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"I had twins, Wyatt is a twin."

"What?" she mumbled, staring at me without blinking.

"He has a sister," I said rubbing my elbow like it could ease the feeling in my chest.

"Oh shit!"

SHe groaned, turning away from me, she punched the wall next to the closet and mumbled another curse.

Well, that wasn't the reaction I was expecting.

"Oh God, no."

SHe groaned again and buried her face in her palms.


"Don't say it, please don't."

SHe was about to break down, she took a sharp breath and ran her palm down her face in distress. I was so confused.


I moved closer.

"She is dead, isn't she? And it's all my fault."

"No, she is alive. Zoey is alive."

SHe faced me looking so surprised. Why did she think she was dead?

"She is alive? My baby girl is alive?"

SHe took slow steps toward me still looking shocked but the happiness was radiating from the smile about to reach her face.

"Yes Lisa, she is not dead."

"Oh my God, thank you."

SHe wrapped her arms around me with a burst of joyful laughter, I was still lost.

"I am so happy to hear that, Ruby. I don't think I will be able to stand the thought of losing another baby girl."

SHe sounded relieved.

"Where is she? I wanna see her."

SHe asked, pulling away, she looked so excited and I was about to take the happiness and hope away.

"Uh...she's in Cuba. You know, the place I had the twins?"


SHe looked pissed now.

"I couldn't take care of both of them, so..." I took a glance at her and tried to say it.

"So what happened, Ruby? Is she in trouble?"

"I gave her up for adoption," I said quickly.

"You what?"

"I couldn't do it, Lisa."

"So you kicked her out of your life, you gave her away like she was nothing? You abandoned her."

"No! For Christ's sake. I. Didn't. Abandon. Her!"

"You took Wyatt with you and left his sister. You gave his sister to another family, Ruby, that's...."

SHe paused and closed her mouth.

"Is what? Cruel? Unfair? Say it!"

I dared her.

SHe turned away from me and walked into the closet.

"I know I was wrong to pick Wyatt and leave his sister, I had no money to take care of both of them. It was better than watching them suffer."

I said behind her as she grabbed a small suitcase and threw some clothes inside.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to Cuba to get my daughter."

SHe said sternly.

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