my hand out, Quinn takes it quickly. 

"You." She responds and right about now I am regretting letting her take my hand because she is starting to pull me towards her. Quinn knocks the laptop off of her lap and replaces it with me. We kiss for a couple of minutes before I get up and leave her hanging. 

"I'm going to make food. I don't care if you come down or not." I leave the room turning around to smirk at my girl before walking downstairs. 

"You don't have to be so sassy." Quinn yells while I take a step down the stairs. I shake my head and hear her getting off the bed. I make my way into the kitchen and finally checked the time. It's around noon and my head hurts from not eating all day. Quinn brought over chicken salad for herself a couple of days ago so I decide to just make sandwiches. I made Quinn the chicken salad sandwich with lettuce and I made myself a vegan sandwich with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, oil and mustard. I put our sandwiches on plates with chips and a picks on the side. Quinn still hasn't come up yet so I set our plates on the table in our usual spots and make my way upstairs to get her. 

When I walk into my room the first thing I see is that Quinn isn't in here. Then I see the bathroom light on with the door closed. I turn and see that my closet door is open and the cardboard box is in the middle of my room and the only contents in it is the book. No, Quinn what did you do?' I see her Nike pros on the other side of my bed as I approach the closed bathroom door. I don't even knock, I open it without warning and see Quinn standing there looking at herself in the mirror. She is turned sideways so that she is facing me. The sink is low so she could get a good view of everything. She has the damn thing on and is thrusting her hips in a rolling manner. I smack my forehead as I look up her body and see that her tank top is hiked up and resting just below her breasts to expose her perfect abs to me.  

"I didn't know my hips could move like this." Quinn keeps thrusting forward using her whole body to move into it. Her body is moving perfectly as she thrusts her hips. The long red object is coming towards me then moving back with her every movement. "Look at me go." Quinn eyes me then places a hand on her waist holding her other hand out pretending like she is holding my back. Her hips keep moving forward until she really looks at my expression. Right now I am not in the mood so I am a little angry at her. Which she can clearly see. I take a step forward and place my hands on either side of her hips to stop the movement. 

"I made some food. You can do whatever your doing later. I honestly don't appreciate you using that without my knowledge." I lean over her shoulder and look down at her bare ass for a second making sure my body doesn't touch the silicone. I move my hand and smack her butt. 

"Sorry." She says after I smack her. She rubs it with her hand to try and make me feel bad but I really don't care I know I didn't hurt her. "I'll take it off. Can I have a kiss?" Quinn makes a couple kissing sounds with her mouth. 

"After you take that off and have lunch with your girlfriend who just made you a sammich." I lean against the door frame and watch as she slowly starts to take the belt thing off. It's wrapped around her waist and legs and in between hers legs. It's a whole thing. 

"A sammich?" Quinn finishes taking the thing off and waves it in my face. I nod and lean my head back a little so it doesn't hit me. "7 inches. Puck really went for it because that is way bigger than-" 

"Okay." I yell to cut her off because I already know what she is going to say. "Lunch." Is all I say before turning around and making my way into the hallway. I stand in the doorway of my room now and watch Quinn put her Nike pros on. She steps out from the other side of my bed. I don't know why I am feeling like this right now but Quinn has it going on. Her tank top is tight and almost looks like a second skin. Those shorts are just as tight and are really high up and exposing most her her legs. "Damn you." I turn around as Quinn approaches me. She starts chasing me down the hall so I speed up and run as fast as my legs can take me. 

"I know you want me." Quinn says from just behind me as we reach the top of the stairs. I yell as she catches up to me and flings me over her shoulder. She caught up to me before I could even run down the stairs. 

"My Love is too fast." I yelp as Quinn takes me down the stairs pretending to drop me a few times. She sets me down right in front of the table. 

"Tah-dah." I spread my arm out to the food. Quinn stands there staring at me. 

"I want to eat outside its summer." Quinn takes both plates and makes her way to the front door. 

"What? We don't have tables and chairs." I call as I chase after her. 

"But you do have a front step." 

Quinn and I eat our food in the summer heat on the front steps of the house. I can't stop looking at her. She is the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my entire life. Nothing can take her away from me, not anymore. 

The rest of the day is a little bit awkward because neither of us want to address the strap on that is sitting on the bathroom counter in my room. I am curious about it and I know Quinn is also curious about it but neither of us talk about. Both of us want to talk about it but we don't know how to talk about it really. That's kind of awkward asking my girlfriend to use it on me. Instead of having one of the chats we have, which can lasts for hours, we decide to cuddle on my couch and watch a movie.

While looking for something to watch we try not to pick a romance movie because that would make both of us talk about it so we somehow land on that Iron man movie that came out a couple years ago. It's not a bad movie it's just something I really don't like to watch. I would rather watch a musical or something along those lines. But I shut up and watch Iron man, it gets better the more I watch it and Quinn also seems to like it. I am leaning into Quinn and her arm is placed around my shoulder holding me close to her. My legs are bent they are half on Quinn's legs and half on the couch. I could never feel more at home than I do cuddled up next to Quinn. I look down, see goosebumps on her legs and she shivers a little. She pats my shoulder a couple times to warn me. 

"I am going to go put some pants on." I peel myself off of my girl then she gets up and walks out of view. I hear her climb up the stairs, walk down the hall and into my room. After that I can't hear much so I focus on Pepper pulling something out of the hole in Tony's, who is Iron man, chest. It makes me squirm and I wish I had Quinn's shoulder to bury my face in. I keep watching the scene unfold as Quinn is still rustling around in my room. I look down the hall to see if she is coming which I know she isn't. 

"What is taking that woman so long to put pants on?" I quietly ask myself and shake my head. It takes a couple more minutes and then I finally hear her come down the stairs. I pretend to be paying attention to the t.v to hide my excitement of her coming back. I stare at the t.v as she rounds the corner. She stands there and glares at me for a moment trying to get me to look at her but I don't even give her as much as a side eye. She giggles as she steps closer to me. She stands behind the chair to my left and takes a pillow off of it. She walks completely into my view with the pillow over her crotch. "No." I say as she walks over and sits down next to me. "You didn't." I look into her hazel eyes as she has a hard time covering the giant thing attached to her hips. "What do you have?" I ask and put my hand on the pillow. 

"Nothing." Quinn says in a low snarl and holds the pillow tighter. 

"I know you have it." I put my hand on her thigh and feel the strap that holds the silicone on. "Quinn." I kiss her without hesitation. I want to try it because I know I am safe with Quinn. 

"I love you." Quinn says into the kiss and I push my tongue into her mouth. She moves the pillow away and I look down at it backing away from her kiss. "It's going to be okay." Quinn looks deep into my eyes and I know she is telling the truth. 

"Okay." I kiss her again before taking my shorts off and straddling her lap. I stay a few inches above it so nothing happens yet. 

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