Acacia Thalia Lykaious has been with the ARC team since the very beginning but her walls begin to crumble after watching Stephen lose his life. She's struggling to come to terms with the loss of Stephen and her mother and the years of emotional abus...
"Do I want to ask why you have flamethrowers in your personal arms?" Lester asks as we load the car up so it can be taken down to Jenny.
"Why not" I replied flashing Lester a smile.
"If it's not a creature, it's you who is going to send me to an early grave" Lester muttered with his eye roll.
"These things are even better" Connor smiled with a flamethrower in each hand "it's going to incinerate it" as Danny smiled as he passed us.
"Wow, what do you think you're doing?" Lester asked as he saw Danny heading to the car.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Danny replied.
"Oh yes that's a great idea" Lester tone screaming sarcasm but when isn't it "let's send a criminal out on the streets with a flamethrower".
"I'm no criminal" Danny spoke with a frown.
"Well you broke in here" Lester retorted.
"Yeah, and I didn't steal anything did I?"
"You're splitting hairs the point you should be in custody and you're not part of this team" Lester argues back at Danny.
"He's done a pretty good job of us" Connor butted in "twice".
"It's three-times actually" I corrected Connor.
"We need all the help we can get Lester," Sarah said as she strolled over "you're going to have to trust him".
"Oh great," Lester said sarcastically as he folded his hands behind his back "you've been here 5 minutes and I've already got a rebellion happening" Lester looked at Danny "do you know how to use that thing?"
"Well, no but how hard could it be" he said as he tilted his head to the side.
"Right" Lester started "he goes, you three genuineness stay".
"You're kidding, I so wanted to use this" Connor whined referring to the flamethrower in his hands.
"What!" I shouted at Lester "they're my weapons".
"You three can find a way to stop this thing before it affects anyone else" he raised his voice "I don't want anymore fungus for bogeymen".
"Becker will know who to use it" I tell Danny as he started the car as we all moved out of the way before Lester shouted "The management takes no responsibility for personal loss or injury!"
Danny just drove off as we all headed back inside.
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Me, Connor and Sarah stood facing the lab.
"Abby is going to kill us" both me and Connor said as we looked at each other.