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After I reached home , all I wanted sleep , so that's what I did

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After I reached home , all I wanted sleep , so that's what I did . I skipped dinner because Esme literally stuffed my face with what seemed like a seven course meal . And you can't say no to her . But I couldn't help but notice how the Cullens didn't even touch the food . Odd. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head touched the pillow .

Ashley found herself in a very dark room . There was nothing around me except darkness . It felt unending .
" Hello ?" I cried out in panic . No answer.
" Hello ?" I called again. Again no answer . Then I remembered a spell that a witch taught me .
" Post Tenebras Spreo Lucem" I conjured a ball of light . When I looked up , I was face-to-face with - Me ? But the other me had horrifying black eyes that resembled dark black tunnels of endless darkness . From the side of her face dark black veins were protruding .
" Who are you ?" I asked trying to sound brave because the worst feeling is when you realise that you have lost yourself .
" You" Dark-Ashley replied smirking .
" No" Ashley shaked her head in a no . " This ? This is not me . This is not me" By the end it had become just a whisper .
" Oh honey , you know this already , don't you ? This is you " She said referring to herself . " No matter how much you pretend" She beckoned me to turn around . Behind me was a mirror . In the mirror , I saw myself in blood soaked clothes and my features matched hers . My reflection smiled at me with blood stained teeth and a very sinister look . Then she , my reflection raised her hand , and in her fist there was a heart . Like a actual heart . This image looked way more similar than it should have .
" This is what you are - A monster" A voice said behind me. Then the room was filled with whispers , then they changed to pained screams .
" Monster"
" Monster"
" Monster"
" Monster"

Voices chanted . I clenched my head and fell to my knees in pain .
" Stop" I screamed but the voices kept getting louder . It was starting to get unbearable .
" Look at you , you're pathetic , weak" The dark me taunted .
I am not weak .
I am not weak.
I am not weak .
Then suddenly I felt a wave of relief and calm wash over me .
" Give in . You're not strong enough to fight"
" I.Am.NOT.Weak" I said through my gritted teeth , getting up . I screamed loudly and that emitted a shock wave , which shattered the mirror and the dark me flew back . Yay me !


When Ashley left , Jasper could feel a lot of mixed feeling flowing from inside of her . He could feel a certain amount of sadness but mostly guilt . This piqued his interest . What is she hiding ? He'd always ask himself this . After shuffling on his bed restlessly for a while , he got up and decided to go to her house ; even after Rosalie and Alice's united opposition saying that ' following girls and watching them sleep is wrong and creepy !' But he just had to see her . He felt this slight desperation and need to stay near her .

Jasper perched on the branch of the tree next to Ashley's window . She was sleeping peacefully with her hair sprawled over the pillow and her mouth slightly open . The moonlight was filtered through the window lighting her face , making it look even more angelic . But it was sad how she housed so much darkness inside of her and yet smiled .

He sat there and watched her quietly . But then he noticed that soon she started whimpering and crying in her sleep , Nightmare. Jasper guessed . To comfort her , he send out relief waves . After a while she stopped whimpering and fell into deep sleep .


The next day , Ashley decided flunk school and check out the Rez . There were some of her friends that she remembered - Sam , Embry , Paul , Jared and Jake Black , someone on whom Ashley had a crush when they were ten . She and Jake would made mud pies , so bad not even Dean Winchester would eat them . But nether the less they forced Bella , Charlie and Billy to eat those . ( And that's how Jacob Black's nickname became mud pie Black)

She watched the woods as she speeded past them . Imagining just how fun it would be running through them in her wolf form . Even though turning hurt like hell but after that running in the woods gave you a vague sense of freedom and a feeling that was unparallel to any other .

Ashley drove into the raw mud roads and stopped at the start of a big green field . She could see a few boys - all of them shirtless , at some distance . Then she spotted Jacob . Ashley walked a little further , cupped her hands around her mouth and yell ," Hey Mud-Pie Black !" Jacob looked up and recognised her immediately .
" So the rumours are true . Ashley Swan is back" Sam Uley commented .
" Sam" Ashley greeted .
" Wow I almost forgot that name" Jacob said sarcastically , clearly not overjoyed by the nickname .
" 'Sup Black ?" I smirked and he rolled his eyes .
" I can't believe it's you , I mean where'd the ponies go ?" Paul Lahore joked .
" Heyyyyyy Paul my man" She walked to him and gave him a hug .
But when she hugged him , she got this weird feeling , she saw this gigantic grey wolf . Werewolf to be exact .

" Well ponies weren't in the trend so they had to go" Ashley said .

Then a girl of about twenty one came and kissed Sam .
I remember Sam was dating Leah Clearwater , real sweet peach , that one . But I didn't ask .
" Babe this Ashley Swan , Ashley this is my fiancée Emily Clearwater" he introduced .
" You're getting married ?!?" I exclaimed and he laughed .

" So shouldn't you be I'm school ?" Jacob asked .
" I should ask the same thing about you" I sassed back and he rolled his eyes .
" I flunked" I replied .

We made lots of  small talk and then Emily invited me over to her house . And needless to say everyone else followed . I kept shaking hands with everyone and from the magic readings , I realised they were shapeshifters and not actual wolfs like me . Interesting . And something that was even more interesting that Sam was the alpha even when Jacob was obviously stronger and bigger . It was almost as if he didn't want to be the Alpha . Don't get me wrong but being the alpha is fun but at the same time tough . You get boss people around but you have to keep idiots in line too and fight other people's battles just because they happen to be in your pack .

" Want some muffins ?" Emily said , breaking my train of thoughts . I looked up and saw she was holding a tray of blueberry muffins .
Before I could reply Paul said " Yeah sure" and he and rest of the boys raided the muffins leaving me nothing . But half of the muffins crumbled became inedible , except for them sure . Jared even picked one from the floor and ate it .
" Jared !" Embry yelled .
" What ? Five second rule" Jared shrugged and Embry rolled his eyes .
" Those were for Ashley !" Emily scolded them and but they showed no signs of remorse on their face . Then she sighed and muttered ," I knew this would happen"
Then she went into the kitchen and brought another tray of muffins and handed them to me .
I grinned and then picked up one and showed it to them , they looked pretty hungry , high wolf metabolism I guess .
" Want one ?" I asked and Jared and Paul nodded . Then I extended my hand to give it to them , as soon as Jared was going to take it , I retreated my hand and took a big bite of the muffin and with my mouth full said ," Ha ha too bad that I ain't gonna give you" .
Both of them scowled and everyone else started laughing .
" Bitch" Paul muttered and I gave him a sweet innocent grin .

This is fun .

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now