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Ashley looked somewhat changed after two years was an understatement

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Ashley looked somewhat changed after two years was an understatement . The girl fond of wearing unicorn onesies was long gone . She was replaced by the seemingly badass , leather clad version of Bella's sister .
Ashley has long flowing raven black hair and deep blue eyes . She was wearing a low hanging v- neck t shirt that was revealing her black lace bralette with skinny black jeans and black leather boots .

(Exclude thé hand clutch and sunglasses)

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(Exclude thé hand clutch and sunglasses)

She had a cold and disinterested look on her face but that soon disappeared when she saw Bella mad Charlie .

" Bells?" Ashley exclaimed with a radiant smile .
" Ash" Bella returned the smile .
" Dad"Ashley ran up to her dad and tackled him in a bear hug .
" Hey kiddo" Charlie said with a smile , taking her luggage .
" You have changed " Bella said , examining her sister from head to toe .
" Understatement of the century" Charlie joked , ruffling Ashley's hair and Ash giggled a little .
" Who are you and what have to done to my unicorn loving sister ?" Bella whispered .
" I'm her evil Russian twin Svetlana who will kill you in your sleep" Ashley replied in a thick Russian accent and both of them laughed a little .

It had been a long time since Ashley had been to her house in Forks. But the house was exactly the same as she left it . When they reached their house , Ashley got out of the car and looked around . Yep no changes observed . Well except for a orange pick-up which is probably Bella's .
Her room too was the same , pink wall and rainbow wallpaper and the stuffed toys and other rainbow ornaments kept on the side of the study table near the window . But her childhood single bed was replaced by a queen sized bed with a dark purple pillowy quilt . She looked around in slight gloom , looking at all the innocence she'd lost in these two years.
" I'm guessing you're going to change it" Bella said standing in the doorway .
" Well yeah" Ashley replied.
" Girls come and have dinner" Charlie called .
" Coming" Bella replied .
" Hey Bells go ahead Imma make a phone call" And Bella nodded a little and left .
Ashley took out her phone and called her other sister , Hayley . She picked up after 3 rings .

" Hey Hayley"

" Hey Ash reached home ?"

" Yep"

" You know Hope is missing you already and by the way how are Bella and Charlie ?"

" They're good"

" How's Forks ?"

" Good till now . Lots of forests , good for turning"

"That's nice . Hey promise me you won't get into any trouble"

" Trouble and me ? Huh . Never heard of that" she scoffed and she sweared that she could hear Hayley rolling her eyes .

" Yeah ok . Wait-ah-what ? Yeah I'll be right there . Hey Ash , I gotta go ."

" Yeah ok"

" Hey Ash ?"

" Yeah ?"

" I love you and take care of yourself"

" You too Hayley and take care of Hope . I swear I'll go out of my mind if something happens to that kid"

Hayley laughed lightly before exchanging goodbyes and hung up . Ashley sighed deeply . This was a fresh start , a second chance and she wasn't going to waste it .
But first her room had some serious design issues which had to be fixed . Unicorns simply won't do .

So she started unpacking after the awkward first dinner with Charlie and Bella . The things mostly consisted of clothes , grimoires , crystals , herbs , bottles of Nik's finest bourbon and tons other  keepsakes .

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now