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"I'm sorry but I'll have to ask you both to leave."

"Leave? I'm not leaving here until I know where my daughter is."

Lisa said with an intimidating tone.

"Didn't you read the rules and regulations before signing the papers?"

"I did, I know I'm not supposed to be here, but..." I tried to explain.

"Then please leave," she cut in quickly.

"We are not here to fight, we just wanna talk."

I said calmly.

"I don't think I can provide you with any information about the child you gave up for adoption, it's the rules."

"F*ck the rules!"
Lisa yelled.

"Lisa," I called, placing my hand on her hand that was already fisted.

"Hey, you have to stay calm. Do it for her, stay strong for her."

I whispered. SHe took a glance at me and relaxed.

The lady looked calm like she was used to seeing people like us.

"Please, can you hear us out?" I asked calmly.

"There's nothing you're going to tell me that will change my mind."

She said and I heard Lisa scoff.

"Can you just tell us if she is still here or if she has been adopted?"

"No, I can't."

Lisa's hand clenched, I gave her hand a soothing squeeze.

"I'm sorry I can't help you."

Ms. Minchin said.

I turned to look at Lisa, she was looking down.

"So, there is no way we can get her back?"

I asked like I didn't know the answer already, I wished there was another way.

"I'm sure you took your time making the decision, the moment you signed those papers she was no longer your child..."

"And who are you to decide that? She is my blood and no stupid paperwork is gonna change that,"

Lisa cut in.

"This is bullshit, I will find another way to get my daughter."

Lisa said and left the office.

I looked at the woman not knowing how to convince her to help us, she was very loyal to her job.

"Our job is to protect these kids and give them a good home. You can't just show up and snatch them from their new life or new family. Your child probably has a new identity now, you can't change that."

"Thanks for your time."

I told her and stood up.

"Have a nice day and tell your spouse, I'm sorry for pissing her off. I was just doing my job."

"I understand."

I gave her a firm smile and left the room.

Lisa was on the phone when I came out. SHe kept pacing around and running her fingers through her hair.

"Okay, get all the details you need and get back to me."

SHe said to the person on the other line and ended the call.

"Is everything okay?"

I asked.

"Yes," she replied, not looking at me. SHe entered the car and I followed. I spoke to Jisoo on the phone on our way back to the hotel.

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