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Even though Jasper left, Ashley and Alice seemed to make good friends much quicker than she had expected

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Even though Jasper left, Ashley and Alice seemed to make good friends much quicker than she had expected.

The next class was Bio AP. Ashley reached a blue locker and began to put a three digit code in and tried to unlock it. However the locker refused to open. So she started to kick it .
"Open.Up.You.Little.Piece.Of.Shit" She cursed in frustration. She had used all of her human strength . She had to blend in so , she had to keep her powers low-key . Something that was also instructed to her by Hayley .

Hayley Marshall was Ashley's older half-sister. My dad was a werewolf and her mother a witch . She never knew either . Hayley told her all of that . Ashley's birth name was Alexandra Vivian Labonair. Not a bad name per se.

" Damn girl , what did that locker ever do to you ?" A voice said behind her . She turned to see a dark haired guy . He was so tall , Ashley had to look up . He had two very muscular arms which looked like they could snap pretty much anything in two.
"Well  the damn thing won't open" She shrugged casually .
" So you're new here ?" He asked . Ashley noticed that he shared the same complexion and the same eye colour as Jasper , Alice and Edward .
" Yeah . Name's Ashley Marshall Swan" She said.

" I'm Emmett Cullen" he said with a small smile . So she's the one for Jasper ? Hot . He thought .
" Hey Rosie , meet the new girl , Bella's sister" He called to someone standing by her locker down the hall .
Then a beautiful blonde girl walked towards them . She reminded Ashley of Rebekah ; blonde , hot , poised and elegant . She had the same golden hair as Rebekah's but the same complexion and eye colour as the other Cullens . That's a bit odd .
" Damn , Emmett whose that ?" Ashley whispered to Emmett.
" My girlfriend , Rosalie" He replied smirking .
" Dang boy , I'm proud of you . Hey does she have a brother or a sister or both ?" She asked and Emmett grinned ." Yeah one brother"
Rosalie walked up to them and gave them a beautiful smile .
" Hi" Rosalie smiled . " You're Bella's sister , Ashley right ?" She asked .
" Yeah and I didn't know Bella was popular 'round here"
" She isn't . She just happens to be dating Emmett's brother , Edward . That's all" She said a little sourly and I gave her a small 'oh'.

Before I could say anything else the bell rang and we dispersed .
The other classes went smoothly till it was lunch time .

Bella and Ashley were filling up their plates with absolutely bland food of cafeteria .
" So Bells, How many Cullens are there ?" Ashley asked .
" Um there's Dr. Cullen and his wife , Esme . They have adopted these teenage kids , Alice , Emmett and Edward. And Rosalie is dating Emmett and so her brother , Jasper lives with them ." Bella explained and Ashley looked up in the air trying to piece up the family tree .
" And somehow they all have the same complexion and eye colour even if they aren't related ?" Bella looked a little tensed .
" Uh so why'd Alice introduce , Jasper as her brother ?" She asked .
" Emmett and Rose are married but they don't really like to tell anyone ."
"Wow that's not confusing " she said sarcastically .

Ashley didn't realise but the Cullens were hearing everything she said .
" What is she thinking ?" Alice asked Edward . And in response Edward said," It's really weird , her brain . It's a mix of sarcastic remarks , song lyrics and words in another language . Latin , I guess . Also I see these flashes - grotesque pictures , blood and screaming . I have to say Jasper has chosen one heck of a girl . She is a little suspicious of what we are although."
" What did Jasper have to say about her ?" Edward asked .
" I don't know . He left without saying anything" Alice said in a small voice .

Bella and Ashley sat with Bella's friends . They were friendly but of course , Eric and Mike were still a little scared and they didn't look up the entire time . Bella introduced Ashley to everyone - Angela , Tyler and Jessica . Angela and Jessica yammered about random things to Ashley and she just responded with a smile or a nod . Ashley turned around to peek at the Cullens , everyone was there except Jasper . But why you do care ? A small voice inside of her said .

But what are the Cullens ? Witches ? Nope . Werewolves ? Definitely not . Vampire ? She thought and Edward tensed at her words . He didn't expect to hear it from her .

No probably not . They don't have daylight rings .
Edward relaxed a little when she discarded to idea of them being vampires .

She'd probably ask Freya or Klaus and see if they know anything but she wasn't going to stress on the topic right now.

But then what are they ?

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now