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" Hey why didn't you come to school today ? " Alice asked

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" Hey why didn't you come to school today ? " Alice asked .
" I was at La Push , checking on some friends" I stated .
" Oh"
" Jasper was asking for you , you know" Rosalie spoke and I furrowed my eyebrows in questioning . 
" Anyway which shade do you want ?" Alice asked , showing me different colour cards .
Actually we , me Alice Rosalie and Bella ,were shopping for wall paints for my room in Port Angeles .
" This one seems nice" I said pointing to the one in the middle .
" Nice choice" Alice flashed me a small smile .
" Hey Ash ,  me , Alice and Emmett have plans . So we're gonna get going" Rosalie said looking at her watch .
" Yeah sure . Anyway Edward is coming to pick us up anyway" I replied .

They left after a while , I paid for the paint and everything else and the shopkeeper said he'll get the paints delivered at our house by the end of the next week .

Bella and Ashley decided to take a shortcut to reach the restaurant where Edward was supposed to meet them , A dark alleyway . Lovely .

Ashley saw two dark figures behind her . Bella saw them too and grabbed Ashley's hand scared . They started coming towards the Swan sisters . Then three more appeared infront of them . Two of them had knives . By this time , Bella started shaking , but Ashley wasn't scared , not even a bit .

" Bells when I say run , run understand ?" Bella just nodded nervously .
" And do call 991" Ashley added .

" Hey sugar !" One of them called . Neither Ashley nor Bella gave them any reaction . Then another came and brushed a strand of hair from the side of Ashley's face . Anger started boiling inside of Ashley .
Then she turned and flashed that piece of shit a million dollar smile .
" Hi" she said and he grinned .
" Yo guys she's a keeper !" He yelled to his friends .
" WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ?!?" Bella whisper-yelled .
" Do you trust me ?" I asked her and she nodded .
" Hey , Let my sister go and I can show you all things I do good ." I flirted and he nodded and at that exact moment Bella ran as fast as she could .
As soon as she was out of sight , I turned to Mr.Pervert with a smirk .
He extended his hand to touch me then I grabbed it and twisted it 180 degree . He screamed loudly holding his hand .
" Bitch!" He yelled and launched himself at me . Rookie . I grabbed hold of his other arm and twisted it behind his back . Then I noticed his other friends coming towards me , the knifed ones . This is gonna be so much fun .


Bella ran as soon as she could and she didn't where she was going . Then suddenly a car stopped in front of her and Edward stepped out .
" Bella wh-what happened ?" He asked panicked .
" Ash-Ashley she's in trouble . There where these men . They -" Bella panted .
" Ashley ? Is she okay ?" Jasper interrupted her .
" I don't know" Bella confessed and Jasper ran in Ashley's direction being followed by Edward and Bella .
But he abruptly stopped when he saw what had happened . There were many men , either groaning in pain or passed out on the floor . All of them were badly beaten up . And in the middle of the scene was standing Ashley . When she turned , her face flashed a expression of surprise and then slight guilt , just little .
" I don't think she is in trouble" Edward commented , smirking .
" Bella didn't I tell you to call 911 . They need serious medical attention ." Ashley said casually , wiping her brow . Bella blinked twice trying to think of a response .
" Are you hurt ?" Jasper asked .
" Nope , not à scratch . They fight like girls , all of them" She said smirking . Then she whipped out her phone and dialled 911 . She gave them their address to get those men picked up and walked away as if nothing happened . When she realised except her no one moved she turned around with an annoyed expression and asked ," Coming or not ?"

The car ride was awfully silent till Edward broke the silence saying ," So where did you learn all that ?"
" Well , I learned it in New Orleans and I know much worse but they weren't worth it" She said nonchalantly .
" Worse ?!? What did your family from New Orleans do for a living ?" Bella asked bewildered .
" Nothing really , In New Orleans we were basically royalty ." She explained .
" Like people-are-scared-of-you-and-do-anything-you-say kinda royalty ?" She asked .
" Precisely" And Bella gulped .
" So that still doesn't explain the fighting" Edward asked . He noticed that to read her mind was becoming increasingly difficult for him .
" Royalty never goes unopposed" She stated simply .
" So are you part of some sort of Mafia Gang" Bella questioned and Ashley laughed . And then actually thought about it for a second .
" Can say"
The restaurant was uneventful . But Ashley again noticed that neither Edward nor Jasper even touched the food .

Odd , very odd . Something definitely up .

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now