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"Hi, Jennie."

I heard Haein's voice from behind. I noticed the red stain on his lips.

I stared at them for a while not saying anything. Jisoo cursed in a low tone and facepalmed herself. On the other hand Haein couldn't contain the smile tugging at his stained lips.

"Umm...I will..."

"Nothing happened."

Jisoo said quickly before I could finish what I wanted to say.

I cocked a brow at her with a smirk.

"Seriously, Jennie. Nothing happened, he was only helping me fix my....my..um...my shoe."

She groaned.

"In the restroom? Hmm...sounds convincing."

"I need a drink," Haein said clearing his throat.

"What's your favourite, TurtleRabbit?"

"Get lost."

She said, not looking at him.

"Well, it was nice helping you with your shoe."

He whispered close to her ear brushing his lips against her skin. Jisoo stepped on his foot before I could turn away and give them some privacy.

"You're driving me home, it's not a request, TurtleRabbit."

He said wincing at the pain.

I turned to her with a smug look as soon as he was out of sight.


She warned before I could say anything.

"Oh come on, what's the fun in not teasing you about being caught hooking up with Haein in the ladies' restroom?"

"I think you just did."

I shrugged with a smile and followed her into the bathroom.

"Sorry for interrupting."

I said, laying emphasis on the last word.

"Please, Jen. I don't wanna talk about it."

She said opening her purse.

"Is it because of Eric or is it, Benjamin? I forgot his name."

"No, and his name is Mino. Drop it already, I made it clear I don't wanna talk about it," I smiled at how I was getting under her skin.

"When you're ready to talk about it, I'm here. At the meantime, I need help with my hair, Wyatt pulled it."

"Give me a minute," She said rubbing her lips with red lipstick

"So how is the party?" She asked as she put her lipstick and eyeliner in the purse.

"Great, everyone looks happy."

There was a brief silence between us before she said something.

"He followed me here, I came to wash my hands. He looked angry and before I could ask him what he was doing in the ladies' restroom, he locked the door and the next thing I knew he was kissing me then you showed up."

"Don't hate me, I didn't know."

"You suck at teasing you know that right?"


We left the bathroom laughing, we ran into Shin-ae on our way to the ballroom. Jisoo left me to search for her date.

"Have you seen Lisa?"

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