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I froze.

I increased the grip on my phone, she didn't have the right to call me that anymore. How did she find me? The anger I had kept locked up deep inside me for years burst open, I tried not to let the rage control me since I was in a public place.

Should I ignore her because of what happened three years ago or turn to her and act like old friends? It's been three years, it was better to act like I was over what happened and also act like it never happened. I had to show her, I was stronger and independent.


SHe called this time around, I chose the latter.

I forced a smile and turned around. SHe looked taller, that was the first thing I noticed. SHe was in red gym shorts, black trainers and white tank-top that was soaked with sweat. Sweat dripped down her tanned arms, her blonde hair was full now, few strands glued to her forehead from the sweat.

"Lisa?" I tried to sound surprised, but it sounded so fake.


I said, moving stylishly to cover Wyatt. I hope whatever she wanted to say won't take long.

In a situation like this, what do you do when the father of your baby was just five feet away from the baby she didn't know existed?

SHe just stared at my face not saying anything for a while, her eyes were on my short hair.

"You cut...your hair," she said with a look I couldn't read.

"Yes," I said in a monotone.

Her house was far from here, why would she come all the way here for a run? Why today? More reasons I couldn't trust Hae-in.

"How have you been?"

Her words sounded strained like she wasn't sure of what to say.

"What do you want, Lisa?" I couldn't stop the anger surging through my veins.


Wrong timing baby, please keep playing with the puppy.

Wyatt ran to me and hugged my legs giggling, I smiled at him and looked at Lisa. SHe was staring at Wyatt with raised brows, her eyes drifted to me, the question was already written on her face.

"You have a son?"

"Yeah, I'm married."

The words left my mouth before I could stop them. SHe looked speechless for some seconds and hurt.

"That's....that's nice."

SHe stuttered taking a glance at Wyatt while I tucked my hands behind my dark jeans before she notices my bare fingers, I had no ring to go with my lie.

I got uncomfortable with the way she was staring at him, Wyatt stared back and for a moment it felt like they were connecting in a way I couldn't tell.

"Uhm...we were just leaving."

I said making her divert her eyes back to me.

"It's a hot day, how about we go get some drinks and ice cream for the little man?"

SHe asked and squatted to be on the same eye level with Wyatt.

"Seriously Lisa? I just told you I'm married and you wanna have drinks together?"

"I heard you, I wanted to know how you've been doing."

"Didn't Haein fill you in already? Stay away from me Lisa, I don't care what you are here for. If you dare come anywhere close to me and my baby, I'm going to the cops to place a restraining order on you."

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