Chapter 10- The Reunion

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It's been a week since I last saw Adam, honestly I miss him so much but he needed some time alone. Unfortunately, I had finally ran out of food so I actually had to get up out of bed and get dressed to go to the market. The walk was pretty lonely, but serene. I finally arrive at the marketplace and begin examining the produce. There were fresh fruits, breads, and cheeses. You reach for a baguette and you immediately find someone's hand placed on yours. You reached for the baguette at the same time.

You look up and you meet eyes with...Timothée?!


"Timothée? Hello..." you say

"I've really missed you Y/N. How is it going with Adam?" As Timothée asks this, he smirks, as if he somehow knew that your relationship was not going as planned.

"Fine." You say to him

He looks at you with his eyebrow raised.

"Not to pry, but it's obvious when you're lying, Y/N." he says to you, somewhat satisfied as he knows that he is right.

"Okay, maybe not fine. We're together though, just taking some time." you say to Timmy.

He raises his eyebrow. He can tell that you're upset. "Would you maybe want to come over for dinner tonight?" He asks you.

You start to remember all of the times that you had at his apartment when you were together. You think to yourself how crazy it is that at the time, you were certain you would be with Timothée forever.

"Sure. What time?" you ask. You make plans with Timothée to head over at 20:00 (8pm).

Hours later...

You have spent the last two hours getting ready. Then you wonder "why do I care about my appearance so much? It's not like I'm with him anymore."

You put on a white slip dress, cherry red lipstick, and spritz on the perfume you knew to be Timothée's favorite. Wait, you hesitate but slip off your engagement ring and place it on the kitchen counter. Next, you head out the door.

His apartment is only a short walk from yours. You can't help but feel anxious when approaching the door. "Why am I so nervous? It's not like I didn't date Timothée for 5 years." You can't help but feel a little bit guilty. But it's not like you're cheating or anything. You're just getting together with an old friend. You enter and walk up the stairs to Timothée's door. You knock once.

Immediately, you are met with Timothée. He greets you with a warm smile and wow. You areinstantly drawn to him, almost as if it were old times. He looks well put together. He is wearing a t- shirt with a silver chain, and his hair is in perfect curls. Timothée stares at you for a little before he even speaks.

"Sorry, come in!" he says warmly.

As you walk in, you see the table set. It looks romantic. There is a bottle of champagne, and a covered dish in the middle.

"You know, I've really missed you, Y/N." Timothée tells you. He looks nervous.

"I've missed you too. Ever since..." you pause. A silence fills the room until Timothée pulls out your chair. You both take a seat. He takes the cover off of the dish and you see that he has made you Coq au Vin, which is your favorite dish that he used to make you all the time. You let out a giggle as you think of the old times. He smiles.

"I missed hearing your laugh." He tells you, blushing.

"I miss this." you say, while reminiscing on your past.

"Me too." He says while serving your plate.

You both eat and enjoy each other's company. You talk about everything. The past and even what has been going on with you recently (minus your encounter with Emily).

You must have been talking for hours, as it is already 24:00. You're pretty drunk from the champagne and you know you won't be able to walk all the way home, even if it is a short distance.

"You can stay the night here, if you want. I'll sleep on the couch" Timothée says to you.

You know you can't deny his offer. You're way too drunk to do anything.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." you tell him, smiling.

You manage to get ready for bed and go to his bed. You lift up the comforter and lay there. You may be drunk out of your mind, but you can't stop thinking about Timothée, and how it would be if you were still together. About 10 minutes pass when you hear the door creak open.

You halfway open your eyes and you see Timothée there. He looks like he's half asleep and he crawls in bed next to you. You figure he likely didn't consciously make the decision to sleep next to you, but here you are. He seems to already be asleep and he holds you in his arms. You both fall asleep cuddled into each other.

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