Chapter 51

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Olivia North

I arrived at Jowee's place in less than an hour. I rang her doorbell and not even a half second, it opened and Jowee was surprised to see me in this state, disheveled and full of bruises. I saw anger in her eyes while she's examining my whole body.

I didn't make any effort to move from where I was standing, I just felt her grab my arm and pulled me into her couch.

"Who did this to you? Who slapped you? Who scratched you? Who the fuck did this to you, Olivia?" she asked me angrily but ai had no will to answer any of her questions so I just stayed silent and hiccuped.

"Joanne, bring me the first aid kit, ice pack, a wet towel, a basin of water and a glass of water." she barked orders at her housekeeper in which the latter obeyed. Jowee offered me the glass of water and I drank half of it. 

After she placed the glass on the coffee table, she wiped my face with the towel and I flinched when it grazed my cheeks. Then she wipes my arm and gently wiped the areas where Rebecca had scratched me. After that, she applied povidone iodine to the scratches and applied the plaster.

She helped me to her room and gave me a set of her pyjamas. After I changed, I went to her bed and leaned my back on the headboard, copying what she's doing.

"Are you ready to tell me now?" she asked strictly and I nodded.

I told her everything from the start, from what happened two weeks ago up to what happened in the party. I cried again harder this time and she hugged me tightly. She caressed my hair and whispered soothing words to calm me down.

I faced her after my tears dried down.

"Jowee, I swear I didn't know what did I do wrong. I just brought him lunch because Didith told me that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. Was I wrong to force him eat even just a tiny bit? Or was I being clingy? Was it because I texted him to remind him to eat and to take a rest? Jowee, tell me what I did wrong? Please! I'm sick and tired of being kept in the dark. For these past two weeks I've been rummaging my brain for answers and yet I couldn't find any. Jowee, please tell me!" I cried again until I have no more tears left to cry.

"You did nothing wrong, Livy. It's he who did something wrong. From now on, Olivia, you will not step foot in that house. Everytime you're there you always get humiliated and insulted. You've endured all of it. They even disrespected you when all you did is to give your respect to them. And to top it all up, they chose to believe that ugly parrot without letting you explain your side." she paused and made me face her.

"If Nick really loves you, Livy, he will not humiliate you in front of so many people and he will listen to your explanation. Then he will treat these fucking scratches. He will take care of you but instead, he sided with that Rebecca. If that's what he called love then I think he's fucking crazy." Jowee spat those words and hugged me tightly. We stayed like that for a minute until I decided to break the silence.

"Jowee." I called her and she hummed and I spoke, "Thank you for being my friend. For believing in me." I smiled at her and she also smiled at me.

"Of course I'll believe you, we're sisters and I love you, sweetie." she said to me and I laid on my back and hugged her.

"I love you too." with that, I went in to slumber.

I woke up when I heard Erin's voice and the feeling of someone's rolling up the sleeves of my pyjamas. I opened my eyes and saw Erin furiously rolling up my sleeves. When she saw me already woken up, she examined my face and she became even more furious.

"Olivia, does it still hurt? Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you tell us that there's something going on with you and Niccolo? And who did this to you? Rebecca? That bitch. How dare she lift a hand on you? I will let her pay, I will let them pay for they did to you." Anger was evident in Erin's eyes and before I knew it, my tears streamed down again and I hugged her tightly.

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