Chapter 6

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Olivia North

I paid the uber driver and stepped out of his car and yes even my car were apparently are his possession. I walked into our main door and strut my way in. I saw my brother's back at the end of the staircase typing something in his phone.

"Where is he?!" I asked angrily.

He jumped a little and almost dropped his phone because he got startled by me. He turned around and said, "Geez Livy, don't startle me like that again. Good thing I was holding something or else I would've punched you accidentally. Anyway, it's been a long time since I saw you." He smiled and was about to hug me but I evade it and shouted, for the second time he got startled by me again.

"Old man! Where are you?! Old man!!! Come out from your cocoon and face me!!" I turned around while shouting so he can hear me from wherever he is in.

"Olivia, what the fuck?! Are you out of your mind?" my brother held my arm.

"It's he who is out of his mind, Zachary." I told him while I wiggled my arm from his hold. "Now where is he?! Is he in his office?" I asked and walked towards his office. My brother followed me and asked, "What is going on?" I ignored him and opened the door with a huge amount of force that can knock down the painting hung beside it.

My father smiled and looked up at me while sipping his coffee. This is a déjà vu but the only difference is we're on his house and with my brother as an audience.

"Aren't you already satisfied on cutting all my financials and kicking me out of my own apartment? Now you want to rid both the cabin and hope?" I asked dangerously calm while stalking my way in front of his table.

"What? You cut her financials off, kicked her out of her pad, and you're shutting down her charities?" Zac repeated in surprised voice. My jaw dropped and turned to look at him because he also knew about the cabin and hope, my two charities I founded. My brother saw my surprised state and said, "Yes I know. Dad, what is going on here?" I furrowed my browse and returned my gaze to my father who is now leaning on his chair.

"Well apparently, he wanted me to start working in the company and marry a guy named Nicholas." I calmly stated. No, don't get me wrong, I am still fuming with anger but I am trying to contain it because if I don't, I would flip as hell and start breaking and throwing things inside this room and don't worry, I won't throw it to dad, I'm not that unfilial of a daughter.

"Dad who the fuck is Nicholas? Why would you marry her off? Dad, speak for god sake!" Zac angrily stated while slamming both of his hands on the table. Dad sighed and stood up, he headed to the window and said, "It's good that both of you are already here, my children." He smiled at us and continued staring outside.

We waited for him to continue and as I was about to speak, he spoke, "Olivia, it's time for you to take responsibility on our company, it's time for you to help Zachary as I will announce my retirement as the CEO this year and will transfer the chairmanship of The North Group of Companies to him next year."

To say that we were appalled by his news was an understatement, both Zac and I did not anticipate what he just said because for one, he is still capable to run the company. He is only 58 years old and he doesn't even look like one. Nevertheless, it's time for him to take a rest and enjoy life, the company will be in good hands when Zac assumes the chairmanship position. Yep, I can grant his wish for me to work there. But on his other wish, I couldn't see the connection between him retiring and me marrying that Nicholas guy.

"And what does it do with me marrying Nicholas?" I queried while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Of course you'd ask." He smiled while walking towards me. He stopped in front of me and patted my head before he enunciated his next words.

"Because he is the right guy for you, Livy, and I want you to be married to him." He pronounced while he sat on his seat again.

I turned around angrily and went in front of him again. I slammed my right hand on his desk and pointed my left forefinger at him.

"How dare you choose and decide who I am to marry?! You don't have any right to meddle in my life. I don't care if you mean it well or if it's for my sake. I command you stop now. I will work on that goddamned company of yours if that's what you want, but I will not marry that Nicholas guy." I was out of breathe by the time I finished talking. I hope my dad would erase that kind of marriage idea to his mind.

"No, Olivia, you will work AND marry Niccolo Knights. There is no option between the two. The only options you have is: A. you work and marry him and I will return everything I took away from you, especially your charities. Or B. you will lose everything. Think about the children in the cabin and the elderly in hope. What do you think will happen to them if all of their sponsors take back their fundings? It's up to you Olivia." He said in his ruthless businessman tone. No wonder he was feared by a lot businessmen because he can make you feel cornered with this tone.

I glared at him because I don't know what to say next. He cornered me by using my charities. He knew that it is my soft spot, he knew that I can still live without his money, that I can survive without it. But the orphans and the elders, I can't include them with my problems.

"Dad, that is enough, it is not logical to marry her off to Nick. Did you talk to him about this? If so, did he even agreed?" my brother said. Oh yeah, I forgot that he is still here. Anyway, the guy's name is Niccolo not Nicholas. Who the hell is Nicholas? Geez it's humiliating that I was angrily mentioning someone's name while confronting him.

"This is none of your business Zac, and yes I've talked to him about this and he agreed." Dad said.

"He agreed? Niccolo?" Zac repeated. He knew Niccolo Knights? Are they friends?

"Yes, my son, Nick agreed." My dad affirmed.

Their conversation got interrupted by the ringing of a phone. Both of them looked at me confused and I realized that it was my phone. I looked at the caller ID and saw Belle's name. I don't feel good about this.

I put my phone beside my ear and heard Belle said, "Hastings revoked their sponsorship." I widened my eyes upon hearing that because the Hastings family are our biggest sponsor in both the cabin and hope.

I ended the call. I looked at my brother sadly, his eyes asking me what was the phone call about. I slowly turned to my dad and sat on the chair in front of his desk and sighed.

"I will marry Niccolo Knights." I pronounced in a defeated voice.

My dad smiled like he won the lottery, Zac on the other hand sat on the other chair in front of me asked me why.

I ignored his query and took a glance at dad and asked, "When will I meet him?"

"Tomorrow night, here in our house." he replied.

"Ok. Just promise me that you will leave the cabin and the hope alone." I stated as I stood up and got out.

I heard him say "I promise." Before I left the two of them in his office.



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