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"You gave birth to twins?"

I looked down at my white off-the-shoulder top that was stained at the front and my neck where I could feel the juice she spat on my face rolling down my neck.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting that."

She said when I turned to look at her, I forced a smile trying to suppress the scowl making its way to my face.

She reached for the paper towels at the end of the table and picked five.

"You had me for a second, that was a joke right?"

I collected it from her and wiped my face and neck.

"No, I had twins, Jisoo, for real."

Her lips parted slowly like she wasn't sure of what to say.

"I need to wash this off, I will be right back."

I stood up and left for the restroom leaving her to process what I told her.

When I returned to the booth, she was twirling the straw in her drink.

"Wait, is she dead?"

She asked in a low tone leaning closer to the table.


I said loud enough for the whole Diner to hear.

"Thank God."

She exhaled in relief and relaxed in her seat.

"Then, you put her up for adoption?"

She asked before dipping her straw in her mouth.


I replied calmly this time. Jisoo gasped in surprise.



"That makes sense since you gave birth in Cuba, but why did you abandon her?"

"I didn't abandon her."

"You abandoned her, you literally chose Wyatt and gave her up."

She said like I made the decision in a heartbeat.

"I was helpless, I couldn't even afford diapers. I had to give Zoey a better life."

I tried to explain.

"I couldn't take care of them with my situation, at first I wanted to give both of them up for adoption. I love them so much and I wanted to keep them but I had nothing, I knew I couldn't give both of them a better life. I wasn't ready to be a mother of two kids, I had to choose. I wished I didn't have to, but I could only take care of one."

"Wow, that's so unfair. Zoey will be so mad at you."

She said and took a draw from her drink.

"Yeah, I know. I guess her new family must have given her another name."

I mumbled with tears glistening in my eyes.

"Well, at least you didn't abandon her in front of an orphanage in a basket."


"What? That's where they always put them in movies, it's either a basket or a bowl."

I shook my head at her attempt to lighten the mood.

"I don't blame you for anything, Jen. You were in a tough spot and you thought you were making the right decision for your babies."

She said with a soft smile.

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