Reach the end.

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A/n: Please before reading this chapter make sure to read the disclaimers in the first one (Disclaimers & Introduction).

This chapter contains mentions of violence.



Another day. Another blank, empty one similar to yesterday. What made days so different from each other to other people? Taeyong felt like he was living the same nightmarish reality over and over again. There were some things that made this routine bearable but they didn't last for long. These things were transient, and Taeyong knew that. But so was everything, transient and non-permanent, so when the teenage boy thought about this fact it made him want to know when his life would change.

"We're here." His mother announced and the car that was earlier moving stopped.

Taeyong, who was facing the ground earlier looked outside of the window. In front of him was his school, an imposing, huge building, that was painted with light shades of white and gray. There was an enormous yard, courts, and some parts of it were decorated with real, freshly-planted grass.

A beautiful place, really.

But Taeyong thought otherwise.

"I know..." The boy exclaimed and hesitantly exited the car.

"Have a nice day!" His mother announced and he turned around to see her.

'I won't.' Was what he wanted to say, but instead he smiled and waved.

The car left and Taeyong had no other choice but to enter his school.

He walked in the corridors, heading to his locker, his gaze always facing the ground. Maybe if he didn't look up, nobody would be able to see him. When he reached his locker he opened it and put his back inside. However the moment he was about to close it himself someone else did it from behind.

The metallic door closed abruptly in front of him, causing him to close his eyes, surprised by the sudden noise that was produced.

He should have seen this coming though...

'Shit.' He thought.

"Are you going to stand there with your back facing us forever loser?" One of the kids that stood behind him said.

He clenched his fist. He wanted to do something but knew he couldn't.

When he told his mother that he was being bullied she said:

'Don't do anything.'

'It will destroy your image and false rumors will start going around.'

'Just ignore them.'

So the best Taeyong could do was take a deep breath and turn around to face them.

"What do you want now Namgi?" Taeyong asked, trying to sound as uninterested as he could.

"Ha. Look at him Namgi, he doesn't even care about us. He only cares about himself, how narcissistic."

"He didn't even flinch. Is he even a human?"

The other two kids that were standing in front of Taeyong said.

These words pissed Namgi even more so he grabbed Taeyong's collar and raised him slightly from the ground.

"You think you're better than us just because you're pretty?" He asked angrily. Taeyong tried his best to keep a poker face, he couldn't let them know how scared he felt inside. He was more annoyed and pissed but at the same time scared, because of the fact that he couldn't fight back.

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