Chapter 11- A Surprise Hero

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The following morning...

You wake up with a throbbing headache. You look around the room whilst lying down and you immediately recognize where you are. You look to the side of you and no one is there.

You get yourself out of bed and walk out of the bedroom. There Timothée is, making you crêpes. He notices you immediately.

"Good morning, Y/N. How did you sleep?"

"Fine, thank you for letting me stay over" you let out a giggle

He smiles at you and offers you a plate of crepes with sliced peaches on the side.

You both sit down together and enjoy the breakfast.

"Timothée? What is the sauce on the peaches?" you ask.

"Oh it's nothing"' he replies

You couldn't help but ask, "What happened last night?"

"I honestly don't remember..." he says

Being with Timothée felt like the old times again and for you, that was a really nice feeling. As you are about to leave with Timmy you stand there for a moment just enjoying each others' company, he pulls you in for a kiss. Now it really felt like old times, and you were rekindling your relationship with Timothée. However, you knew this wasn't fair to Adam, and you eventually pulled away. Timothée insists on walking you back to your apartment. You can't refuse and you're pretty certain that Adam is still gone.

You approach your apartment building and come to your door. You use your key to unlock it and are shocked to see Adam passed out drunk on the couch, with a bottle of liquor in hand. The sound of the door wakes him up and he is overcome with a feeling of rage from seeing Timothée.

"Whatthefuckisgoingon Y/N?" Adam asks you, slurring his words. "You cheated on me, you whore. With that asshole."

You are scared as you can tell that this isn't Adam speaking. He is completely out of it.

"Don't talk to her like that alright?" Timothée tells Adam.

Seeing Timothée stand up for you like that warms your heart and makes you kinda honrry.

Adam begins to rage. He throw a drunken punch at Timothée, hitting on his perfect jawline.

"You're gonna pay for my facial reconstruction surgery you bastard!" Timothée shouts

You are in shock and have no idea what to do in this moment.

Timothée, now enraged, hits Adam with a full forced punch to the nose

Blood now dripping from Adam's nose, he wipes it off with a smirk, knowing he is going to beat the fuck out of Timothée

Adam springs out from the couch, and tackles Timothée to the ground

Timmy Tim's head knocks on the hardwood floor

Adam continues to throw punches at Timmy's perfect face, now ruined by Adam

Timmy furious at his now beaten face (he probably needs like $100,000 in facial reconstruction now 😿), tackles Adam and STOMPS on him

Drunken Adam, is struggling defend himself, and starts to give in to the fact of losing

Timmy relentlessly beats him, almost till death

Adam beaten mericellesy is taking final breaths

BUT SUDDENLY you decide to try and separate them. They are so focused on attacking each other, that they don't notice you in the middle. Without him noticing, Adam decks you in the face, causing a lot of damage. You bolt out and Adam keeps punching Timothée.

It was getting heated when the door swings open.

You see a gorgeous and round woman wearing a beautiful yellow top. She's glowing and classical music plays as she enters. She floats gracefully but with a pinch of sass, across the room. "I'm Leshawna Ball" she says as she separates Timothée and Adam with ease. She miraculously multiplies and many Leshawna ball's fill the room and separate Timothée and Adam from each other. One Leshawna ball in particular goes under Timothée and flies him back to his apartment, leaving you with Adam and roughly 1,000 Leshawna balls. Suddenly they all disappear, and you are alone with Adam. He sees your bruised face and feels ashamed. He is too weak to do anything and he lays still there.

He tries to make out some words. "Y/N.... I lov" suddenly his eyes close. Your heart drops and you begin to panic. You call the ambulance and they come and transport him to the hospital immediately. 

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