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What was my sister doing here?

Shin-ae turned to look at me with the same shocked expression I had on my face.


"You've got to be kidding me," she mumbled looking pissed.

"You know each other?" Ms. Amelia asked, looking between us.

"No," she replied quickly before I could say 'yes'.

Shin-ae was the Adoptive parent? Should I be happy or sad?

"You know what? I'm taking this case to court and let the jury decide who is more fit to be a parent?" She said and stood up.

"Let's go, Jesse," She looked behind me at Lisa, her face twisted in disgust before she walked away with the black guy I assumed was her husband. I didn't even know she was married.

I wasn't surprised at her reaction, we had not spoken for three years.

"Shin-ae," I called following her outside. Lisa and her Attorney trailed behind me.

"Can you please stop and hear me out!" I yelled.

Thank God we were out of the building.

"What do you want? Haven't you taken enough from me?"
She said.

I didn't understand her anymore, she knew the whole thing with Lisa was a lie but she never apologized or felt sorry for what she did.

"Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you?"

I asked, stepping closer.

"Maybe you should ask Mom and Dad, just know you're never getting her back."

"Where is she?" Lisa asked stepping forward.

"I got this, Lisa," I told her.

"What the hell is going on?" Her husband asked, looking so lost.

"I will explain everything in the car, I promise."

She said to him with a smile.

"Please don't bring my daughter between whatever you have against me."

This wasn't the sister I grew up with. The sister I grew up with was too nice that it irritated me some times.

"Mom never mentioned anything about you having twins, how the hell is she your daughter?"

"I gave birth to twins in Cuba, I took one with me and gave the other twin up for adoption."

"What a great mother."
She snarled.

"Don't act like you know the full story or her reason for what she did," Lisa said in my defence.

"The story about you and your family using her for some kind of experiment, I know the story."

"We just want her back," I said hoping there was a nice person underneath the cold-blooded person staring at me.

"She is happy with us and we love her like our blood. You can't just show up one day and take her away, it doesn't work that way!"

"Will you just listen to what I have to say?"

"I don't wanna know your reasons, you can tell the judges your reason for abandoning your daughter when we meet in court."

"You don't have to do this, Shin-ae."

"We both know the truth little sister, Lily is better off without you two. She deserves a safe home, you will never be a good mother, Jennie. Once the judges know who you truly are and the psychopath you're dating, you're never gonna see her again."

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