I forgive you.

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A/n: Please before reading this chapter make sure to read the disclaimers I put in the first one (Disclaimers & Introduction)

This chapter contains blood, violence, murder and death.


"But Yuta-" The boy continued and the man motioned him to be quiet.

"Just be quiet for now, we will talk later about this." He said and let go of Haechan's hand.

The teenager sighed defeated and looked down.

He had to tell the others who Simon was. He needed to stop this game before anyone else ended up like Mark, Jungwoo and Sicheng.

Why did Yuta tell him to keep this information for himself?...Could it be...

That he knew as well who Simon was?

Haechan's eyes widened when he thought about this possibility and nudged Yuta's arm. "Yut-" However before he even had the chance to speak the man looked at him strictly, inaudibly telling him to stop talking. And so the boy let that slip, but he wasn't going to give up so easily.


After they buried Mark's body, all of them left the church, and were about to part ways but Haechan stopped them.

"Guys!" He said, loud enough for them to hear him.

"What is it Haechan?" Jaehyun asked and turned around to face the boy.

"I have something to tell y-" His words got stuck at the back of his throat, when he felt a hand squeezing lightly his shoulder.

He hesitantly looked behind him and it was Yuta. At this point Haechan was starting to get scared, why was the man so persistent to keep this important discovery a secret? This was selfish, Yuta maybe wanted to continue playing this game but Haechan wouldn't let him do that, he had to reveal the truth to everyone.

Yuta's eyes were dark and lifeless. The boy stood frozen when he stared at them. He inhaled quickly and forgot to exhale after that, for some reason he couldn't look away, it was as if Yuta's eyes trapped his gaze and it was impossible face anywhere else.

"Em...Haechan..?" Taeyong spoke. "You wanted to say something?"

The boy looked at the others again, this time feeling more confident about exposing the truth. All of the men were standing in front of him, besides Yuta, who was hiding behind the boy's back. Haechan opened his mouth to speak but stopped once again.

"Haechan." Yuta whispered calmly and softly. "Don't tell them..." He continued and Haechan gulped nervously. "Please..."

Even if Yuta's eyes were empty, his voice was colored with emotions. Should he keep this for himself?

"Haechan we don't have all day." Johnny sighed. "If you want to say something just say it."

His hands were trembling, but he clenched his fists. This was the right decision. He glimpsed at Yuta and this time saw sadness in the man's eyes, it wasn't very clear, but Haechan still managed to see it. However he knew that he had to do this. "I know who Simon is." The boy announced to everyone.

All of the men looked at him surprised and Haechan felt Yuta's grip leaving his shoulder.

"Damn you Haechan." Yuta thought and smiled. "Hahaha what a prankster!" The man laughed and ruffled Haechan's hair. "You sure had us all fooled for a second buddy." He said and looked at the boy, still smiling.

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