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" Ash ?" Dad called out

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" Ash ?" Dad called out .
"Yeah ?" I asked while stuffing my face with Nutella bread . What ? Girl has her needs .
" I got a call from school today . Saying you got into a fight ?"
Uh-oh . I am screwed .
Then a small voice in my head suggested , Erase his memory it'll be easier . Then another voice countered it and said , Don't you dare. No magic with him .
She probably right , Another voice chimed . Ugh it's so confusing .
" Yeah dad I did . Bitch ruined my jacket ." I shrugged casually and he nodded . Guess he also got used to it .
" The principal asked to see your legal guardian so I'll be there by 10 Tomorrow , that fine ?" He asked .
" Dad I mean I don't wanna say but do you remember ..." I trailed out and realisation hit him . Actually two and a half years ago when I shifted to New Orleans , Hayley and Klaus had taken legal guardianship of me from Charlie ; you know for the school records . So practically my legal guardians are still Klaus and Hayley .
" Oh so is that guy Klaus coming or ?" He asked unsurely but I cut him off ," I'll let you know"
" Alright"


" Little Wolf ! Two calls in three day , Seems like you're missing me more than I expected , huh ?" Klaus said in his usual smug cocky tone . 

" You wish Nicki ." I scoffed tauntingly .

" So what do you need little wolf ? I'm sure you didn't call just to ask about poor old me , did you ? Oh well , no one cares for me in the world anymore . How the times have changed !" He sighed dramatically .

" You done ?" I asked irked .

" Yes , do continue ."

" So I got into a fight today ." I started but he cut me off .

"Let me guess , and being the raging bitch you are , you snapped her neck ?"

" Thanks for the faith by the way and No , Klaus on contrary to what you think of me . I'm not a murderous psychopath , well not at the moment anyway . But I did break her arm though and something else also  . Didn't really pay attention"

" Lovely . So what did she do to offend you anyway ?"

" Ruined my jacket ."

" Which one ?"

" Emporio Armani , the black one . The one Rebekah gave me for Christmas ."

" Oh dear , Don't let Rebekah know or else She'd probably turn the poor girl into a jacket and wear it if she gets to know that she ruined that one . Honestly I' surprised she's alive"He chuckled .

" C'mon Nicki , Rebekah ain't that bad and anyway that too Hannibal Lecture for her , it's more Kol ."

" You are not wrong . You know this one time -" Klaus started narrating one of his stories again but I cut him off .

" No we are telling stories , Nicki . Save 'em for Hope . By the way I need you at school tomorrow around ten , you think you can make it and without telling Hayley ? Since you are my guardian and all" I asked and he hummed in response as if considering my request .

" I'll think about it . A day of from the family drama would be nice . See you tomorrow ten o'clock " He said quickly before hanging up.
Wow that exceptionally went well .

I plopped down on my bed staring at the roof . Klaus was always like a brother to me. And to be honest , I could relate to him . Tragic backstory hide behind sarcasm , violence and lots of bourbon . One thing that I learned about him was that he didn't mind be feared or detested but hated to be misunderstood . And sadly misunderstood is one thing he always is . And I saw how the idea of a baby had changed him , made him somewhat kinder , more caring . Then we had our late-night-sitting-on-the-roof-with-bourbon moments too . Klaus always used to say that it's not that he didn't care it was more like he couldn't afford to care , that was because of her did people could use it against him and having a weakness for someone like him could prove to be fatal .

Rebekah always found me very similar to her brother .
Rebekah is the kind of girl every one wanna make friends with - trendy , rich , sarcastic and not to forget blonde . Honestly she is kind of a bitch but I have taken a liking to her . In the beginning , she didn't like me because she thought that I was dead weight that always had to be protected but eventually won over her , I mean what can I say ? I have that kind of effect or at least I did .

Then there was Kol , or as I knew him Kaleb . He used to be my bestfriend Davina's boyfriend . But he was fun for a Mikaelson , he introduced us to many new curses objects which , if correctly used, on contrary to their name , were rather useful . Me , him and Davina used to play the witch version of video-games . It's something similar to Jumanji but just a little less lethal. It was pretty fun actually . But then my least favourite of the Mikaelson siblings ( if he can even be called that) , Finn cursed him to death . It's true that I did miss him and helped Davina in all the ways I could .

And then of course comes the "father"of our family , someone who has put up with all of our shit and has been internally face-palming on all our antics since the dawn of time , that's right you guessed it. It's Elijah . He has what you call class . You will never see him without a suit ( and I'm pretty sure he sleeps in one too) and he's always very polite but he, like the rest of the family , is a badass when it comes down to fighting . He was my sister's boyfriend too . They had this sweet but kinda sad love story , they were meant to be but the circumstances were a bitch and my sister had to get married to Jack , alpha of the crescent pack . Jack's really sweet actually . Even though he hates vampires , hates our family but still fights for us like we're his pack . He even treats Hope like she's his and loves Hayley with all his heart despite knowing the fact she'll never love him as much as she love Elijah . But one thing common in all of us is that , we are all a little broken but as they say that's how the light gets in .

And then there is Hayley . She's someone who never gave up on me , never . And I don't think she ever will because partly she blames herself for me being the way I am , but I don't . She's the only real family I knew . She practically raised me and herself . It'll be apt to say that she's the Dean to my Sam . She had faith in me when no one did . There are many times where if it weren't for Hayley I'd be dead . Till the age of eight and thirteen respectively , me and Hayley used to live with a abusive foster family , the Marshalls . Our "father" had a habit of using us as human ashtrays . And our mom , she was kind of a self -absorbed slut . I don't even know why they bothered to take us in anyway . It was really tough but Hayley pulled herself and me through that too . Especially when that was when she triggered her wolf curse . Boating accident . Our parents threw both of us out when on the full moon night Hayley started transitioning in the living room. Both of us then lived on the streets , eating scraps . That's when Charlie found us . But Hayley ran away because she was determined to find our parents and ask them why they gave us up . She honestly hated them . I obviously had no memory of them whatsoever but Hayley she had little memory of them . She remembers that our mom used to sing us Beatles songs as lullabies and our dad was keen to teaching us the value of Rock and Roll , but she would never let him . And I don't think there is anything apart from good in her . Yes , she may not be self righteous and might be a skilled manipulator with highly questionably morals but she isn't bad . There is nothing she wouldn't do for me and the same goes for me .

So that's my family broken , badass , dysfunctional and a shit ton of crazy . But I love them anyway .

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now