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4 hours earlier

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4 hours earlier

Carlisle had called us home from school abruptly . He sound urgent . What's wrong ? Was it the person who came with Ashley ? The one who was nicknamed 'Nicki' ?
I reached home and found everyone in the living room . Carlisle was pacing up and down with his hands behind his back and a worried expression on his face .
" Carlisle , what's wrong ?" I asked .
"Jasper when I was on my way to the hospital , I caught a scent . A scent I wish I never come across again ." He said and I could feel something radiating off of him . Fear ?
" Who ?" Alice asked equally worried .
" Klaus Mikaelson" Edward said voicing Carlisle's thoughts .
" Not like The Klaus Mikaelson ? The one whose related to Ashley ?" I asked in surprise .
" Yes and if he is the one I remember . Lot many people are going to die . He has a reputation of leaving dead bodies in his wake ." Carlisle shuddered .
" So what should we do ?" Emmett asked .
" What do you mean what should we do ?!" I half-yelled and everyone looked at me ridiculously .
" Does no one else think of the minute possibility that he came here to check now Ashley and not go all American Psycho ?"
" Jasper , are you seriously defending him ?" Rosalie frowned .
" He's a killer , both of them are " Edward said trying to reason with me .
" And like you aren't . Like all of us aren't . No one gave y'all the right to judge what kind of person Ashley is or how murderous her family is . And Edward you want me to remind you of your days as the infamous ripper back in 1927 ? Huh ?" Everyone seemed pretty shaken by this .
This girl really has me changing . But I can't do anything about it . I just can't stand anyone talking bad about her .
Carlisle sighed deeply and said ," But we can't take any chances . So we'll have to trail them."
" I'll go" Edward volunteered .
" I'm up" Emmett spoke up any obviously I could just sit duck here so I volunteered to go too .
" But remember we keep our distance . DO NOT LET HIM SPOT YOU TRAILING" Carlisle warned .
"Of course"

We followed Klaus' car when he left with Ashley from school to a local bar . From distance I could hear them talk .
Ashley said ," C'mon Nicki don't be such a stuck-up."
Seeing just how terrified Carlisle is of him , it amusing how Ashley nicknamed him 'Nicki' .
Then Ashley initiated shots , I swear I haven't seen any woman having a drinking capacity as good as her . And then despite being absolutely hammered she decided to karaoke . And she really can sing .
" Dude you're drooling" Emmett smirked suggestively and Edward laughed ," Trust me Emmett , you DO NOT want to know all the things he's thinking ."
" Shut up both of you" I hushed them and they just laughed a little more .


" Little Wolf , I think I had enough , I gotta go take a break"
" Shut up Nicki . Come on one more song ." He titled his head rejecting my request and I huffed in defeat. And in flash he disappeared round the corner and I turned to bartender and ordered another martini .


" Where'd  he go ?" Emmett asked.
" Like I know" I said without tearing my eyes from Ashley .
" Ooh sarcasm . Jasper you really have gone dark" Edward joked .
" Yes , I thought that I should  use the ancient unutilised reservoirs of sass I had been storing for moments like these ."
And Emmett gasped dramatically and I rolled my eyes .
"Wait look he's coming out !" Edward said .
" Can you read his mind ?" I asked .
" Yes but it's really messy so I can't catch any one thing . It's much like Ashley's . I'll need to get closer to read it better." He replied .

And we , rather idiotically,  decided to go against Carlisle's orders and follow him . We followed him to a dark alley behind the bar but when we reached there he vanished into thin air .
"Where'd he go ?" Emmett asked .
" I don't know he was right here ."
Then with a whoosh of air me and Emmett were pinned to the brick wall by our necks a few feet into the air .
" Hello mate . I noticed you've been tailing us . State your business and I might just let you live ."
We really should have kept our distance .
Klaus's eyes glowed yellow and he bared his wicked long fangs . It's a good think breathing is not necessary for us otherwise we would be so dead .
" Nik let 'em go." A voice called behind us . Ashley .
Klaus sighed loosening his grip on our necks and turned to the raven-haired female .
" You know them ?" He asked .
" Unfortunately , yes" She replied massaging the bridge of her nose in annoyance  .
" So did you know they have been tailing us ?"
"Yes Nicki , I knew ." And Klaus Mikaelson raised his eyebrow .
Then she turned to me with the arms folded and asked ," Jazz what are you doing here ?" But before I could answer Klaus grinned and spoke up ," Jazz ? As in Jasper ? The boy Bekah won't stop yapping about ? Your boyfriend ?"
Ashley's eyes widened ," What ? No ! He's not my - . Nick you're smashed I'm smashed we're  going home . Come on."
" Why ? I just met him ! Let us have a drink at least . Then maybe I can give him the talk" Klaus whined resembling a five year old .
" Shut up Nik . I swear if you say one more word , so help me I will stake your ass." Ashley threatened and Klaus smiled but I thought that her threat was genuinely terrifying .
"Aww c'mon !"
" Shut your cakehole we're going home."
" Fine"
Both of them left wordlessly leaving me , Emmett and Edward confused and trying to process what just happened .
"What just happened ?"
" You tell me"


Klaus drove even though he was drunk but we managed
reach home surprisingly without crashing . How ? I don't know .
" Nicki you take the guest room I'm in the my room okay ?" He nodded and went to his room .
Before going to sleep I whipped myself some anti-hangover potion. Freya taught me that . One of the most important things I have learned from witchcraft . It makes life so much easier . I chugged it down and went off to sleep .


" You know just sayin' . I didn't find Klaus that intimidating . I don't understand why Carlisle is so scared of him ." Emmett spoke up .
" Honestly I don't know either" I said agreeing with him  .

Carlisle , Esme and everyone else was waiting in the steps of the house .
" What happened ?" Carlisle asked anxiously .
" Nothing much . Both of them went to a bar , got hammered and did Karaoke and went home " Edward replied very conveniently leaving out our encounter with him .
" So He didn't spot you ? That doesn't sound like him ." Carlisle frowned .
" No he didn't" I lied walking into the house . The house was darker than usual . I shrugged it off till we reached the living room , where we was someone sitting on the couch with his legs crossed . Sitting like a King sits on his throne . And his eyes glowing golden like fireflies in the dark .

" You know lying is a bad habit young lad"

A.N- Hi guys ! Thanks you for so many reads ! When I had started I never thought I'd get so many reads . I'm so thankful to all of you . Sorry for the delay . I was busy with something else . Btw my dad bought me a book I wanted to read for a very long time - Good Omens . I've heard some really good reviews of it . Anyway I'll try to get you the next chapter as soon as I can .

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𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now