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"Where is he? Where is my son?!!!"

Lisa asked with a dark look, the veins on her neck were visible and her jaw hardened as she waited for me to say something.

"How did....who told you he is yours?"

I changed the question quickly trying not to give her reasons to believe Wyatt was hers.

"Don't f*cking lie to me, Ruby!"

"Don't call me that!"
I snapped.

"He is not yours, I told you I'm married!"

"The hell you are!"

SHe released me and grabbed my hand, she pulled out the fake wedding ring and threw it across the street.

I gasped and stared at her with my hands fisted at my sides.

"Drop the act already, I know the truth. Where is he?"

"He is not yours, Lisa," I said boldly, standing upright. My back was hurting from the way she held me to the car.

"Stop, don't lie to me."

"The fact you were the first person I slept with doesn't mean he is yours."

I added and she laughed softly licking her lower lip.

"How old is he?"

"None of your business."

I knew what she was trying to do.

"The trip to Cuba was to hide the truth right, you stayed for almost a year."


"Why do you think he is your son?"

I said looking at the black shirt that showed off her muscles and her impressive torso.

How pathetic can you be Jennie, you don't admire people you hate.

My subconscious said.

"We have the same birthmark, I saw it beneath his ear at the park."

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out, I wasn't sure of what to say.

"Show me," I demanded.

SHe pointed at a spot on her neck with her long finger, I pushed myself up on my tiptoes to take a look.

It looked like a splash of dark paint on her skin.

Wyatt had it too, I should have paid attention to it.

"And I have the DNA result."
He added.

"Wait, What?"

"I wanted to be sure he was really mine, so I stole a strand of his hair when I touched it and took it for a DNA test."

I recalled her ruffling Wyatt's hair.

"How dare you?!"

I pushed at her chest getting more furious than ever.

"You had no right to do that!"

"I'm his father, I have the right to know."

"No, you don't, Wyatt doesn't need you."

"He is a Manoban, you can't change that."

"He is a Kim, that's what is written on his birth certificate."

I said crossing my arm.

"Oh, God."

SHe grunted turning around, she backed me for a while just mumbling curses, she ran both hands through her hair and finally faced me.

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