The 11th Mission

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A/n: Please before reading this chapter make sure to read the disclaimers I put in the first one (Disclaimers & Introduction)

This chapter contains mentions of violence and death.


Yuta's body started slightly trembling. 11th mission? How was that possible?

How many more missions were already completed before this one?

He would never know, the only thing that could be done was to listen to the things this man had to say.


Since when...did his life become so...controlled?

Ever since he remembered himself...all this time...he was never free. He always obeyed to everyone else's orders. As if he was only a pawn, moving at the way everyone manipulated it to.


He was never free. Not before he went to jail, not after he got out of it.

Not ever.

"Your mission is to kill the man that made your life miserable Yuta. The man that costed your liberty even when you were free."

Yuta inhaled sharply a huge amount of oxygen into his lungs. The sentence he never wanted to hear was spoken. And the worst part of it was...

That he could do nothing but listen to Simon's orders, and complete the given mission.

"You have to kill Jeon Manseok."

Words couldn't come out of his mouth. They were trapped and stuck at the back of his throat, as if they were trying to suffocate him and not let him speak his mind. As if these words were better off unheard. But even if he couldn't form a sentence, his mind was screaming loudly, desperately telling him to spit his thoughts out.

"I...I can't..." Yuta gulped nervously and breathed out unstably. "I can't do it."

"You have until tomorrow night to complete this mission."

'WAIT.' He wanted to say.


But these words were never spoken. They would always hover around the thin air, but would never adopt a form.

"Good luck Yuta."

And the phone call ended. Leaving Yuta frozen on his spot.

He knew that he had no other choice but complete this mission.

The past would always hunt him. But this time...

He could give another end to his story.

He knew he could.



Doyoung took a cab, and after giving the right directions to the driver, he finally arrived at his long-awaited destination.

He got out of the vehicle and stood in front of the house he was looking for, hearing the fade sound of car wheels, quickly and loudly driving away.

The house was not too big, but not too small either.

It was located almost at the center of the city, but placed on a fairly quiet area. It's placement was rather odd, the house was on the first floor behind a huge building, an enormous building actually. Probably some kind of company was using the place above it but no one would notice this distinctive apartment, unless they walked behind the skyscraper.

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