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I had never felt this scared in my life, for the past couple of days I'd been jumpy, my heart jumped every time someone called my name.

I kept looking over my shoulder to see if I was being followed. Every time I saw a police officer or a police car, my heart stopped beating.

Tying someone up and holding them against their will was a crime, right? Yang Goon was still tied up in my closet. Every time I think about it, my heart beats faster than ever.

I would be going to jail if someone found out what I had done. I was freaking out within me every passing second. This wasn't something I ever imagined doing, I wished things were different.

It's been a week since I knocked Yang Goon out and tied him up in my closet. I'd been cautious in everything I did to avoid raising any suspicion.

I gripped the strap on my bag as I walked home after my night shift, I jumped when I heard a noise behind me.

I turned around only to see a lady and her dog jogging down the street. She smiled at me and I returned it.

I exhaled in relief and kept walking, I had never done anything like this in my life, it felt like I murdered someone.

I typed in my password with shaky hands hoping Jisoo was not back. I dropped my bags and walked to the kitchen, I got a bottle of water and food.

I locked the door to my room and walked into the closet. Yang Goon glared at me as I took the seat in front of him.

"Hi, Yang Goon."

I smiled at him.

He struggled in the seat trying to break free, I rolled my eyes tired of seeing him try.

I moved closer and pulled the duct tape from his mouth, he groaned.

"Let me go, crazy b*tch!"
He spat.

"You made me do this, I never wanted to do this. You kept threatening me and asking for all my hard-earned money, what was I supposed to do?"

"You won't get away with this, my friends will come for me."

"You have friends?"

I said with a dramatic gasp.

"I'm shocked," I added with a smile.

"It's been a week, they will know something is wrong and go to the cops, even my grandma, I call her every day and thanks to you I haven't spoken to her in a week."

"Oh, my bad."

"You won't get away with this, I promise you," he said, throwing daggers at me with his eyes.

"I want to let you go, believe me. I'm just scared you'll go to the cops and also tell Lisa about the baby," I told him.

"Wow, are you a psychic? Cause you just read my mind."

What a fool.

"You know what? I don't regret this, you deserve to be tied up in here."

I said in distaste.

"What are you so scared of? SHe is the father after all, is three years not enough for whatever happened between you...."

I stuffed some steak into his mouth shutting him up.

"No, it's not enough," I murmured.

I fed him and left the room after putting the duct tape on his mouth.

I ran into Jisoo on my way to the kitchen. She stared at the plate in my hand then my face.

"What? I felt like eating in my room."

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