Chapter 13- Oops...I Did It Again

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Timothée stands in the doorway with a warm smile and greets me with a hug. He had always been so kind to me, always putting my needs before his own.

"...I'm truly sorry Y/N. I don't expect you to ever forgive me for this but I still want to offer you help. I will cook you dinner tonight and pay for all of Adam's medical bills. But... one thing I will never deny... is how much I need you back."

"Thank you Timothée, I understand how sorry you are.... I forgive you. I honestly couldn't ask for a better friend."

He slightly winces at the word "friend"- the feeling of being friendzoned is not something he is used to.

"Well, I brought some ingredients to make Coq au vin, your favorite!"

"Aww that's so sweet that you remembered!"

"Of course I did!.... You have always been so special to me, I could never forget."

You blush, Timothée always had a way of making you feel like the most special girl in the world

Y/N Thoughts "NO! You have a loving finance who needs you.............. But does he really make you feel the way Timothée does? I honestly don't know anymore."

As you are so lost in thought, you don't even notice the tears streaming down your face.

"Are you alright Y/N? Have I upset you??" Timothée says, worried

"I can't do this anymore... my own fiance is in the hospital, I don't even know if he is gonna ever wake up from his coma... I don't even know if I love him anymore!!" You pause- unable to believe the words that came out of your mouth. "Do I really not love him anymore?" you think to yourself. You are having a mental breakdown; breathing rapidly, tears choking you up, and shaky from the sadness and guilt.

Timothée scoops you up into his arms and brings you to a tight hug,

"Sshh.. It's alright Y/'ll be safe with me." He whispers softly as he embraces you

You cry as Timothée comforts you for what seems like hours; he whispers sweet nothings to you to calm you down.

Timothée looks down into your eyes and you just stand there for a bit, entwined in each other's arms, staring deeply into each other

In a moment of vulnerability and desire, Timothée pulls you in for a passionate kiss.

You can feel Timothée smile slightly. He picks you up swiftly and pins you against the wall.

He rearranges your guts for hours.

Y/N Thoughts: Secs with Timothée was as euphoric and exhilarating as when we were together. I honestly miss being with him, especially how special and seductive he makes me feel.

You wake up with Timothée by your side, and you fully realize what you have done.

Y/N Thoughts " Oh my fucking god...... I really did it..... I had secs with Timothée while my FIANCE is in THE HOSPITAL. I've really fucking messed up this time, you dumb ass...... but...... I did really enjoy it..... But I can't, I have Adam Daddy who needs me."

You pack up your stuff and get ready to head to the hospital after saying goodbye to Timothée when he stops you.

"Y/N, why are you leaving so early? We have a whole day..." Timothée questions you.

"Timothée I can't do this, I'm sorry for getting your hopes up but I have a Fiance! Just please forget this ever happened and just move on."

There is a painfully awkward silence until Timothée finally speaks up; The mix of awkward and sexual tension in the room was almost tangible.

"I can't believe you made me think this could ever work again and I guess I was wrong about you..... Just leave Y/N."

"I never meant to hurt you Timothée and I would still like to stay friends..... If you could ever forgive me. Just please don't hate me okay? I need you in my life."

"I could never hate you, Y/N. I want to be there for you... because... I love you." Timothée struggles to maintain eye contact."

Timothée pulls you into a tight hug and lightly kisses your forehead. In this moment, you feel like everything is going to be okay. 

My roblox love story (Adam Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now