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"Yang Goon?"

He gave me a lopsided grin and stepped in with two of his suitcases.

"Help me with the last suitcase, will you?"

He told me as he walked past me.

"What are you doing here?"

I asked leaving the last suitcase at the doorway.

"That was not the reaction I was expecting but it's fine."

He said and went to get his last suitcase.

"Why are you here? How did you even know I live here?"

"I asked Beatrice."

He said picking one apple from the fruit basket at the dining, he took a big bite.

"Nice place, I guess I made the right choice," he looked around the living room.

"You still haven't answered my question, why are you here?"

"To be closer to my wife and it was the perfect opportunity to get away from my parents."

He still lived with his parents at twenty-five? Did he even have a job?

"You can't stay here, I have a roommate."

"So? There are two rooms, right?"

"It doesn't matter, you can't live here. I told you if I need you to play the husband role I'd call you."

The door opened and Jisoo walked in with her stiletto heels in one hand, her sky blue blazer was resting on one arm.

"I'm home."

She said tiredly, she was too busy hanging her shoe on the rack to see Yang Goon, I was thinking of what to tell her.

She finally looked up and saw us, she stared between us with a questioning look.

"Hi, cutie."

Yang Goon said before I could say anything, Jisoo's forehead creased at his greeting.


She turned to me for an explanation.

"This is Yang Goon, my....my boyfriend."

"I thought we were mar...."

I elbowed him in the gut to shut him up.

"I knew it! I knew you were seeing someone!"

She said with a wide smile like she just won a prize.

"Yang Goon, this is, Jisoo, my best friend and roommate."

"Just call me Jisoo."

He stepped forward and took her small hand and placed his lips on the back of her palm.

"My pleasure."

He said huskily, can he be more disgusting? I just introduced him as my boyfriend for Christ's sake.

Jisoo blushed and mouthed hot to me when he wasn't looking. I forced a smile trying my best not to roll my eyes.

"Oh please, I don't want Jennie to stab me in my sleep."

She joked.

"I'm sure she doesn't mind."

He said, taking a glance at me.

"What's with the suitcases?"

Jisoo asked, staring at me.

"Yang Goon, came all the way from L.A to spend some time with me, we have been on a long-distance relationship."

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