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It was a normal day in the Cullen Household

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It was a normal day in the Cullen Household . Like most days , everyone was home . Well except for Carlisle who was at the hospital working his shift . Emmett was reading Romeo and Juliet out to Rosalie for seemed like the millionth time . Esme was busy cooking a delicious meal for the only human in the house , Bella Swan , who was currently sitting by the grand piano watching Edward's fingers dance over the gracefully as he spun out pleasant melodies . And lastly , Jasper and Alice were in the middle what looked like an intense match of chess . And it goes without saying , Jasper was losing terribly because Alice could already foresee the moves Jasper was going to make .

Alice was going to make her checkmate move when a vision struck her . Edward turned to her with an amused  smile on his face ,"Really ?"

Everyone's ears perked up at the hint of amusement in his   voice . Alice smiled widely in response .
" Whatcha you see Alice ?" Emmett asked inquisitively .

" Bella you never told me you had a sister" Edward smirked and Bella's eyes widened at his words.

" Ashley ? What about her ?" Bella asked . Bella and Ashley were close growing up . Charlie and Renee adopted Ashley when she was eight . Ashley also had a sister , Hayley who was also adopted but ran away soon after . Bella hadn't seen her in the past two years , that was because Ashley left to live with her sister for a while in New Orleans . She'd call occasionally but that stopped after a year .

" I'm so excited !" Alice squealed joyfully .

" Excited 'bout what ?" Jasper asked .

" Jazz you're gonna get a girlfriend , a hot one" Edward grinned .

" I- WHAT ?!" Jasper asked bewildered . " The heck did you see Alice ?"

" Wow Jazz with a chick ? Kind of hard to imagine" Rosalie commented .

" But there is one tiny problem" Alice muttered .

" Don't tell me . She's human like Bella ?" Rosalie scoffed annoyed . Everyone knew that Rosalie detested Bella . And Rosalie didn't bother to make that any less conspicuous.

" That's the thing she isn't -" Alice added lowly .

" Then I don't see the problem in that -" Rosalie started but Bella cut her off .

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NOT HUMAN !?!?" Bella exclaimed getting up so fast that she almost fell over .

" That's the thing whatever she is , she lies mostly in the holes of my visions that's why I can't see much . But I know this , she isn't a vampire but she is not a human also" Everyone tensed as Alice's words . Then everyone looked to the boyfriend-to-be , Jasper , who had a half confused look on his face . What is she ? Jasper pondered .

" Jazz I'm sure it's gonna be ok ." Rosalie assured her brother .

" Yes even I'm sure that everything will work out just fine" Esme said with a soft smile .

" Besides we all are going to love her . You too Rose !" Alice beamed . It was a mystery how could someone so tiny be packed up with so much energy .

" Rose , liking a Swan ? That'll be fun to watch" Emmett commented and Rosalie playfully slapped his shoulder .

" And her fashion sense is AMAZING ! She can really pull off a leather jacket ." Alice said making her checkmate move .

" Wait did you say leather jacket ?" Bella asked confused .
" Yeah why ?"
" Till 16 , Ashley was all about rainbows , unicorns and ponies ." Bella explained .

" Well now she's a cliché biker chick" Edward said glancing over to Jasper , who hadn't said a single word in a while . They all knew the idea of falling in love made Jasper very uncomfortable . Especially after Maria , the woman who practically bulldozered Jasper's heart .

" Hey you okay Jazz ?" Alice asked concerned and he nodded a little .
" I can't wait to see how this will work out" Rosalie dreamed .
" Maybe it'll give him a break from being Broody McBroodyson" Emmett smirked .
" Emmett don't call your brother name ! It's bad manners" Esme scolded Emmett softly .
" Bella tell me a bit about her" Alice asked .
" Um . So Charlie brought her and her sister , Hayley home when she was eight and her sister thirteen . She and her sister were running away from their abusive adoptive parents . But after about a month , Hayley ran away. Charlie never found her . But somehow she and Ashley still maintained contact . And when Ashley was sixteen , we had this accident after which she shifted to her sister's in New Orleans" Bella explained .

" Bella" Alice started," Your phone , 3..2..1 and now" And in sync with Alice's counting Bella's phone rang. She looked at the caller Id - Ashley

"Hey Ashley"

" Hey Bells . Sorry I haven't called in a long while . I talked to Char- I mean Dad and is it cool if I come and live in Forks for a while ?"

" Yeah sure . But what happened in New Orleans ?"

" You know family drama . Bad people show up , things go south and I'm told to sit this one out ."

" By Hayley ?"

" Yeah who else ?"

" No it's okay . It's just that it's been a long time since I last saw you ."

" I know but anyway See you Sunday"


" Bye"

" Bye"

" That was her , right ?" Alice asked .
" Yep it was her" Bella replied .
" So when do I start the wedding planning ?" Rosalie joked .
" No one's marrying anyone" Jasper looked up clearly pissed and he stormed off to his room .

" Oops"

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now