Chapter 20

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I waited outside the house for Finn but standing alone was making me nervous, i wanted to go see Ace but i still didn't fully trust him. I was nervous about the answers he was going to give me, i wanted to know the truth about everything but the answers i was going to get, i knew they would scare me. My whole life has been filled with lies because they thought they were protecting me but i know i need the truth to stay alive and not let anyone else get hurt because of me.

I didn't understand everything just yet but one thing i did understand, was i had to find the chest no matter what and i need to find it fast before anyone else gets to it. Finn told me there are more supernatural beings in the world than i could ever imagine and there all after the chest and what it holds. Luckily, we haven't run into any other things but ii know our luck is running low.

"Hey, you ready?" Finn asked as he came up behind me. Normally i can sense when hes near me but lately i haven't been able to concentrate on anything and the more that happens to me, the more worried i am about never being the same person i used to be. "You alright?"

"Yeah i'm good, just tired." I said as i walked round to the other side of the car. I climbed into the passenger seat and took a deep breath as Finn climbed in beside me, i could feel his eyes burning into me as stared at me. He knew i was lying but he has enough to worry about, he doesn't need to worry about me. "Can i ask you something?"

"You know you can ask me anything." He said not taking his eyes of the road.

"Yes but i also know, you don't always answer with truth." I said as i stared out the window, watching as the scenery whizzed by. "Anyway, it's about Ace."

"What about him?"

"I know you don't like him but i don't know why." I said moving closer to him, so that i wasn't just talking to an empty space between us. "He said that you guys haven't always hated each other, is that true?"

He sighed deeply as he thought about the question, for a minute i didn't think he was going to answer me but he did with little expression on his face. "It's true, we didn't always hate each other but we do now and that's how it's going to stay."

"Why do you hate each other? What happened?"

"Something happened a long time ago and we've never seen eye to eye with each other since then and i don't intent to forgive him anytime soon. Look Ace may be a part of my past and i may know him bit that doesn't mean i want him in mine or your future." He said with a harsh tone.

"You really don't trust him, do you?" I asked with a sudden sinking feeling in my stomach.

"No, i don't trust him. I know you said you trust him but he's working for the man that killed your father. He betrayed your father and didn't even care, he did the same to me."I looked down at my hands that sat, shaking in my lap. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer but why i was crying, i didn't know. I knew Leo had betrayed my father but that didn't mean Ace was going to do the same, i hoped. "Look, Sky. I'm sorry but it's the truth, i'm just trying to protect you from getting hurt again."

Without Thinking i moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder, we just sat there in silence as i cried. He didn't say a single  word for the rest of the journey, nor did he get me to move, he just sat there staring straight ahead not taking his eyes of the road once.

Finn pulled the car up into the arcade car park at just gone twelve and found a spot near the entrance but neither of us moved when he turned off the engine. I sat up as Finn took the keys out and all i could do was just look at him, he was emotionless. Scared, worried and slightly angry. Before i could move away from him, he leaned in close to me and wiped the tears of my cheeks, the heat from his touch made me blush but he quickly moved away when he realized what he was doing.

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