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"Because of things like this." Her voice cracks again. "Because you try to hurt me when you don't get things your way, when you don't have it the way you want. You try to get revenge on me because I don't want what you want."

He was speechless once again. He knew 100% that she was right. He shouldn't have done it even if he was angry. Tears were streaming down both of their cheeks at this point and it wasn't stopping.

"Y/N, I'm just so angry.." he sobs.

"I'm so angry I can't have you back. You're all that I need." He sobs harder.

"We're not meant to be together. We're both childish and immature. We're not good for each other." She sadly says.

"Then we can improve ourselves! We can get better and then be together, why can't that happen?! I'll try my hardest to be a better person for you, and you do the same!" He yells out, heartbroken.

"You can't force love if it isn't there." Y/N tries wiping her tears, but they won't stop.

"We have love! It's there, Y/N, I know it! We're meant to be, I can feel it. You're the one for me and I need you, I need you so desperately and I need you to be mine!" Jeongin's voice cracks again from yelling.

Y/N falls silent, not being able to argue any longer or say something to disagree.

"I know we're not the best people, I know we aren't good right now. I know we're both bad, I know that so well. But we can get better so we can be together again, Y/N. We can better ourselves so we don't lose each other again."

"We'll just end up hurting each other again." Y/N whispers.

"You never know until you try, Y/N! I'll risk everything for you, my heart, my mind, everything! I'll risk getting hurt again if that means being with you! I love you, Y/N!"

"How do you even know that we're meant to be, Jeongin? How?" She looks at him with sorrow.

"I long for your touch every single day, I miss feeling your hugs and cuddles, I miss hearing you laugh over my stupid unfunny jokes, I yearn for your kisses. I miss being cheered up by you, I miss defending you in front of other guys when they hit on you," he sobs.

"I yearn for the feeling of waking up next to you and sleeping next to you, for the feeling of knowing you're mine and no one else's! Y/N, I love you, I love you, I love you," he sobs harder and harder.

"I'll better myself for you, I'll do anything. I'll do anything for you, I just need you in my life so desperately, I'm breaking slowly without you, Y/N, please," he pleads.

"I'll give you time, I'll give you all the time in the world! I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes, Y/N! Just promise me you'll really think about getting back together with me, promise me you'll wait for me too, promise me you won't give up on us, promise me you'll better yourself too! Just please promise me," he begs her, still sobbing.

"Jeongin.." She mutters miserably.

"Please, I beg you, Y/N. I don't care how pathetic I sound right now, I beg you. I beg you, Y/N. Please, don't give up on us. Please tell me you'll wait for me, please promise me!"

"Promise me you won't give up! I can't do anything without you, I can't sleep properly without you, I can't do anything, I need you, so please, promise me. I know you love me, I feel it in my guts. I know you still love me, Y/N!"

"Please don't give up on us. I need to be with you, I need to be able to kiss you, I need to be able to see that you're all mine! I need you, Y/N, I need you so bad, please don't give up on us!"

"I know you love me, I know you do! Deep down you know it too. Please let us have another chance, please." He pleads with her while pouring his eyes out with tears.

"I do love you," she begins. "But I'm losing hope."

"You can't lose hope! We both love each other, we both know this can work out if we put our hearts into it. I'll risk anything just to be with you, Y/N. Please, give us another chance."

"I'll give you all the time you need, I'll wait so long for you, please just promise me you'll wait for me too! Promise me you won't give up on us, promise me that Y/N!"

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