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"Do you know anyone named Kim Seokjin?"

I was lost for words as I took in her question. What did Jin have to do with this? He didn't even know about Wyatt.

"Miss Kim?"

Detective Jessica snapped her fingers in front of me.

"He is her ex."

Lisa said before I could open my mouth.

"Hmmm....interesting, are you two in any way fighti...."

"No! We are good friends. Trust me, he is a nice guy."

I heard Lisa scoff from beside me.

"Jin doesn't know about Wyatt," I told them.

"Oh really?"

Detective Jessica shared an amused look with her partner.

"I don't even get it, how did Jin get into the picture?"

"We interrogated all your friends and he was the only one that sparks something in us, his alibi didn't make any sense. We don't know what he is hiding but I can assure you we have something on him, he's being detained at the moment."

"Detained? Jin is in jail?"

"Yes, till we're done with our investigation. You'll be shocked to see what we found so far."

She said her last sentence in a whisper.

"What are you guys talking about? There must be some kind of mistake somewhere."

"We'll be leaving now, we'll explain everything when we wrap up the whole investigation. Have a lovely day."

She flashed me a smile and left with Detective Constantine.

"Can you believe them? They think Jin tried to kill us."

I said and laughed humourlessly.

I turned to Lisa and found her eyes closed, I knew she was pretending to be asleep.

I groaned and sank in my seat, why would Jin even want to kill me? Or kidnap Wyatt?

"I won't be surprised if it turns out to be him."

I heard Lisa's voice, I turned to look at her but her eyes were still closed.

"He is not the one, I'm sure they'll let him go once they are done with their investigation."

SHe didn't say anything, she turned her face away from me and moved Wyatt closer to her.

I smiled at Wyatt's tiny frame that snuggled closer to Lisa, Lisa moved her head up to create room for Wyatt's small head.

I exhaled and looked down at my plain nails, they interrogated all my friends. Jisoo was still mad at me, I expected her to pay me a visit after hearing about the attack but she didn't.

I reached for my phone and dialled her line, I waited for her to send me to voicemail but she picked the call.


I sat up in my seat, she didn't say anything. Maybe she didn't know she picked the call.

"Jisoo, are you there?"

"What room are you?"

She asked with an aggravated sigh.

"Room? Are you at the hospital?"

"Why else would I be asking dumbass?"

Okay, she was still mad at me.

"35, second floor. If you..."

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