Chapter 7- Killing this new lifestyle! 🤪🤪🤪😹

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Y/N thoughts: "It's been two weeks since announcing my pregnancy to Adam! He has been so sweet, supportive, and understanding to me. We have been talking about certain.......businesses that we can join so we can make enough money to support the child."

Adam: "Hey secsy, whats on your mind?" he comments on my pensive look

Y/N: "Daddy Adam, I think its time that we need to commit to this new lifestyle."

Adam: "I think so as well, we have to support the baby in some way."

You finally make the very important decision with Adam. Today marks the day that you will officially begin your life as criminals.

"Where should we start?" You ask

"Maybe we can rob a bank! We should start small yk"

You make your way into the bank and rob 3 million dollars. "This should support us for a while" you say

You realize as nice as it is to be working with Adam, you need more loyal members. I know. A mafia! You realize that you need to recruit members asap. In your underground mafia hideout you approach the secsy mafia boss (also ur bf) Adam.

"Hey babe. I've been thinking,,, business has been a little slow. Maybe we should broaden our services?" Adam says to you.

"Okay. Like what?"

"Oh idk, we could be assassins or something"

"Good idea daddy Adam" you say. He likes when you call him that. He pulls you into a passionate kiss and you can't wait to start this new lifestyle with him.

A few hours later....

Adam looks up at you. "We already have our first customer Y/N! You can take care of this one... I trust you baby"

You think to yourself... "wow my first mission. I'm so nervous though. I've never done ANYTHING like this before, but I will do what I need to support my baby and Adam.

You check the email from your latest client:

Greetings #2794, (your assassin name)

I hope this email finds its way to you. I have someone I need to be rid of. I will not give a name as of late. She is staying at her apartment in Champs-Élysées. I shall link the directions to her whereabouts in this secure email. Through my close eye on her, she will be at the restaurant, La Rue, at 18:00 sharp. Don't be late. I cannot risk this. I know it is not necessary to tell you why I need this done, but let's just say she ruined my future, and now she must pay.



You live on Champs-Élysées. You wonder, isn't this risky since I live so close? You had to cancel your dinner plans with Adam due to this, which is probably for the best, since your client insists that the target will be eating there too.

6 hours later...

It is now 17:00 sharp. You are so nervous, but you know it is your confidence that will make or break this situation. You put on a skin tight black outfit and apply your deep red lipstick. Your weapon is equipped and you march over to Adam. You kiss him with passion and leave your red lipstick all on his lips. You take off his shirt to reveal his secsy abs once again. He lifts you onto the bed but this time gently, I think he is scared about hurting the baby in any sort of way. He has always been so thoughtful which honestly makes him so much secsier and makes me so much honrrier. He starts out gentle but I told him I like rough daddy adam. So we had intense, euphoric secs instead which was so much more arousing.

You open your phone and open the email. You click the link your client left for directions and see that the restaurant is an 8 minute walk. You feel your stomach drop as you realize that you are in fact about to go through with this.

"ARRIVED" pops up on your phone screen. You think back to when you were young, you thought you would be a princess by now, but instead here you are.


1 ATTACHED FILE: click here


I am writing to you now to send you a photo of the target. I want this done within the hour. No screw ups, or I will come for you next. I sent her a fake email that is going to lead her to the back of La Rue. I expect photo evidence of this job as well. Once it is completed, I shall transfer $750,000 worth of funds to your account.



You click on the image. Your heart sinks. You ponder for a while. "This picture was taken of me at my graduation"

No no no, there has to be a mistake. A hit on ME?! So, I have to murder myself?!

You message secsy mafia leader aka daddy Adam and explain the situation.

New text: Daddy Adam

Adam: Okay this will all be okay. Calm down baby we'll figure this out.

You: I'm freaking out! E wants photo evidence! How am I supposed to take a picture of myself??

Adam: I'll meet you in the back in 8 minutes sharp. Exit the restaurant and act as if nothing is the matter.

You: Hurry up baby! I don't have much time.

8 minutes later...

You meet daddy Adam in the back. You have 30 minutes to give E this picture. You keep wondering... who would even want a hit on me?

"Quick. Lay down and close your eyes. There's not much time..." daddy Adam demands.

You obey him and he quickly snaps a picture. You immediately send it to E.

Email with E:

You: The job is done. Click here for attached file

New email from E:

Good. She cannot take away my precious adam anymore <33. I transferred the funds. You should see the transfer within the hour.



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