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" You know lying is a bad habit young lad

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" You know lying is a bad habit young lad ." The original hybrid said with his British accent prominent to the honey blond vampire .
Klaus got up and sauntered out of the shadows with a sinister smile on his face . But with each step , Jasper sensed Carlisle's feelings change . He tried his hardest to make Carlisle feel better and a little less horrified but that had little effect on him .
" Hello Mate ." He said to Carlisle as if greeting an old friend . But to Carlisle , Klaus was anything but a mate .
" Klaus " Carlisle said acknowledging the hybrid with slight animosity .
" So how's it going ?" He asked in a rather cheerful tone .
" Why are you here ?" Carlisle asked , ignoring his question .
" Well to say hi . Why else would I be here ? I was in town for some business so I thought to drop by" Klaus shrugged .
" And anyway we're mates from way back aren't we ?" He added .
" The time I spent with you was the worst of my life" Carlisle stated .
" Oh c'mon mate it wasn't so bad ." Klaus frowned .
" It was" He deadpanned and Klaus rolled his eyes .

Then there was a lot of awkward silence in between till Klaus decided to break it . He clapped his hands and smiled ," So you've already met Ash . Right ?" And in response the patriarch of the Cullen family nodded .
" And I see she's taken an interest in you ." He said pointing to Jasper ," And I have to say -" he continued but abruptly stopped .
"Oh Nice of You to join us , Ash" He said noticing the raven haired girl with a scowl on her face . She was wearing the same clothes as before .


"Niklaus have you made it your life's mission to harass every living thing ?" I snapped .
" I mean he was a friend so I decide to visit him ." He shrugged ," Anyway-" He continued ," How did you know I was here ?"
" Well do you really think I'd let you into Forks without a spell that monitors all your activities ? I'm not an idiot Nik" I stated and Klaus smiled .
" Of course not little wolf . But I still do need to talk to them ."
" 'Bout What ?" I asked and Klaus said sheepishly ," You know mending bonds and stuff"
I exhaled massaging the bridge of my nose in exasperation . Is this how Elijah feels all the time when he has to put up with our bullshit ?
" I don't wanna say this Carlisle is clearly traumatised and I don't think he wants to do anything with you."
" Oh C'mon ! I was having a bad century . I couldn't find Katrina , Elijah was in a box , Rebekah was in a box , Mikael killed my horse and the girl I liked ran away with my servant ! Can you blame me ?" He said trying to explain how traumatising Carlisle wasn't his fault . I'm really starting to pity Elijah .
" You're humanity was switched off , wasn't it ?" And he nodded .
" That's why I want a do-over ." He explained and I rolled my eyes .
" But we are not doing anything right now . Because we are going home and going the heck to sleep !" By the end of the sentence I was practically yelling .
" I don't think so" Klaus challenged with his usual smug expression .
" Neek witch always trumps hybrid you know that right ?"
" You want to challenge me little wolf ?" He taunted . From his expression I could see that he clearly wasn't looking for a fight and that he in fact DID want to fix things with Carlisle . From what I deduced Klaus had guilt and regret for what he did to Carlisle . And maybe he did deserve a chance to at least talk to him .
" Fine . Ten minutes and we're outta here"
" Of course "
Carlisle's eye widened and as he was going to say something in retaliation , Klaus wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him away .
And rest everyone stood there , shook .
Then there came the silence , I was standing right across the Cullen family and I could feel that they were hearing to Klaus and Carlisle intently .
" Jazz can I talk to you ?" I asked . Jasper looked up in surprise but he nodded , expecting me to say something .
" Outside ?"
" Okay"
We walked out of the house , away from everyone .
" Yes ?" Jasper asked.
" So Um I'm really sorry for the whole Klaus drama , you know I can't really control him . He does what he wants to ." I said fiddling with my fingers
" I know" He laughed .
" Yeah you know he's like that . Considering the amount of times we've fought the only reason I'm alive is because Hayley's my sister and her kid loves me" I said trying to divert from the topic I really wanted to talk about but was avoiding for some reason .
" Yeah well . Rosalie is somewhat the same . A drama queen ."
Then came the long and nerve wracking silence . I honestly didn't know what to say . Why did I even get him out here ?

" Um jazz look what happened in the parking lot . It's just - I sorry I shouldn't have said that . It's just that -" Jasper could sense the tone of unsurety and nervousness in her voice .
" It's okay . I get it . You have your reasons to not let people in . And it's fine . You can't force someone to let you in . They have to do it on their own will" Jasper reassured me and she gave him a ghost of a smile . Jasper did everything he could to make her feel better .
" Jazz it's just that the reason I don't let people in is not because I'll get hurt it's because they will . My family is dangerous yes but our enemies ? They are even more dangerous and I don't want to anyone I care about in danger ..." She trailed off and stared at Jasper blankly .
" It's alright by me if you don't want to let me in . But I won't stop trying because I know you deserve so much more ."
Ashley's reaction was unexpected . She shakes her her and laughed humourlessly ," I really don't"
But then maybe I can take a risk . She thought .
Give yourself a chance . Rebekah's words rang in my ears .
" Okay" She said abruptly .
" What ?" He asked confused .
" I guess I'm willing to take this risk ." She replied .
" What risk ?"
" To try and love again" Jasper smiled at her words and she pulled him into a hug . Despite the hug being cold due to Jasper's lack of body heat , the hug had a weird warm and tingling sensation .

Maybe I'm going to regret it but at this point I don't really care .

A.N- Hi guys this is G.O.A.T here ! I am the brother ( cousin ) of this story's author . So I took her phone for playing temple run but her phone doesn't have any games ☹️ ☹️. But I found this instead ! I saw the messages of please update so here is the chapter y'all !! You're welcome . And according to her this chapter is in , quote "Editing" for the past five days . And this goes without warning this chapter will be bad because it's not quote "edited" but I think y'all don't really care .
So Enjoy !!!!!! 👻👻

Ps. Tf is smut ?
And in case you don't know G.O.A.T means Greatest Of All Time

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now