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Neither of them moved a muscle

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Neither of them moved a muscle . Just stood there , speechless .
" Boys ?" I asked them snapping them out of their reverie .
" You- You're a-a a werewolf ?" Emmett said shocked .

" Well duh ." I stated casually . And Emmett nodded . But Jasper still stayed motionless  . His mouth was slightly open and his eyes widened .
" So are you going to take me home or not ?" I asked bored .
" Wait what ?" Jasper exclaimed  .
" Not that silly . I can't just go back home all muddy and wearing nothing but your jacket" I explained and he let out a small 'oh' .

" Wanna race ?" I smirked and I pushed the jacket back and let it fall and phased back as soon as the jacket touched the ground and ran towards the Cullens house , full speed .

I not bragging or anything , but I obviously reached much before than those chuckleheads and just waited there . They reached about four-five seconds after me .

" Fine . You win" Emmett said raising his hands in defeat and I growled in response . Then Alice came out running , " Jasper I saw had a vision -"  But she stopped mid-sentence and when she saw me, her eyes widened .
" Wha- What's this ?" She asked .
" More of a who , Alice" Jasper smirked taking off his jacket and tossing it towards me and I caught it mid air and ran back into the woods .
From behind the tree , I saw all the Cullens gathered outside their house , Bella was there too . What is she doing here at this time ?

When I walked out of the woods , the first person who noticed me was Alice .
" Ashley ?!" She yelled and everyone looked up . My eyes were still bright yellow .  Everyone's first were the same- surprise , shock but for Bella - she didn't digest the fact that her sister was a werewolf very well and she fainted .

" Let's just go in and discuss all of his shall we ?"


" So you're a werewolf , like the ones at La Push ?" Alice asked .
" Nope . They are shapeshifters , not werewolves . I'm a pure blooded wolf , the kind that turns only on a full moon" I explained .
" But as far as I know today's not the full moon"

" For one I'm a hybrid and two our whole pack can turn at will because of something my sister did"

" So Hayley's a wolf too ?" Bella asked .
" Well yes , she's actually the Alpha . The family that I'm from is basically werewolf royalty , one of the first to trigger the wolf curse."

" The wolf curse ?" Jasper asked .
" Yes the wolf curse"
" Why is it a curse ? I mean if you think about it , it's pretty cool" Emmett pondered .
" Yes Emmett , to you it is ." I said sarcastically .
" Why do you say that ?" He asked .
" Well the first transition hurts like a bitch . All the bones in your body breaking and joining continuously for six-seven hours  to form the skeleton of a wolf . So yeah , real fun" I replied sarcastically and everyone's eyes saddened .
" So anyway you said trigger the wolf curse , how do you trigger this curse ?" Bella asked .
" Well you have to spill human blood , accident or not doesn't matter"
" So you have like - Killed ?" By the end it was barely a whisper .

𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝕻𝖘𝖞𝖈𝖍𝖔 ➢Jasper Hale Where stories live. Discover now