Chapter 9

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"He wants video proof that his father is out. Once he gets that he will give you further instructions. He wants the video no later than 3 o'clock tomorrow. If it's even one minute late, he'll kill Jay." Erin's voice was thin and shaky. Her bruised, swollen eyes were rimmed with tears. Voigt knew, unlike the others in the room, that they weren't tears of sadness, but tears of anger and hate. Dry blood was caked under her nose. Her hair was soaked, making Voigt shiver just thinking about what they could have done to her. The video ended abruptly. It was almost a minute before anybody dared to speak. "So, what do we do?" Ruzek broke the silence. "We do what he wants. We bring him his dad." Voigt looked at Antonio. "I'll make some calls" he hurried over to his desk and immediately picked up the phone. "Ruzek, Atwater, go see if the guy we've got in custody from the jewelry store is in the mood for talking." "And what if he's not..." said Atwater. "You saw the video" Voigt responded. "Do whatever it takes." They both nodded and hurriedly headed down the stairs. "Olinsky, re-check the security footage from the scene and and the footage from a 5-block perimeter around the scene." Olinsky nodded and made his way to his desk. Voigt looked around the office, his eyes resting on the two empty desks in front of him. Voigt smiled when he saw Erin's empty coffee cup resting on her desk and Jay's half eaten doughnut. Voigt couldn't stop himself from grinning when he remembered something that had happens earlier in the week.

"What if he didn't do it?" Erin suggested, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Because we've got him at the scene on video." Ruzek suggested.
"And there's not many people that can make a shot like that" Jay chimed in.
"I'm just saying, what if it was someone else, and they were just copying his mo?" Erin argued.
"If it was someone else, he's gotta be a pro" Olinsky spoke up.
"Or a redneck" Atwater added, twirling a pen between his fingers.
"Pro redneck, I'm calling it" Jay called out.

Voigt snapped back to reality. Antonio was arguing with someone on the phone and Olinsky was staring intently at his computer screen. The moment was gone, and now all Voigt could think about was the kidnapping, the video. He closed his office door and sank down in his chair. He had recognized the face in the video, but it wasn't the face of the Erin he had come to know and love. It was the face of the scared and broken 14 year-old girl he had found behind a dumpster 15 years ago.

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a awhile. Thank you for being patient! I've been really busy with Christmas and basketball. The latest episode was crazy! If you haven't seen it yet, you really should. Anyway thank you so much for the support! I really appreciate it! If you have any comments of ideas for future chapter, don't be afraid to comment! I see all of your comments and take them all into consideration. Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

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